Math Riddles With Answers: Can You Find The Value of Red Fish and Blue Fish in 20 Seconds?

In this mathematical puzzle, we must find the values ​​of Red Fish and Blue Fish each to solve this complicated mathematical puzzle. Are you a math genius? Only 1% with high IQ can solve this complicated math puzzle in 20 seconds.

Share this math riddle with your friends, children, students, colleagues and family. These math puzzles are a great source for solving math problems in a fun way. Try to test your math knowledge and genius level with this math riddle. Let’s solve this math puzzle with pictures in 20 seconds.

If you love solving cryptic math puzzles, try this math riddle! You have 20 seconds to find the correct answer.

Math puzzles only for geniuses with high IQ!

Math riddles with answers

Mathematical Riddles with Answers: Solution

Answer: Blue Fish = 3 and Red Fish = -2


We will refer to the blue fish as X and the red fish as Y.

Let’s look at the equations mathematically.

9X – 11A = 49………………. (Equation 1)

13X – 12Y = 63……………….. (Equation 2)

We will solve the question using the elimination method.

We will have to equalize the X coefficients by eliminating the terms with ‘X’.

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We will multiply equation (1) by 13 and equation (2) by 9, and then subtract equation (2) from (1).

=> 13 x (9X – 11Y) = (49) x 13………. Equation 1

=> 9 x (13X – 12Y) = (63) x 9……….. Equation 2

We obtain,

=> 117X – 143Y = 637

=> 117X – 108Y = 567

Let’s subtract both equations. (We will subtract the LHS of Equation 1 from the LHS of Equation 1 and the RHS of Equation 2 from the RHS of Equation 2).

=> 117X – 143Y – (117X – 108Y) = 637 -567

=> 117X – 143Y – 117X + 108Y = 70

Both 117X and -117X cancel each other.

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Now we get:

=> -143 years +108 years = 70

=> -35 years = 70

=> y = -2

Now, let’s put the value of Y into equation (1) and solve to find the value of X.

=> 9X – 11Y = 69

=> 9X- 11(-2) = 49

=> 9X +22 = 49

=> 9X = 49-22

=> 9X = 27

=> X = 3

Therefore, the values ​​of X (which is Blue Fish) are 3 and Y (which is Red Fish) -2 respectively.

Good job!

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