World Hepatitis Day 2023: Date, Theme and Why is this day observed?

World Hepatitis Day 2023: World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is celebrated annually on July 28 around the world. The day commemorates the birth of American physician Dr. Baruch Samuel Blumberg. Furthermore, it aims to unite the world under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of life-threatening diseases and influence real change.

Is #WorldHepatitisDay. Liver health is crucial for #HealthForAll but viral hepatitis can devastate your liver.

Find out your hepatitis status to protect yourself and your loved ones. Check with your local healthcare provider to learn how

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO)
July 28, 2023

Prevention and care services are essential to eliminate hepatitis.

Fridays #WorldHepatitisDay, @WHO explains how you can protect yourself and others to stop transmission and save lives.

— United Nations (@UN)
July 28, 2023

World Hepatitis Day 2023: date and theme

Every year, World Hepatitis Day, celebrated on July 28, focuses on a specific theme to address key challenges related to viral hepatitis. These topics can range from raising awareness about hepatitis prevention and testing to advocating for access to treatment and services. According to the World Health Organization, the theme of WHD 2023 is “One Life, One Liver”, which also aims to eradicate hepatitis.

On the other hand, ‘We are not waiting’ is a call to action for WHD 2023, suggested by the World Hepatitis Day Organization. He further adds: “It is a call to accelerate viral hepatitis elimination efforts now and the urgent need for testing and treatment for the real people who need it.” Individuals and communities around the world are making a difference in their own lives and in the world around them. We celebrate them as we demand more action.”

What is the history of World Hepatitis Day?

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) are responsible for the creation of World Hepatitis Day. It was initially announced on May 19, but in 2010 it was rescheduled for July 28. The first World Hepatitis Day, led by the local community, was organized in 2008 by the World Hepatitis Alliance.

Subsequently, July 28 was chosen as the new date. This choice was made when the World Health Assembly agreed to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Baruch Samuel Blumberg, an American physician credited with identifying the hepatitis B virus in the 1960s and creating the vaccine for it. he.

Since then, World Hepatitis Day has served as an essential platform to unite people and organizations in the fight against this preventable and treatable disease.

Why is World Hepatitis Day celebrated?

World Hepatitis Day is celebrated to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, a global health challenge that affects millions of people. Their goal is to advocate for the prevention, testing, and treatment of hepatitis to reduce the burden of this preventable and treatable disease. By promoting awareness, World Hepatitis Day seeks to mobilize communities, health professionals and governments to take action to combat hepatitis and its devastating impact on people and societies around the world. Through education and advocacy, this celebration supports the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat, as described by the World Health Organization, and encourages collective efforts toward a healthier world free of hepatitis.

So, in conclusion, World Hepatitis Day is essential to foster a globally coordinated response and action towards the WHO goal of eradicating viral hepatitis as a major public health hazard by 2030. The Global Alliance Against Hepatitis Hepatitis, a global patient-led organization working to combat viral hepatitis, has been active in advocating for increased immunization, early diagnosis and better access to healthcare.

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