The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone walkthrough and guide

If you’ve somehow managed to exhaust every last drop of content included in Geralt’s gargantuan vanilla adventure from earlier this year, then you’re no doubt gearing up to enjoy The Witcher 3’s first DLC installment, Hearts of Stone, later today.

It’s not the largest chunk of additional content planned for the game (next year’s Blood and Wine expansion should prove to be a much meatier experience), but you can still expect to get around 10 hours of adventures out of this first update anyway. Hearts of Stone also introduces the game to Runewright, a craftsman capable of creating all sorts of powerful weapon and armor upgrades to help you on your journey.

We are currently working on all of Hearts of Stone’s main and side quests and creating a complete guide for the new DLC that will help you tackle even the most complicated boss fights. You’ll also find a list of all the new enchanting recipes available in Runewright, and we’ll update this section of the guide periodically as we unlock new levels of weapon and armor upgrades.

A quick word about the design of our guide before we begin. As you play through the expansion, you’ll find yourself completing main quests along with side quests and we’re writing our walkthrough for each of them as we go. If you use the Next and Previous buttons in this article, you may find things a little out of order. Bookmark this index page to go directly to the content you need, or use the links at the bottom of each page to move cleanly through the content.

In this page

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone: Getting Started, The First Gentle Touches of Evil, Frog PrinceHow to start the new content, complete the first quest, and finish the first boss fight.

Other pages:

The Witcher 3: Dead Man’s Party, Open Sesame!, The Safecracker, Home Breaking Complete the first handful of quests in Hearts of Stone.

The Witcher 3: The Caretaker, Witcher Condiments, Scenes from a Marriage How to complete Condiments and Scenes from a Witcher Marriage and then kill the Caretaker.

The Witcher 3 – Wraith from the Painting, Iris’s Greatest Fear, OlgierdOur guide to fighting with the Wraith painting.

The Witcher 3: Without a Trace, Rose on a Red Field, Drakenborg Finishing all the side quests in Hearts of Stone.

Other The Witcher 3 guides:

The Witcher 3 Master Guide Our Witcher 3 guide explains how to craft the most important items, find every ingredient, track every beast, and win more games of Gwent.

The Witcher 3 Main Walkthrough Our complete Witcher 3: Wild Hunt walkthrough, with a step-by-step guide to completing every main story and side quest in the game.

The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Guide All quests and contracts, Witcher Gear locations, and the new mutation system are explained.

The Witcher 3 Walkthrough: Hearts of Stone

There are two ways to start the first part of the Witcher 3 DLC. If you have a save with a level 30+ character, simply load it. If you don’t have one, the game will help you create one in the New Game section of the menu. However, keep in mind that you should aim for a recommended level of 32 before getting stuck into the new content – 64 for New Game Plus.

Regardless of how you start, once you’re in the game, you’ll notice a new quest in your log: simply head to the Seven Cats Inn southeast of Novigrad and read the notice board to get started.

The first soft touches of evil

Head to the Seven Cats Inn on the outskirts of Novigrad and read the notice board. Once you’ve finished the short cutscene (which unlocks Enchanting: Startup Costs), follow the marker to the Garin Estate, where you’ll encounter a group of wild cards. Put up with his jokes, then go upstairs and talk to the boss to find out more. As you exit the building, a woman will approach you; she expresses interest in her story and you will unlock the Rose on a red field. secondary mission.

Head to Oxenfurt and then enter the sewers via the ladder. Activate your Witcher Sense as you make your way down the narrow hallway, then examine the two sets of footprints. Fight the Drowner in the first chamber, then use Witcher Sense to examine the corpse near the grate in the southeast corner of the room. Head to the next chamber and a cutscene will play out reintroducing a character from Geralt’s past.

Use Aard to knock down the right corner of the wall and head towards the marker. Watch the cutscene, drop down the hole, fight some more drowners, and then examine the body. Head deeper into the sewers, fight a small group of Drowners, and then use Witcher Sense to examine the slime blobs and corpses. Follow the new marker and prepare for a boss fight when the next cutscene ends.

Our Witcher 3 walkthrough and guide can help you through the main story, including the Wandering in the Dark and Family Matters quests and, eventually, one of several Witcher 3 endings. There’s also plenty of additional content, including Witcher 3 contracts, the White Orchard quests, the Velen quests, the Novigrad quests, and the Skellige Isles quests. Elsewhere, learn about the best Witcher 3 builds, the best Witcher 3 mods, how to make money in Witcher 3, find Places of Power locations, and learn how to do Witcher 3 crafting and alchemy. And when you’re done with it all . Those: We can help you through the expansions with our Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine walkthrough.

Boss Fight: Toad Prince

The Frog Prince is a bit of a pig to fight. He has a ranged attack that will poison you, he can stun you with his tongue, he has a stomp attack that does a lot of damage, and it’s hard to stay behind since he can spin 180 degrees in the air.

However, it’s vulnerable to North Wind, Golden Oriole, Cursed Oil, and Yrden, so we found the best strategy was to throw Yrden, run in for a couple of sword hits, make a hasty retreat, and then run. around the edge of the room while healing and throwing bombs at the beast.

After defeating the toad, you will faint and come to your senses on a ship heading to Ofier. During a long cutscene, another familiar face will be reintroduced, the weather will turn a little unpleasant, and you’ll eventually end up on a beach facing off against a group of Ofieri warriors and a mage.

Be sure to re-equip your armor as soon as the fight starts and focus on taking out the warriors before facing the mage. He has the ability to teleport and a handful of ranged attacks, but by dodging and using Axii to temporarily stun him, he should be fairly easy to take out. Alternatively, you can just run away; They won’t follow you too far.

Whichever method you choose to take on the fight, head to the marker once you’re safe and wait until midnight. Naturally, there’s nothing suspicious about meeting a mysterious stranger at a crossroads and having him offer you your heart’s desire in exchange for a small favor, so accept and then head to the marker. Work through the dialogue to complete the mission and unlock the next part of the story.

– The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete the Dead Man’s Party mission.

Categories: Guides

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