The Good Life Liquid Vitae location: Where to find Sage and Butterfly Wing locations

Liquid Vitae is one of the items you need to find for the Ruff Dress during the Classic Cosplay mission in The Good Life.

However, you can’t simply find or buy Liquid Vitae. Instead, you need to find sage and a butterfly wing.

Below you will discover the locations of Butterfly Wing and Sage in The Good Life.

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Liquid Vitae in The Good Life

Liquid Vitae is an essential element for creating the Ruff dress for the main classic cosplay quest in The Good Life.

This item can only be crafted by Pauline Atwood, i.e. the Witch of the Forest, in the Witch’s House Pharmacy and you will need to visit her first before you start gathering the materials needed to make it.

Once you have spoken to Pauline, she will ask you to find:

  1. butterfly wing
  2. Sage

You’ll also need £3 in your wallet, but after collecting these materials, Pauline will give you the Liquid Vitae you need for the Ruff Dress.

Location of the butterfly wing in The Good Life

Butterfly wings are one of the many resources you can collect randomly by checking the shiny spots in The Good Life. Fortunately, for classic cosplay, there is a specific place you can visit to find butterfly wings.

This location is West Park, which is located south of the 1977 pub and is where Henry Poe sits and plays the violin.

Walk through the grassy part of this area and keep an eye out for glowing spots to collect your Butterfly Wing.

Where to find a butterfly wing.

Sage Location in The Good Life

You need two pieces of Sage to make Liquid Vitae in The Good Life, and luckily you find some just south of the Witch House Pharmacy.

While this area is highlighted by a small red circle on the map, you may have to leave this specific area to find the Saga. Just keep an eye out for any bright spots here and hopefully it’ll be the Sage you’re looking for!

Where to find a wise man.

However, if you have already planted some sage seeds in your garden, you may want to simply pick them up to save yourself some searching time.

Good luck making the Ruff dress on The Good Life! Depending on the route you follow in the game, you may also need to know the locations of the gnomes.

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