How to complete Under Construction in Destiny 2

Under Construction is one of several King’s Fall challenges in Destiny 2.

Under Construction takes place in the Daughters of Oryx encounter in King’s Fall and requires a departure from normal strategy. It’s more difficult, but will reward everyone on your team with extra loot if you can pull it off.

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What’s under construction in Destiny 2?

Based on builds, there is a simple rule for the Daughters of Oryx boss fight: no player can hold the same plate twice before a damage phase.

In practice, this means that every time floating platforms are built, your team must pay attention to which players used which platforms and move personnel accordingly. Once a player has stood on a platform, he cannot do so again under certain circumstances until after a boss damage phase, when the mechanic resets. One mistake and the challenge fails.

The Season of the Depths is here along with the Into the Depths quest. You can also know how to go fishing! Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Lost Sector and King’s Fall challenge rotation schedule!

Tips for completing Under Construction in Destiny 2

Typically, in the Daughters of Oryx encounter, four players will be assigned plates to hold, with two floaters completing them. One Guardian each round will be split between dimensions, and two of the plates must be placed in the correct order to allow this. player to collect an orb of light. This process is repeated two more times to form a Brand Claimer orb, and then a boss damage phase begins.

Under Construction makes a key change, no player will be able to hold the same plate twice in a single cycle. This resets after each damage phase, but requires the entire team to adopt a strategy change.

Just like before, have everyone take assigned roles and platforms and collect the first orb as usual. Once the orb is collected, everyone must rotate and be responsible for a new dish. It doesn’t matter if the rotation is clockwise or counterclockwise, as long as they all rotate the same way.

The floats will need to coordinate with each other to ensure you don’t hold the same plate twice. After the damage phase, everyone will return to their starting positions and the cycle repeats until the bosses die.

Doing this well requires great communication. Players must shout when torn between dimensions and floats must fill quickly. It is helpful for floaters to act as captains, with the rest of the team following their lead. Floaters must announce when they are filling to cover a platform and call for help when asked to cover the same platform a second time.

If you’d like help with another part of the raid, check out our complete King’s Fall guide, while our King’s Fall challenge calendar lets you know when a specific trial will be highlighted.

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