Tom Clancy’s The Division – Beginner’s tips, skill trees, zones and enemy types

Welcome to Manhattan. It’s no longer the tourist destination it once was and can be a little overwhelming for newcomers (although Midtown was always horrible), so here’s a primer to get you started figuring out how the world of Tom Clancy’s division plays. As we discover more about the game, these will be covered in detail on their own pages.

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How zones work in the game

The game world is divided into two main sections: the main game area and the Dark Zone. Each of these is then divided into districts, with each district featuring enemies that fit within specific level ranges.

The entire map is unlocked from the start, but the enemies within each district effectively determine when you can visit them. As a general rule, you can survive a fight against enemies three or four levels above you, but if you venture much further, certain death awaits you.

The main area of ​​the game contains the starting center, your base of operations, several safe houses, and is the starting point where the story takes place. Unless you specifically join a group in a Safe House, you will be alone and will not come across other players in this area; Your Base of Operations is its own unique instance.

The dark area is the division player versus player (PVP) area, so in addition to threats from NPCs, you will also have to face other human players. What happens here doesn’t directly affect the plot, but the loot you can discover inside can prove invaluable to your more gameplay-focused adventures.

Here’s a quick rundown of each district in the game and the level you should aim for before you start snooping around:


  • Brooklyn: 1-3 (tutorial area only)
  • Camp Hudson: 3-4 (starting area, vendor, JTF, bulletin board)
  • Chelsea: 2-4
  • Pennysylvania Plaza: 3-5 (Base of Operations)
  • Hudson Yards: 5-9
  • Garment District: 5-9
  • Loin: 9-12
  • Times Square: 10-13
  • Hell’s Kitchen: 10-13 (vendor, JTF)
  • Clinton: 14-15
  • Flatiron District: 15-16
  • Gramercy: 16-18
  • Stuvesant: 18-19
  • Kips Bay: 20-23
  • Murray Hill: 24-26
  • Turtle Bay: 27-28
  • East Center: 28-30

How leveling works in The Division

There are three leveling systems in the game (character level, dark zone rank, and base of operations) and they combine in a slightly different way than traditional RPGs; Understanding how they all work together is crucial to survival.

Character level affects the equipment and modifications you can equip, determines what areas you can safely explore without being seriously outclassed, and also affects your base stats. Firearm determines how much damage you can deal with your weapons, resistance determines how much damage you can take, and electronics govern the effectiveness of your character’s abilities.

As you progress through the game, you’ll want to mix and match these attributes to best suit your personal playstyle, but in the early stages you’ll probably want to keep them relatively well balanced with each other.

Your rank in the Dark Zone determines what equipment is available from Dark Zone vendors and restricts access to certain types of loot within the zone. Your rank increases as you defeat enemies and agents within the area, but will drop if you die. For this reason, it is very important not to delve into areas that are beyond the capabilities of our character.

Your Base of Operations levels up as you complete missions and locate personnel. Upgrading specific parts unlocks perks and abilities across all three skill trees.

Skill trees available in the game.


Each point in the Firearms attribute increases your weapon’s damage by approximately 1% of its base value. Beyond the raw DPS figure, the following stats will be modified based on your weapon, gear, and mod choices:

  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Critical Hit Damage
  • Headshot Damage
  • Accuracy
  • Stability
  • Range
  • Recharge time
  • Reload speed bonus
  • Damage bonus (split across all weapon categories, assault rifle, light machine gun, sniper rifle, pistol, shotgun and submachine gun)
  • Damage to the elites
  • Enemy armor damage
  • Threat
  • Health recovery on kill


Each point of stamina increases your health capacity by 30. As with firearms, a number of secondary factors from Gear and Mods affect your survivability:

  • Armor (10 points of armor are worth just over 1% damage reduction)
  • health regeneration
  • Protection against elites
  • Damage Resistance (divided into all non-environmental, exotic, bleed, stun, burn, disorient, EMP, and electric shock categories)
  • Stamina bonuses also affect some aspects of exploration:
  • Virus filtering
  • XP bonuses (split across kills, headshots, and Dark Zone)
  • Biggest Loot Drops


Each point in Electronics increases your ability power by 10, which determines how effectively and frequently you can use abilities. In addition to the base stat, skill cooldown and signature can be improved with the right equipment.

Types of enemies and factions

There are three basic types of NPC enemies in the game:


Standard Enemies: Essentially cannon fodder, they have a single health bar and are easy to fight.

Veterans: These guys have a secondary armor bar that needs to be depleted before you can deal damage to them, so armor piercing mods come in handy here.

Elites and Named Enemies: Like Veterans, Elites are equipped with armor, but are generally tougher and smarter and often have a special attack or two up their sleeves. Fortunately, they also usually have a weak point that can be exploited.

Each of these enemy types can have an assigned class that will be marked with an icon next to their level gauge. A beam means they’ll rush at you and attempt a melee attack, a targeting reticle means a sniper, a grenade means they’ll throw things at you, a wrench means they’ll deploy turrets, and enemies sporting a cross are medics. These must be taken out first, as they will heal themselves and their comrades, turning what could otherwise be a simple fight into a prolonged fight.

If you stray into districts that are beyond your level range, you’ll probably run into enemies that have a skull icon next to their health bar. That icon is there for a good reason, and it’s a sign that you should run away or you’re about to die…

Enemy factions

Rioters are the default enemy type and are armed with fairly standard weapons. They are also less likely to wear armor and usually don’t do anything unexpected in battle.

The Rikers are escaped convicts, so they have a slightly tougher build than the rioters, but they still use fairly basic weapons. They are more likely to try to flank you than run directly at you.

Cleaners are mid-level enemies and carry flamethrowers in addition to the normal arsenal. They tend to move slower than the other types, but flamethrowers can pass over or around cover at close range and will apply a burning effect; avoid getting close if you can.

Lats Man Battalion [LMB] – These guys wear good quality armor and equipment, carry powerful weapons, are more likely to have medics and snipers and their squad, and are generally much tougher and smarter than the others. Approach with caution.

Your base of operations and the dark zone

The Base of Operations, your home away from home and where you will be assigned most of your missions. As you progress through the plot, you can upgrade each of the three Wings to unlock new skills, talents, and perks. The Dark Zone is the PvP area of Tom Clancy’s division. We’ll have plenty of guides for you on this fascinating section of the game once we’ve had a chance to fully explore it.

– The next part of our guide explains how to get started with the Base of Operations in Tom Clancy’s The Division.

– You can find the rest of our Tom Clancy’s The Division guide on the index page.

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