Yooka-Laylee walkthrough and guide to all collectables, unlocking worlds and beating bosses in the retro-styled platformer

Yooka-Laylee, the 3D platforming spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, is finally here, and along with the nostalgic ’90s throwbacks of open-world jumping and wacky anthropomorphized objects as characters, there’s plenty to do.

In our Yooka-Laylee walkthrough, we’ll walk you through the general structure of the game, including how to unlock each world, along with some of our best general tips, where to find each main Yooka-Laylee collectible, and beat each boss.

In this page:

Yooka-Laylee on Switch – it’s a great conversion!

Yooka-Laylee Walkthrough Tips: How to Unlock Each World

Before we delve into our more general tips to make your life easier in Yooka-Laylee, here’s a summary of how the game structure works and how to get around.

Your main objective is to collect Pagies. Curiously, it is never In fact Make it clear to you exactly what your goal is at any given time. When in doubt, though, it’s this: collect Pagies. You’ll need them to unlock new worlds or expand the ones you’ve already unlocked with new areas filled with other collectibles and bosses. Ultimately, everything you do should be a means to collect more Pagies!

Hivory Towers is the hub world. Again, this is pretty simple but worth mentioning. Returning to the hub world means returning to Hivory Towers, which interestingly also appears to be the lair of your main enemy. All new Great Tomes are unlocked here, as are expansions to your worlds.

How to unlock each world

Finding the numerous great tomes to unlock each world is one of the most obtuse elements of the game, so here’s where to find each of them.

1. Tribalstack Tropics: Once you are in the room with the giant golden statue, in front of it, continue forward and climb the slopes, until you reach a giant book. Interact with this to enter the first world.

2. Glitterglaze Glacier: Return to the room with the giant golden statue and climb the side platforms to a door at the top. After the test, turn right, talk to Trowser to learn a new move, glide to the ledge and head to the snowy area, where the Great Tome is.

3. Moodymaze Marsh: Go back to where you last talked to Trowser (near where Rextro’s Arcades is in the center) to see a door. She turns left as if you were returning to the golden statue room, then go right down the alley and slurp up the planet’s ice seed. Use it to open the door.

In the Archives, talk to Trowser to learn another move, then go to the central water tank to open the way forward. In the next sewer area, you must swim to the other end, under the left door, and then climb the ledges to the Great Tome.

4. Cashino Capital: Once you have the ability to use your tongue to climb the ledges, you will be able to reach the platforms in front of the Great Tome of Moodymaze Marsh. Go down and enter the hallway to a new area. Go ahead and chat with Trowser to learn a move that allows you to turn invisible to get past the door sensor. Continue and then right to reach Capital Cashino.

5. Galleon Galaxy: Inside the last part of the center where you will find Capital Cashino, and where you went left to the door sensor, go right and Trowser will be waiting for you in front of the toxic waste to teach you a flying move final. Fly over the river of toxic waste to another new location above. Here to the left, after a closed door, is the Great Tome.

Note that each world requires a greater number of Pagies to unlock and then expand, and in the end, you will need a total of 100 Pagies to face the last boss.

Also note that You don’t need to defeat the boss of each world to continue.. It’s inconsistent, but expanding the world, purchasing all currently available moves, activating and/or defeating the world boss will open the way to the next world in the hub. (And if Trowser isn’t there to help, it means you have more to do.)

So if you’re stuck and can’t continue, go as far as you can and try to unlock the next area; Doing so will allow you to purchase a few more moves and unlock some additional pages.

In the meantime, while we won’t provide an exhaustive list and location of every Pagie, here are highlights of a few from early in the game.

Yooka-Laylee Guides and Collectibles.


Here are strategies to defeat each boss located at the end of each extended world.


Here are complete lists of where to find every collectible and upgrade (except Pagies and Quills, which are three and four figures respectively) throughout the hub and in each world.

Yooka-Laylee Tips and Tricks

For a game that sometimes goes to great lengths to explain the most basic skills to you (instructions on how to jump, crouch, and all the usual basic inputs are spelled out in detail), there are some surprisingly oblique mechanics.

Everything from how the worlds are structured (there’s no map, for example) to what your actual purpose is within them is pretty much up to you, and can sometimes feel a bit like wandering aimlessly.

Part of that is, of course, due to the game’s purpose of bringing back the ’90s platform genre (things were different back then, in the old days), but some of it is just unclear.

There are also some general best practices and some tips we’ve learned from our travels through the various worlds that don’t fit directly into any of the specific guides above, so with that in mind, here are our best tips and tricks. for Yooka-Laylee:

  • When you’re stuck, think in terms of skills: if there’s a Pagie out of reach or a puzzle that seems completely unsolvable, it’s probably because you don’t have the right skills yet. One of the first things you want to do in a new world is find Trowzer and see what abilities he has for sale. Then you’ll know if that awkward Pagie can be reached with one of the current world’s abilities, or if you’ll have to go back to find it later with something else unlocked.
  • Buy all skills: Speaking of skills, you’ll want to buy as many as you can. There are usually enough Quills in each world to purchase all the skills there, at least in our experience so far, and you will need all the skills at one point or another. Prioritize, of course, but try to buy them all before moving on to the next world, or you’ll only regret having to make the trip back to unlock them again in the future.
  • Jump As Much As You Can: Being an open-ended platformer, Yooka-Laylee allows you to jump just about anything. If you can find a way to grab onto a ledge and make another jump, it’s probably worth a try. We find a lot of secrets this way, so try to reach every inch of the map by jumping up.
  • Explore, explore, explore. Once again, speaking of that, the best philosophy to have here is one of exploration. There are all kinds of secrets and delights hidden in the many worlds of Yooka-Laylee, and most of them you’ll never find without a proper sense of discovery. Do your best to find every possible corner, and if there’s something that’s seemingly out of reach, there’s bound to be a move you find later to help you get there.

  • Take note of what the world looks like before expanding: The ‘expansion’ mechanic is interesting, as it often causes quite significant changes to the world. However, because there is no map, all you have to document what is new and what is not is your memory, so go up to a high point from the beginning in a new world and drink it all, to know exactly what new areas to explore. once you expand it outwards.
  • Spikes don’t always lead somewhere, but you should always collect them. Often the spikes will act as navigation routes on Yooka-Laylee, but not always. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t collect them! After all, Trouzer charges Quills for skills, and you’ll likely need every skill you can get as you progress, so grab all the Quills in sight and spend them as soon as you can to make your life easier .
  • One type of secret collectible can be found: In addition to the different upgrades and items that are cataloged on the game status screen, there is an additional type of hidden collectible. These are pirate treasures, which are cleverly hidden and almost always require a late move to find. Our pirate treasure locations page can help you hunt them down when you’re ready.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the Yooka-Laylee collectibles. It’s a strangely structured game, with the central loop essentially revolving around collecting things so you can collect more things… so you can collect more things! The best thing you can do is follow the advice we gave above: explore and collect everything you can by any means necessary.

The more you do it, the more chances you will have to advance quickly and easily to the end of the game. Good luck!

Additional reporting by Matthew Reynolds.

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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