Rogue Legacy 2 best class choice and how to unlock classes explained

Choosing between classes in Rogue Legacy 2 can be a little overwhelming with so many options available.

Playing a certain class requires you to first unlock it with gold coins. Even then, you can’t just choose the same character for each run, as you only get three random classes from what you’ve unlocked.

You’re not always guaranteed to get a certain one, but this guide will cover the best classes in Rogue Legacy 2 for both general gameplay and boss fights.

If you’re looking for more help on how to read those “Thousand Whispers” orbs, our Rogue Legacy 2 Memory Fragments page can help.

In this page:

How important are classes in Rogue Legacy 2?

Since the game follows a roguelite formula, you can choose a class at the beginning of each run. However, only three random options of your unlocked classes are available.

Choosing one of the best classes in Rogue Legacy 2 can often extend your runs through its deadly castle, while choosing a class with low health/mana for a mediocre talent can end your journey without making much progress.

Keep in mind that traits are just as important as classes in Rogue Legacy 2. It’s no good choosing a character with a large health bar and a powerful weapon if their health is halved and their weapon is replaced with a sign of the peace that causes no harm.

It is also recommended to visit the blacksmith and sorceress to obtain better weapons, armor and passive skills to expand and get the most out of each run. As well as improving strength, dexterity, intelligence, health and mana in your growing mansion.

How to unlock all classes in Rogue Legacy 2

Rogue Legacy 2 has 15 classes to choose from:

  • Killer
  • astromancer
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Boxer
  • Chef
  • Lancer Dragon
  • Duelist
  • gunfighter
  • Gentleman
  • magician
  • Pirate
  • ranger
  • ronin
  • valkyrie

To unlock a class, you must spend gold coins, but you must also reach a certain Manor level. The Ronin, for example, costs 2,250 gold coins and your mansion must be level 48 or higher. Mansion level is obtained by spending your gold coins in the skill tree.

You have the opportunity to access your skill tree at the beginning of each run and can spend any gold coins you earned before dying. Charon will take any unspent gold when you re-enter the castle, so be sure to unlock as many skills, weapons, or enchantments as you can!

The best classes in Rogue Legacy 2

While most classes have their use in certain situations, we recommend Chef, Duelist, Valkyrie, and Ronin as the best class in Rogue Legacy 2, as they are effective in fighting normal enemies and bosses.


Although the Chef class has low health and low mana regeneration, it has incredible talent, weapon, and critical attack effectiveness.

The Chef uses a Frying Pan as his main weapon, which has a slight delay before hitting, but compensates by applying Burn when an enemy is hit. The frying pan can also hit projectiles, turning them into fireballs with a medium-range arc, which also causes enemies to burn.

Hitting enemies once and then running to safety while Burn does all the work for you is the most effective way to play as Chef. However, after hitting a projectile, you will receive a charge for three seconds, meaning that if you hit an enemy during this time, they will crit.

  • Talent: Unless replaced by a trait, the Chef’s talent is a pot for making Stew, which restores health and mana. Even better, the pot has three charges, which can be refilled by collecting food.
  • Main stat upgrade: Intelligence. It will increase the amount of health your stew restores, magic damage, and burn damage from both direct hits and fireball damage when projectiles are deflected.


The Duelist has average health and good mana, with a great passive skill and a fast weapon that deals a lot of crits when used correctly.

A saber is the duelist’s weapon of choice, and when used in the air, it is the fastest weapon in the game. These are called Swings and can be combined with a ground attack (Lunge) to achieve an effective and fast combo.

The Saber will crit on an enemy if used while running. Therefore, you can combine air, ground, running and talent attacks to completely destroy opponents in a matter of seconds. It’s a particularly good weapon against bosses, as it can deliver the most hits when you have short gaps between its attacks.

  • Talent: Duelists have a combat roll as their default talent, dealing damage to all enemies they pass. The combat roll will also charge you for a second after using it, meaning you need to aim to hit right after you roll to get a critical. It is also a very effective talent for avoiding projectiles and weapons of all sizes due to the invulnerability it grants while you are rolling.
  • Primary Stat Upgrades: Dexterity to improve criticals, Strength to improve weapon base damage.


With low health and a slow weapon, the Valkyrie doesn’t seem like one of the best classes in Rogue Legacy 2. However, her useful talent and weapon range make her stand out from the rest.

The Valkyrie’s Fauchard (spear) may be a little slower than others, but you can aim her attacks up, down, left and right. This is effective for eliminating enemies on different levels without getting hurt. Attacking while running will also damage the enemy.

  • Talent: Fauchard can also deflect and destroy small and medium projectiles using Valkyrie’s Deflect talent. This damages enemies caught in the explosion, and a successful deflection will instantly recharge the talent and restore mana. Consequently, the Valkyrie is very effective against projectiles, especially when using magic between deflections.
  • Primary stat upgrade: Strength to damage weapon, Intelligence to deflect damage.


A Ronin’s Katana has the longest range of any weapon in the game, a deadly teleportation talent, and a passive that increases all types of damage. To compensate for their power, Ronin unfortunately have long cooldowns, low health, and average mana.

The Ronin uses a Katana, which is very effective against enemies at medium range, due to the long reach of the blade. Hitting with the tip of the sword deals a critical, meaning that Ronin are most effective when playing precisely and defensively.

Since the Ronin has the Lone Traveler passive, all damage types are increased by 20 percent, making it one of the deadliest, but slow, classes in Rogue Legacy 2.

  • Talent: To make the Ronin as powerful as possible, be sure to use his Immortal Kotetsu talent. This teleports you a short distance, making it an effective way to retreat from combat, as you are also invulnerable during this time. The talent also damages any enemies you teleport through. Due to its power, there is a five-second cooldown for Immortal Kotestsu. However, this resets if you kill an enemy with the talent, making it very effective against groups of weaker enemies.
  • Primary Stat Upgrades: Strength for weapon damage, Intelligence for Immortal Kotestsu damage.

If you’re looking for more help on how to read those “Thousand Whispers” orbs, our Rogue Legacy Memory Shards page can help.

Categories: Guides

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