Best The Finals Light build – class, weapons, and gadgets

The Finals Light’s best build is perfect if you want to play at a faster pace than the other two classes, outmaneuvering and defeating your opponents in every way while also being the main cash grab for your team. . While most weapons offered to Light players don’t have as much power, their agility and stealth ability make the Light class ideal more than makes up for it.

One thing to keep in mind is that to use the best Light version in The Finals, you’ll need to play enough games to earn some VR and unlock the right gear. This includes some of the best weapons in The Finals because each class only starts with two weapons unlocked by default.

Best light construction in the finals

The class overview screen for the best Luz build in The Finals.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Embark Studios

Here is the best light class in the finals:

  • Specialization:: Cloaking Device
  • Weapon:: M11 or XP-54
  • Gadget:: Smoke grenade
  • Gadget:: Vanishing Bomb
  • Gadget:: Grenade Goo

It cannot be understated how effective the cloaking device is in the finals. This isn’t a pseudo-invisibility effect where it’s still easy to see the player’s outline, it’s a real thing. You can spot an invisible player if you’re extremely focused, but in a fast-paced game like The Finals, where invisible players probably do it mid-fight and then dive, it’s like literally disappearing into thin air.

Once you learn how to do this effectively, the cloaking device will be the biggest crutch you can have as a Light player. Keep in mind that as soon as you fire your weapon, use a gadget, or even a melee attack, the invisibility will go away, but you can turn it back on before it finishes recharging if necessary.

As for the rest of the class, the most effective weapon is the M11 or the XP-54 depending on how you want to play. The first is a submachine gun that excels when you’re up close and personal, while the second is essentially an MP5 and a little better from further back, so go with whichever you personally prefer. Ultimately, all three devices revolve around this duck-and-move style of play, appearing where enemies least expect you. The smoke grenade helps you take cover, as does the dash bomb. The latter may seem like overkill if you already have the Sync Device, but the ability to throw it at a teammate to turn them invisible also makes it incredibly powerful when attacking defended retreats. Lastly, you can use the Goo Grenade to block doors to the target, or as a last resort to cover yourself if you can’t turn invisible.

With all these elements combined, your opponents hate playing against you. Even better if you have everyone on your team using the same equipment.

Categories: Guides

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