Modern Warfare 2 Signal 50 sniper best class setup and how to unlock the Signal 50

Modern Warfare 2 Signal 50 sniper best class setup and how to unlock the Signal 50

The Signal 50 is a sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 2.

It is a high-damage sniper rifle, the only one in the Modern Warfare 2 beta, equipped with a variable zoom scope. Although customization options are limited, with perks you can create a Signal 50 class to take advantage of what’s available.

As for when to use it, you’ll want to set yourself up somewhere cozy, ready to take in those long-range sightlines, and we recommend larger maps in modes like ‘Invasion’, Modern Warfare 2’s new 20v20 mode.

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How to unlock the Signal 50 sniper in the Modern Warfare 2 beta

Signal 50 is unlocked by simply reaching level 20 in the Modern Warfare 2 beta. Play matches, complete objectives, and kill net players to earn XP and reach 20!

From then on, you will be able to equip and use the Signal 50 in your own custom loadouts. That said, the level of customization is quite limited…

How do Signal 50 attachments work in the Modern Warfare 2 beta?

In the Modern Warfare 2 beta, the Signal 50 does not have accessories that can be unlocked or equipped manually, however, it comes pre-built with a variable zoom range.

If you’re looking to try out the Signal 50 with accessories, it seems the only way is to select the default ‘Lone Survivor – Sentinel’ loadout during matches; Here, it’s enhanced with four attachments on the sniper, including an extended magazine.

However, you’re still free to customize your personal playstyle, thanks to a selection of perks and loadouts that will best accompany the Signal 50 sniper.

Modern Warfare 2 Signal 50 Best Class Build, Perks and Gear

Since the Signal 50 is a high-powered sniper rifle, perfect for long-range encounters, it is very effective in modes that feature larger maps, such as Invasion.

However, whether you’re playing the basic 6v6 modes or something like Invasion, staying in the shadows and keeping a low profile will be your best bet.

As such, we’re picking out a set of perks and loadouts to help you stay calm while you pop heads from a safe distance.

These are the recommended perks and equipment to make the best Signal 50 class build in the Modern Warfare 2 beta:

  • Basic benefit 1: Excess
  • Basic Perk 2: Tracker
  • Additional benefit: concentration / replenishment / fast hands
  • Maximum Perk: Ghost/High Alert
  • Secondary: Lachmann Sub/M16
  • Lethal: Claymore
  • Tactic: Smoke Grenade / Decoy Grenade
  • Field Upgrade: Portable Radar/Tactical Insertion

Perk customization has changed in Modern Warfare 2, but the basics of equipping them remain the same: To get started, create a custom ‘Perk Pack’.

For basic buffs, we recommend Overkill and Tracker.

Overkill allows you to take on a second primary weapon, giving you backup in case you need to move locations or defend yourself from oncoming enemies.

Tracker is ideal for stealth playstyles: enemies leave a trail of footprints, while your kill markers are hidden from the enemy team.

For your added benefit, there are some good options: Our starting shout would be Focus, reducing the recoil of down sights (ADS) and extending the duration of your sniper’s breath.

However, if you want flexibility, Replenishment or Fast Hands are the best options.

The former allows you to generate an additional lethal grenade, ideal for establishing stronger defenses, and causes your team to recharge after 25 seconds, providing an endless supply of tactical and lethal grenades.

Fast Hands, on the other hand (no pun intended), reduces weapon swap times, something quite notable for the Signal 50 considering its heavy weight, and an advantage with Overkill.

When it comes to your ‘ultimate perk’, Ghost is a great choice if you prefer stealth, as it will hide you from enemy UAVs, portable radars and heartbeat sensors, allowing you to keep a low profile .

Alternatively, if you’re looking to stay alert, you want High Alert, which alerts you on the screen when an enemy detects you.

In terms of secondary weapon, since we selected Overkill, we will choose a primary weapon: for 6v6 game modes, the Lachmann Sub is an excellent choice for its effectiveness at close range.

However, if you’re playing ‘Invasion’, since the maps are wide, you’ll want to wear something a little more suitable as you traverse and change positions.

The M16, equipped with Hybrid Firepoint optics that allow you to switch between a 4x scope and a red dot sight (unlocked by leveling the Lachmann-762 to level 14), acts as a brilliant backup to the Signal 50.

Since the emphasis of our loadout is on finding a particular spot to shoot from, our lethal recommendation is one that has your back.

The Claymore is a solid choice for its proximity-based detonation; However, it is not unlocked until level 27, so we recommend using the proximity mine until then.

In the Tactical slot, you’ll want to beef up the stealth aspect of the class.

Smoke grenades are a good choice here, especially for Invasion, as they create a cloud of smoke that will help you cover your approach.

Decoy grenades are also worth trying, even if they are niche, as they can lure enemies in by creating false and distracting radar signals, which could open you up for an elimination.

As for field improvement, you can’t go wrong with a portable radar in your position to keep an eye out for incoming opponents.

However, Tactical Insert is useful to have, especially for larger modes, as it allows you to mark a location where you will spawn next – perfect if you’ve found an effective sniper nest.

Without accessories, it’s hard to fully lean into a different playstyle for the Signal 50 during the beta.

However, with our recommendations and whatever you want to play with, there is still some flexibility, especially useful when there are a few modes to try it out.

Enjoy the rest of the Modern Warfare 2 beta, and if you’re looking for other weapons to play with, we also recommend the M4 and FSS Hurricane.

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