Metal Gear Solid 5 – Lingua Franca: Afrikaans interpreter location, Viscount location

Metal Gear Solid 5 - Lingua Franca: Afrikaans interpreter location, Viscount location

Welcome to Metal Gear Solid 5 – Lingua Franca, the fourteenth main story mission of the game, following Pitch Dark.

Lingua Franca Mission Checklist:

  • Afrikaans interpreter identified.
  • Viscount identified
  • Extracted the Viscount
  • He identified the location of the 4 prisoners from an intelligence file.
  • 3 prisoners held in Kiziba camp were extracted
  • A container of materials was removed from the Kiziba camp.
  • He listened to the interrogations of the 4 prisoners.

6 Metal Gear Solid 5 Fan Theories So Crazy They Might Be True

Before you head out on your next mission, it’s worth returning to Mother Base for an update on Quiet – you’ll get a fun little cutscene when it’s time to leave. Once you’re back in the air, select 14-Lingua Franca from your mission menu, then choose the landing zone just southwest of Camp Kiziba. Keep DD as your friend, set your delivery time to 06:00 and then start your mission.

This time, your main objective is to find and extract a British prisoner (known as the Viscount) from the nearby Kiziba camp. But you also have a second objective: locate the Afrikaans interpreter in the area. His job is to interrogate the prisoners in the camp; Therefore, if you find him, you can follow him directly to the Viscount. What’s more, if you manage to get him back to Mother Base, his language skills will be invaluable during later challenges.

Lingua Franca: Find your Afrikaans interpreter

Once your helicopter reaches the mission area, disembark and immediately begin running northeast across the grassland, heading for the yellow objective marker. A little further on, you will see a group of cabins in the distance and will be alerted to the presence of enemies.

Crouch and continue forward until you reach the small hill overlooking the main road near the watchtower. You’ll immediately see a group of guards nearby: two facing south and another escorting a prisoner towards them. Quickly whip out your binoculars and mark them all, getting in close to the face of the stationary guard in the green beret – this is the interpreter you’re looking for.

As Ocelot points out, you only need to extract the viscount to complete the quest, but if you wish to rescue additional prisoners on your travels (like the one you’re currently looking at), you’re more than welcome. Before you do anything else, however, do a quick sweep of the area with your binoculars to look for any remaining hostiles.

Rescue the optional prisoners.

Then, turn your attention to the guards and the prisoner. They will soon begin moving northeast along the main road. Shortly after, however, the group will separate: a guard will accompany the prisoner along the dirt road leading east, while the interpreter and his friend will continue along the main road towards the northeast.

Immediately approach the guard and prisoner, staying on the hill that runs along the dirt road. Stay low and use tall grass as cover. As soon as you have a clear view of the soldier, he shoots a tranquilizer at his head. Next, Fulton the prisoner and the guard leave the area. You will receive some information about the viscount, but not enough to be useful.

Next, locate the interpreter again as you continue your journey northeast. If you’ve worked fast enough, he’ll continue walking down the main road with his friend in tow. Please note that the performer will appear as a red triangle inside a yellow circle on your HUD. As soon as you have the interpreter in your sights, get close and start following him, staying very close and, of course, without being seen.

Soon, as the two men approach the bend in the road, they will break into a run. Immediately speed up your pace so as not to lose them. As you approach the concrete blocks lining the path, look for the small covered area on the right, which is located at the near end of the large building nearby. There’s another guard stationed here and a second prisoner lying on the ground.

Wait for the interpreter to approach the prisoner and then carefully slide into position. Note that he can hide behind the small corrugated fence surrounding the area without fear of discovery. Shortly, the soldiers will begin interrogating their captive. Finally, once the sequence ends, the performer will hop into a nearby jeep and head back down the road to the southwest.

Quickly take down the only guard in the area, then Fulton, him and the prisoner at his feet, back to Mother Base. That only leaves one optional hostage to go.

