Tunic tips for beginners

Tunic is a game full of secrets and challenges. While we don’t want to give away any of the secrets, we do want you to survive long enough to get to them, as they are some of the most rewarding moments in any game you can play right now.

To that end, we’ve put together some tips for people starting out in the game, covering combat, which could be an early point of conflict, but also some ideas for tackling this mysterious and fascinating world. We hope they are useful to you!

Tunic tips for beginners.

Below you will find some tips to help you get started in the world of Tunic:

When it comes to combat, don’t rush

There is a rhythm to Tunic’s combat, or rather a series of rhythms. Don’t just flail around when you encounter a new enemy: learn their specific timing, focusing on when they’re about to attack and the moment afterward when they’re wide open. Pay special attention to enemies with shields: can you find the right moment to attack? Or can you dodge roll behind them to get some free hits?

Don’t let the haters join

It may be tempting to run through a new area and try to outrun enemies, but there’s a good chance you’ll end up attracting a deadly mob behind you. It’s much better to take it slow and take out certain groups of bad guys in the groups of two or three where they usually appear. Basically, tidy while you work.

And if they gang up on you, keep moving; it is very likely that they will start damaging each other by accident. This is particularly true of the laser drones that you will encounter in the early hours.

And if it is too much, there is no failure mode.

The accessibility menu is your friend. There is no penalty for turning off the stamina meter or even selecting failsafe mode, meaning you won’t take damage. Towards the end of the game there are a couple of truly monumental difficulty spikes – remember that you can turn on no-glitch mode and then turn it off again when you’ve overcome an obstacle.

Glitch-free mode is a reminder that games should be accessible to all players, and also that combat is just one of Tunic’s challenges, and maybe not the main challenge!

Level up!

If you’re fighting those alligator-type things and haven’t leveled up yet, go to one of the fox shrines and open your inventory.

Chances are you’ve collected some of the items that allow you to permanently boost your stats at these shrines, if you can afford the boost. This is all explained in the manual, but not explained in the game itself. Be careful: you won’t get very far with starting stats in Tunic.

Look behind things!

Look behind things as you move through the world. Tunic uses its isometric design to hide things that are out of sight. Chests, of course, but also entrances to caves and passages. Always check behind edges of rock or dirt that might be blocking your view of something cool. You will not regret.

Know when you’re looking at something you don’t yet understand

Have you found those tuning forks sticking out of the ground in the early areas of Tunic? How about the big yellow squares on the floor? If you just started playing, ignore them for now.

Tunic is full of things that will make sense later in the game: maybe you’ll get an item or discover a new way of thinking. This means that, for the first few hours, feel free to overlook anything whose meaning is not immediately evident. You’ll come back later better equipped to understand it.

Likewise, if there’s a path you can see but can’t yet access, there’s probably a reason for that: the kit is missing, or maybe it’s the path out of the area you’re currently in.

Don’t be afraid to follow your nose

With a game like Tunic, which explains so little about itself, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to go next.

While there’s no easy solution to these times when you just don’t know what to do, a good way is to wander: explore the limits of the landscapes you can already move through and follow the paths as far as they lead. Returning to old areas with new abilities will often open new paths and lead to new delights, and time spent exploring in a game like Tunic is never a waste of time.

The last tip is to look at the manual, whose pages you collect as you go. The manual is full of tips for playing, but it’s also worth looking at the gaps in the pages you’ve collected: what are you missing and where might you find it? In Tunic, all kinds of reasoning and all kinds of deductive movement are worth trying.

Good luck in Tunica!

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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