Pokémon Go Castform forms explained

Collecting all Pokémon Go Castforms is another goal to aim for when you’ve finally completed your Gen 3 Pokédex.

Like Unown in Pokémon Go, there are multiple types (known as forms) of the same creature to discover in the wild.

However, unlike Unown, there are only a few to track, and they don’t depend on an event or pure luck, but on the weather.

How many Pokémon Go Castforms are there?

If you are looking to capture all types of Castform, there are a total of four shapes you should pay attention to.

Although Castform as a whole takes up one entry in your Pokedex, selecting it reveals the various forms available to you and which ones you’ve captured.

Each form has a unique appearance depending on the type it takes, whether Normal, Sunny, Rainy or Snowy.

Fortunately, each variant you haven’t caught will show up as a shadow on your radar, highlighting the fact that you haven’t caught that shape yet.

Unlike Unown, which added additional forms over generations, Castform’s four forms were available during Generation 3, and as such can be captured in-game right now, under the right conditions.

Looking for more Pokémon Go tips and tricks? The latest events are Legendary Week and the return of Party Hat Pikachu for Pokémon Day, and the next Community Day will take place in March. There are even more raid bosses in circulation now, too, and these follow the final wave of Pokémon Gen 3 that arrived in February, which introduced Castform and Swablu, as well as changes to the 2km, 5km, and 10 egg tables. km, regional exclusives and friend distances. and bright. In the meantime, completionists in the ever-expanding Pokédex may want to read up on the various special items available, as well as the various methods for determining Eevee evolutions.

How to get all forms of Pokémon Go Castform

Castform forms are based entirely on the current climate you are experiencing. While it’s not an exact science (very much Pokémon Go’s weather effects system), generally speaking, here’s how you can expect to find each of them:

cast form climatic conditions
Normal plaster shape Clear weather, Cloudy weather, Windy weather
sunny castform Sunny weather (possibly even at night)
rainy way Rainy weather
snowy shape Snowy weather, foggy weather

Note that once a particular Castform has been generated, it will not change form if the weather changes later.

It was a 20-minute round trip in the freezing cold, but it was worth it: pic.twitter.com/du3y9uaGEu

—Matthew Reynolds (@Crazyreyn) February 26, 2018

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You can also spawn Castform from lures and incense, also adopting the climate in which it originally appeared.

Thanks to The Silph Road subreddit for filling in the gaps (for spawning, fog spawning, and night spawning in particular).

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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