To free the last optional prisoner, you will have to act quickly. Locate the interpreter again (via the flashing yellow circle on your HUD) and run back along the main road leading southwest. Once you reach the building on the right, stop and immediately turn southeast; The interpreter should be directly in front, although at some distance.

Run forward over the rocks (keeping an eye out for any enemies in the area) and stop once the ramshackle enemy camp, surrounding a large body of water, comes into view. Your target should be stationed in the main building below the windmill on the other side of the water.

Before continuing, take out your binoculars and scan the area for hostiles. Next, begin traveling counterclockwise around the perimeter of the camp, staying low to avoid detection. Continue going around until you reach the south side of the windmill you noticed earlier and stop near the cages and tarp located nearby.

If you moved quickly enough, the prisoner in this area should still be alive, lying near the cages and with a guard nearby. Quickly position yourself on the slope facing the tarp (it’s near a truck with a satellite dish on the roof) and eliminate the guard. Note that you can shoot a tranquilizer at his exposed legs to quickly take him down if his helmet is in the way. Once the guard is out of the count, he, Fulton, and the prisoner leave the area.

Do you need help with Phantom Pain? Our Metal Gear Solid 5 guide and walkthrough explains how to complete each main story mission and explains its many optional objectives. We also have lists of blueprint locations, ribbon locations, key item locations, how to unlock S Ranks, and a list of Metal Gear Solid 5 achievements and trophies.

Locate the interpreter and wait for his or her turn to end.

Once the three prisoners have been rescued, it is time to focus your attention on completing your main objective: locating and extracting the viscount.

Thanks to the information you’ve gathered so far, the Viscount’s predicted field of movement should now be visible on your map: it’s represented by a zigzag line north of your current position. Of course, you are free to investigate the area immediately. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will track the interpreter’s movements to ensure a successful appointment.

Start by locating the interpreter again; he should be somewhere towards the center of the camp. However, you may have to search a little to find it. Once the interpreter reaches the large building below the windmill, he will begin his daily guard patrol. When this happens, he will continually circle the camp, moving counterclockwise until the sun sets.

There’s nothing to do now but wait. Find a safe spot with a view of the main camp building (this is where the interpreter will depart once he finishes his shift) and settle in. Feel free to take out some hostiles back to Mother Base if you start to get bored, and don’t forget to grab Kajagoogoo’s ‘Too Shy’ from the tape player in the green tent near the communications truck.

Follow the interpreter and locate the viscount.

Once the sun finally sets and the performer makes his move, start following him down the dirt road. As usual, stay far enough behind him to avoid detection and watch out for guard patrols. When you reach the main road running northeast (near where the mission started), you’ll follow it a short distance and then dive into the group of buildings on the slope to the right.

Stay behind him and you will eventually reach the building (located just northeast of the watchtower at the top of the hill) where the viscount’s interrogation will take place. Wait for the interpreter to enter and then go to the back of the building. Lie face down under the open window and wait. Before long, D-Dog will sniff out the Viscount as you are escorted down the road to his position.

Stay quiet a little longer, and when the viscount approaches, look over the side of the building and use your binoculars to scan his face, confirming his identity. Then, return to your spot under the window. Once the viscount enters the building, you will have to deal with the interpreter and any additional guards inside. He tries to calm down the enemies through the open window or hit the wall and take out your opponents one by one.

To finish the mission, Viscount Fulton and the interpreter exit the area and then move away from the Hot Zone as quickly as possible. When the report is over, he summons a helicopter and returns to the air. However, before moving on to your next mission, there is one last matter to attend to.

Visit Quiet at Mother Base

Call your iDroid and begin a return to Mother Base, choosing the Medical Platform as your Landing Zone. Once you land, 111-Visit Quiet will be added to your Side Ops mission list. Select it, then follow the yellow objective marker to Quiet’s holding cell. Once the cutscene ends, Quiet will be added to your friends list, meaning he can accompany you on the field from now on. Needless to say, those sniper skills will come in handy!

– The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Footprints of the Phantoms.

– Stuck somewhere else? Return to the first page to see the rest of our Metal Gear Solid 5 walkthrough.

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