Pokémon Go Fighting Cup Remix best team recommendations

Pokémon Go Fighting Cup Remix best team recommendations

Fighting Cup Remix is ​​here and restrictions, as they say, breed creativity, but rarely do we see a special Pokémon Go Go Battle League cup as restricted as this one. So if you’re ready to find out if you have what it takes to win, now is the time to start looking for the best Fighting Cup Remix team in Pokémon Go.

The Pokémon Go Grand League rules apply here, but with more restrictions than usual. As with the standard Fighting Cup, your task is to create the most effective team possible with 1500 CP or less. Once again, only fighting-type Pokémon are allowed and psychic-type Pokémon are banned, but this time there are also four banned Pokémon that are considered too strong for a fair fight.

Things you should know about how to form a Fighting Cup Remix team in Pokémon Go

The advantage of the 1500 CP limit is that, like the Great League, forming a team is relatively cheap and easier in terms of Stardust.

The downside to this specific cup is that it is so extremely restricted that the pool of usable options is only around 50 Pokémon, meaning there are really only 20-25 viable Pokémon if you want to be competitive.

With the ban on psychic types, we must pay attention to the other weaknesses of this type: fairy and flying.

Not you, Medicham.

With a complete lack of fairy/fighting types in the game, that option is a safe one. However, flying moves in fighting types are not unheard of. To protect against this, and the fact that mono-fighting types tend to be extremely glassy, ​​you’ll want to explore your options to find a team that has the right level of defense to be competitive.

Zapdos of Galar.

There’s only one legendary Pokémon to seriously consider here: Galarian Zapdos. But, since this is only available to those who are very lucky with both Adventure Incense and capture rates, we’ll ignore it. If you have it, it’s a great choice alongside Counter, Ancient Power and Brave Bird, but we’re well aware that a significant minority of readers will own one.

Now we come to the list of prohibitions. All ‘Remix’ cups are based on a previous cup, but attempt to revolutionize the meta by banning the most powerful (or popular) Pokémon that were overrepresented in the last iteration. So in this case, the Pokémon that made it to the Fighting Cup but are banned in Fighting Cup Remix are:

  • Hakamo-o
  • Kommo-o
  • Buzzwole
  • Sneasler

This shakes up the meta more than you might imagine, as not only does it eliminate the most powerful Pokémon, but everything that was introduced specifically to defeat them is no longer relevant or necessary. So if you participated in the Fighting Cup and had a great team, you should still take a look at the recommendations below to see how your matchups have changed.

And, if you don’t have our recommended Big League picks, you can probably find them pretty easily in the wild. It also makes Community Day, which offers an easy source of strong Pokémon that perform well at lower CP levels, a more attractive proposition.

No matter which League you enter, remember to look for Pokémon with a decent amount of bulk (the ability to survive charged moves (depending on the type of weakness) so you can fire off some of your own) and those that best counter or expose weaknesses. . in the current meta (which is a term for what the community is currently using).

While there are specific Pokémon that dominate this meta, remember that with Go Battle League (and player vs. player battles in general) you’ll be going in blind; So even if you cover yourself with a wide range of offensive and defensive options, no team is invincible.

Still, even with some of the following Pokémon on your team, you should be able to get better results than if you selected those that came as close to the 1500 CP limit as possible.

The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! Its first event is A Paldean Adventure, which sees the true launch of Gen 9 and the special research mission A Paldean Adventure. You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

Our Pokémon Go Fighting Cup Remix recommendations

There is no “best” team you can choose (since, as mentioned above, you don’t know what you’re up against) and not everyone has access to all Pokémon types.

Instead, here’s a general list of recommended Pokémon Fighting Cup Remix for team building, with a wide range of sources that should suit all players, whether you’ve been collecting creatures since day one or just started playing. .

Remember that you are only allowed one of each in Go Battle League, and ideally, you will want to build a team with different types of strengths and defense. For example, if you build a team with all mono-fighting types, anything with a move like Aerial Ace will make you sad.

It’s also worth noting that if you really want to compete, each of your Pokémon needs two charged moves. If you want to skimp on Stardust and execute just one move, do so at your own risk: you have been warned.

Our Pokémon Go Fighting Cup Remix team recommendations in order of appearance in the National Pokédex; While there is some overlap with the Big League guide, be sure to read the entire entry as it may recommend some move changes:

Shadow Polira

Type: Water / Fighting Perfect IVs: 00/14/15 Recommended Moves: Mud Shot (Fast), Ice Punch (Charged), Scald (Charged) Poliwrath Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Flying, Grass and Psychic

Shadow Poliwrath is probably the best option as a leader in Fighting Cup Remix, offering incredible shield pressure with Mud Shot into Ice Punch, with Scald as a higher energy option with a 30% chance to weaken your opponent’s attack. on one level.

The problem, of course, is how glassy Shadow Pokémon are. The important thing is that he can fight his way through enemies like Toxicroak (the demon of this meta), he will lose to Machoke, Machamp and Sirfetch’d, these are all problems to consider.

