The Future of Generative AI from Google Cloud: What You Need to Know

Generative AI is a continually growing field that can revolutionize many industries. Recently, Google Cloud is launching many new initiatives to be at the forefront of this revolution. In its recent approach, Google has launched new Generative AI courses, and here you have all the details.

Learn more about #GenerativeAI free of charge! 🙌

This Google Cloud Skills Boost learning path will teach you the foundational knowledge to understand generative AI and Google Cloud’s approach to this transformative technology →

– Google Cloud (@googlecloud)
June 4, 2023

What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as images, text, or music. This contrasts with traditional AI, which focuses on analyzing and understanding existing data.

Google in its blog mentioned “Generative AI is a new type of machine learning that has been making a lot of headlines recently. Research from CIO Dive finds that seven in 10 executives say their companies are researching or exploring generative AI.

“Now is a great time to become an expert, as we are on the cusp of widespread adoption of this technology.”

Today, users can easily access platforms like ChatGPT and Bard to generate new answers to their questions and learn new things.

This is the capability of AI, it can reduce human efforts and could provide real-time information and accurate data.

Generative AI is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to be used in a wide range of applications. For example, it could be used to create realistic synthetic data to train machine learning models or to generate personalized content for users.

Some of the key features of Google Cloud Generative AI include:

Large language models: Google Cloud offers a number of large language models, including BERT, GPT-3, and LaMDA. These models can be used to generate text, translate languages, and answer questions.

Image Generation: In addition to text and answering questions, Google Cloud also offers a number of image generation models, including Image and Parti. These models can be used to create realistic images from text descriptions.

Audio generation: Google Cloud is also working on audio generation models, including WaveNet and Tacotron. These models can be used to create realistic audio from text descriptions.

Although some of these models are not fully available to users, Google is continually working to bring more AI products to the market.

What are Google’s free generative AI courses?

Google has introduced a series of free generative AI courses that can help people learn more about this exciting new field. These courses are developed to give users the ability to build their own generative AI models.

The eleven free courses on generative AI cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Introduction to large language models
  • Introduction to responsible AI
  • Fundamentals of Generative AI
  • Introduction to image generation
  • Encoder-decoder architecture
  • Attention mechanism
  • Transfer models and BERT model
  • Create Image Caption Templates
  • Introduction to Generative AI Studio

And a mission that is titled: Generative AI Explorer – Vertex AI


Source: Google

These courses are available on Google Cloud’s Skill Boost platform. Users can access the courses for free and earn a virtual badge upon completion.

By making generative AI more accessible, Google helps ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn about this cutting-edge technology and contribute to its development.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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