You have hawk-like eyes if you can spot the gazelle on the mountain in 5 seconds!

Optical illusions have intrigued and baffled human minds for centuries by challenging our brains to see beyond what we see with the naked eye. From mind-blowing images that play tricks on your vision to fascinating designs that defy logic, optical illusion puzzles promise to push the boundaries of your imagination. The goal of these riddles is to see what is hiding in plain sight, right under your nose. These puzzles are a great way to boost your observation skills and improve your attention to detail. So, are you ready for the optical illusion puzzle we have prepared for you today? Let’s start.

Find the gazelle in 5 seconds


Source: Creative Leadership

The image above is of a rocky mountain. You can see the rocks and the wild vegetation that grows on them. Now, there is a gazelle hidden somewhere in the picture. Can you tell it apart? You only have 5 seconds to do it. And your time begins now. All the best!

We provide the solution to this optical puzzle at the end of this article. If you want a clue, here’s one.

Optical illusion clue: the gazelle is somewhere at the top of this image.

We hope that with the help of this clue you will be able to spot the gazelle easily. Have you found it yet?

Time is running out and the countdown will begin.



and 1.

Time’s up, friends. Could you see the gazelle in 5 seconds? If not, scroll down to see the solution.

Optical Illusion Solution

Here is the gazelle:


Source: Creative Leadership

Challenge your visual skills by finding the owl in the library in 5 seconds!

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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