If you don’t have a Shadow version, don’t run it: you will no longer beat Toxicroak, which is the main draw of this Pokémon.


Type: Fighting Perfect IVs: 00/14/11 Recommended Moves: Counterattack (Fast), Cross Slash (Charged), Close Combat (Charged) Machamp Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, and Psychic

It wouldn’t be the Fighting Cup without the fighters’ MVP, right? Machamp has exactly the same structure that was recommended in the standard Fighting Cup.

As a used counter that hits incredibly hard, it’s a great choice. However, its lack of dual writing makes it incredibly inflexible, leaving it open to the natural glass cannon issue we mentioned earlier.

Still, both Shadow and regular Machamp are incredible here and apply a lot of pressure very quickly. Just keep in mind that Close Combat is your Hail Mary when you’re low on HP, as there’s a 100% chance your defense will seriously drop, and it doesn’t end well when you use it too soon.

Machamp will defeat Poliwrath, Galarian Farfetch’d, and Throh, but lose to Shadow Machoke, Sirfetch’d, and Sawk. Importantly, he will also lose to Toxicroak.

Galar Farfetch’d

Type: Fighting Perfect IVs: 00/15/15 Recommended Moves: Fury Cutter (fast), Brave Bird (charged), Leaf Blade (charged) Farfetch’d Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, and Psychic

It’s rare that we don’t jump to a Pokémon’s fully evolved form in Go Battle League, but this is an example where the apprentice beats the master. Sirfetch’d, interestingly, is not as good as G’fetch’d.

This is mainly due to an anti-Toxicroak technology: Fury Cutter has a very fast charge and allows you to remove shields with Leaf Cutter or quickly take down a Brave Bird to hopefully hit a Toxicroak. Brave Bird will ruin your defense, with a guaranteed three-stage drop, so use it as a Hail Mary.

There’s not much point in going over the matchups, as the cool healer attack is here for a good while, not a long time, but it loses to almost anything with biceps, thanks to its lack of pre-evolution bulk; However, he hits hard enough with his charged moves to defeat Water and Bug types, along with Toxicroak, Sirfetch’d, and Throh.


Type: Poison / Fighting Perfect IVs: 01/15/15 Recommended Moves: Counterattack (Fast), Mud Bomb (Charged), Mud Bomb (Charged) Toxicroak Weaknesses: Psychic, Flying, and Ground

Welcome to the Fighting Toxicroak Cup Remix!

Every team created by anyone who has done even cursory research will know that everyone is either executing this or trying to beat it. There are only four Pokémon in the entire meta that it loses to in a fair fight: Throh, Shadow Poliwrath, Crabrawler, and Galarian Farfetch’d. No matter what your team is, you should run one of those four and, ideally, a Toxicroak to go with it.

We’re really surprised this hasn’t fallen under the ban, because as a result this Cup is going to be incredibly heavy.

There’s not much more to say: Counter is the best fast attack in the game, Mud Bomb is for the mirror, and Sludge Bomb will deal great STAB damage. Toxicroak is spammy and flexible, but is weak to Ground and Flying, so hide from them or try to exploit it as you see fit.


Type: Fighting Perfect IVs: 02/15/15 Recommended Moves: Counter (Fast), Brave Bird (Charged), Leaf Blade (Charged) Sirfetch’d Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying and Psychic

Since absolutely everything in this meta is weak to flying, Sirfetch running Brave Bird with STAB will be a huge help to your team.

The problem, of course, is that his pre-evolved form (Galarian Farfetch’d) hits faster, meaning he defeats the meta demon, Toxicroak, something this honorable knight cannot do. And for the same reason, he also loses to Galarian Farfetch’d.

Likewise, it has the same drawback: Brave Bird reduces your defense by three stages. This means that while it’s a great attack if it wins you the match, it can easily lose you if you don’t time it right! Just keep this in mind if you’re considering one for your team.

Hisuian Sneasel

Type: Fighting/Poison Perfect IVs: 01/15/14 Recommended Moves: Poison Jab (Fast), Close Combat (Charged), Air Ace (Charged) Sneasler Weaknesses: Psychic, Flying, and Ground

Just because Sneasler is banned doesn’t mean Sneasel is also out of action. Here we are referring to the word of the law, not the spirit of the law; and that means losing the Ghost-type fast attack in favor of a Poison-type, and taking a slight stat hit, but leaving you with a perfectly decent Pokémon for this cup.

Poison as a second type is a great option in this cup, as demonstrated by Sneasler and Toxicroak.

If you’re prepared to take this stat hit, Hisuian Sneasel will help you defeat Machoke, Sawk, and Hitmonlee, but you’ll fight Shadow Machoke and Galarian Farfetch’d, and lose hard against Throh, Toxicroak, and Shadow. Polyira.

The Fighting Cup Remix will run until Thursday, December 15 and will end at the following time:

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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