How to beat Colgera boss in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

How to beat Colgera boss in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

You need to defeat Colgera in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to complete the Temple of Wind as part of the Regional Freaks main quest near Rito Village.

Once you solve all of the Wind Temple puzzles in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and gain access to the hatch below, Colgera will emerge from the hatch after you activate the green circle near it.

Make sure you have plenty of arrows and some food to keep your health stable before hitting that green circle if you want to successfully take on the Wind Temple boss. For more tips, we detail how to beat the Colgera boss in Tears of the Kingdom below.

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How to beat the boss Colgera in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The boss of the Temple of Wind in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is Colgera, a huge flying monster that shoots icicles and summons tornadoes in three stages.

Here’s how to beat the Wind Temple boss, Colgera, during all three phases of the fight:

Colgera Wind Temple Boss – Phase 1

Your goal in all three phases of the Colgera boss fight is to use the huge surrounding wind current to control Link’s height and get closer to weak points on the ice, which you can then destroy by slowing down time with your bow and then shooting. as many arrows as you can. As you can.

During the first phase, Colgera’s ice weakness is only exposed when she starts shooting huge icicles at Link. So when the boss starts shooting the icicles, he jump and glide to the weak spot before he takes cover again.

You can actually land on the weak point to damage it during phase one instead of using arrows, but it’s safer if you draw your bow to slow down time and then damage it with your arrows.

Normal arrows worked fine for us, but it might be quicker to put bombs or other powerful items on the arrows first.

If you time your landing right, you’ll be able to break through Colgera’s first weak point.

When the weak point is destroyed, Colgera will disappear through a portal, signaling the start of the second phase.

Colgera Wind Temple Boss – Phase 2

Colgera will now periodically go through a portal and emerge from the bottom of the boss arena during the second phase of the fight.

To hurt the Wind Temple boss during this second phase, you need to slip under Colgera, making sure you’re close to the ice’s weak point, then draw your bow to slow down time and shoot arrows at him.

You’ll know Colgera is about to take damage when the weak spot looks more like a snowflake with a purple center.

If you’re having trouble aiming correctly, placing a guidance material, such as Keese’s eyeballs, on your arrows before firing will guide them to the weak point. If you are too far from the weak point, you can also place materials that make your arrows travel further, like Keese wings, but this is less reliable than homing materials.

However, if you’re running low on location materials, you might want to save them for the next phase, as it’s even more difficult to aim the bow.

Keep attacking Colgera in this way until her health bar is half full, when the third and final phase will begin.

Colgera Wind Temple Boss – Phase 3

During this final phase, your strategy is exactly the same as during the second phase: approach the weak points and use Link’s bow and arrows to damage them. However, this time it is much more difficult, as Colgera will now summon multiple tornadoes to try and stop Link.

They are hard to fly around, so we suggest using Tulin’s burst ability to quickly get away when you see one coming towards Link.

As we mentioned earlier, this is the best phase to use your locating materials, such as Keese’s eyes on Link’s arrows, to guide them to weak spots, as this is the hardest part of the fight.

Remember that you can also attach other materials to the arrows, such as bombs, to damage Colgera’s weak points faster.

Link finally defeats Colgera after destroying her ice weak points for the third time during this last phase. You will get a long story scene, a heart container, and Tulin’s Vow as part of your Wind Temple rewards.

Link receives a heart container after completing the Temple of Wind in Tears of the Kingdom.

Link receives Tulin's Vow after completing the Temple of Wind in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image Credit: Nintendo

Tulin’s Vow can be equipped from the “Key Items” menu to summon an avatar of Tulin while Link explores, allowing you to use his burst ability whenever you want, except in places like Shrines.

Now that you’ve defeated Colgera and completed the Wind Temple, why not take on the nearby Mayaumekis Shrine? The useful Frostbite Shirt is not far away either.

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