Subsurface Circular walkthrough: Spoiler-free guide to completing every chapter on Switch, PC and iOS

Subsurface Circular walkthrough: Spoiler-free guide to completing every chapter on Switch, PC and iOS

Subsurface Circular is from the team behind Volume and Thomas Was Alone, and is an adventure game with a twist, where you play a detective investigating a series of disappearances by interviewing passengers on a train.

Oh, and you and the other passengers are robots too.

It’s played primarily through dialogue options, but there are a few puzzles along the way that may cause you to get stuck. This is where this Subsurface Circular tutorial comes into play.

Underground Circular Tutorial

We’ve written this guide to be a spoiler-free guide, although in an attempt to make certain puzzle solutions as clear as possible, we’ve had to include some full dialogue options (and screenshots), so be warned. . Read ahead if you can avoid it.

And then what follows is a final chapter (7), which does not need a walkthrough or guide to complete.

Underground Circular Guide – How the Game Works

Subsurface Circular takes place by talking to passengers on a train next to or in front of you. Each discussion offers options, and while you can choose how you want to respond, there are no points of no return or “bad” ways to play – choose what suits the situation.

In addition to direct answers, you can also offer lines of questioning called “focus points.” They are orange tabs at the bottom of the screen and can be selected during certain pauses in the conversation.

The flow of the game allows you to talk to passengers and see who they are and what they are doing, and then ask the focus points to see if they can help you with your queries. These conversations can unlock more points of focus.

If you’re stuck, try to exhaust all your dialogue options and then talk to other people on the train next to you.

Certain puzzles will require you to pay attention to what passengers are saying and respond in specific ways. If you’re stuck, the links listed above have links to each chapter to help you through the flow.

Once you’re done with the game, two additional features will be unlocked: an image gallery and developer commentary, if you fancy playing the game again with some insights from the people who created it.

Categories: Guides

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