Metal Gear Solid 5 – Voices: Shabani location, Man on Fire boss fight

Welcome to Metal Gear Solid 5 – Voices, the twentieth main story mission of the game, following On The Trail.

Voices Mission Checklist:

  • Shabani extracted
  • Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
  • Fought the burning man
  • Identified route to Ngumba Industrial Zone, West Guard Post from an Intel file
  • African wild dog removed near Ngumba industrial zone
  • I heard the conversation about the “bodies at Munoko ya Nioka station”

6 Metal Gear Solid 5 Fan Theories So Crazy They Might Be True

When you’re ready for more action, select 20 voices from your quest list. This time there is only one landing zone (northwest of Munoko and Nioka Station), so choose it and go to the preparation screen for departure. Choose D-Horse as your friend, set the delivery time to 06:00, and then start the mission.

Your next objective is to locate and rescue Shabani, the leader of the boys you freed from the mines earlier in the game. Intel suggests that he is detained in the Ngumba industrial zone, also known as the Devil’s House by locals. So, it’s nothing sinister.

Voices: Arrive at the Ngumba industrial area, then find a way to cross the valley.

Once you land, mount your horse and open your iDroid. You will see that the Ngumba industrial zone (your final destination) is located a considerable distance to the northeast. To reach it, we will work along the northwest side of the mountains that run through the center of the mission area and traverse the small pass that bisects its midpoint.

Once you’ve located the mountain pass (it goes from northwest to southeast), mark it with a waypoint marker and then head toward it. When you reach your destination, move southeast along the pass and stop when you approach the guard post ahead. Hug the rock wall on the left and carefully move along the main road heading northeast.

A little further on the path will disappear in the mud. Continue moving northeast, following the valley. Shortly, you’ll see a small guard post nestled among the rocks ahead. Dismount from D-Horse and then deal with the hostiles in the area. When the soldiers have been eliminated, proceed down the dirt path directly past the guard post. Stop at the high fence, open the gate and move to the other side.

Now on foot, run across the ravine until you reach the broken bridge. You’ll have to navigate the valley below to continue, so carefully go down the steep slope on the right. Once you reach the water, begin traveling southeast along the increasingly misty valley.

Before long you will reach another enemy outpost. Stop next to the yellow boxes on the left, crouch down, and do a quick scan of the area with your binoculars. Be aware that wild dogs roam nearby, so stay alert and counter their attacks.

When you’re ready to continue, move against the rock wall on the right and start following it. From this position, you will be able to effortlessly engage the enemies on the left bank of the river. Once all the enemies are down, continue northeast across the water.

As you approach the massive waterfall in front of you, locate the slope on the left bank. Go up the slope and stay close to the rocks on your right. The path you need to follow is difficult to spot, so it’s easiest to move along the rock wall as it turns north and then northeast.

As you climb the hill, you’ll come across another small outpost. Carefully deal with the hostiles patrolling the area and then climb up the rocky ledge immediately behind the green tent. Continue northeast, staying close to the rocks on the right and you will soon reach the mouth of a large cave. Head inside and follow the tunnel to the southeast.

Investigate the Ngumba industrial area and locate Shabani.

You’ll come out right in the middle of the objective area, so crouch immediately and head towards the large hangar ahead on the right. Slip through the open door and go around the machinery until you reach the opposite side of the building.

Once you’re outdoors again, head up the hill towards the massive water tower. Approach the tower and locate the large, squat gray building just behind it. Glide to the west-facing wall of the building and then start moving around it clockwise.

When you reach the small blue door on your right, enter the building and turn right. Then he walks down the hallway, splashing through the blood on the floor. Head left at the end of the hallway and through the door into the strange operating room. Inside, follow the trail of blood and go through the curtain.

Once the cutscene ends, follow the blood trail east through the next curtain and make your way to the other side of the room. At the end, turn left and approach the body on the table.

When the scene concludes, your immediate and very urgent task is to escape the burning giant as quickly as possible. Immediately turn around and retrace your steps through the building, following the trail of blood until you are back outside.

To finish the mission, you must reach the helicopter on the other side of the tunnel. Run down the hill towards the tunnel and as you approach the fence, turn left and jump through the open window into the hangar. Immediately turn right and continue running forward until you reach the open door you used earlier. Continue through the door and approach the tunnel entrance.

Do you need help with Phantom Pain? Our Metal Gear Solid 5 guide and walkthrough explains how to complete each main story mission and explains its many optional objectives. We also have lists of blueprint locations, ribbon locations, key item locations, how to unlock S Ranks, and a list of Metal Gear Solid 5 achievements and trophies.

Man on Fire boss fight

As you approach, a large explosion will cause the tunnel to collapse, meaning you’ll have to find an alternative escape route. Immediately open your iDroid and summon a helicopter, setting up the landing zone to the south of the mission area, just behind the large water tower. Then, turn around and go back inside the hanger.

Once you’re through the door, look immediately to the left and locate the blue water canister. He takes out a bullet gun and waits for the fire giant to spot you. When he does, he will teleport near your position and start walking towards you. Lure him towards the container and then once he’s close, shoot him; the resulting water explosion will temporarily weaken him.

Next, head south to the other end of the hangar and locate the second water canister near the westernmost wall. Repeat the same process as before, firing the bounce when your opponent is close. The helicopter should be parked at the landing zone now, so while the creature is below, jump down and jump aboard to finish the mission.

Keep in mind that there is another container on the hanger if you make a mistake and need to try again. You can also spray the giant with water from the tower if you can entice him to hit it with a fireball.

Completing the mission will award you the Factory of the Dead cassette tape. After the briefing, you’ll automatically return to Mother Base: watch the scene unfold, then summon a helicopter and get back in the air, ready for your next adventure.

– The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete The War Economy.

– Return to the first page to see the rest of our Metal Gear Solid 5 guide.

Categories: Guides

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