TCG Hat Pikachu 100% perfect IV stats, shiny TCG Hat Pikachu in Pokémon Go

Players will soon have the chance to get a shiny TCG hat-wearing Pikachu in Pokémon Go. It’s probably the main reason you’ll want to participate in this week’s Spotlight Hour.

There are plenty of other reasons to look forward to the Pokémon Go event. You’ll have the chance to capture as many Pikachu as you can, with the chance to capture a TCG Hat Pikachu with 100% perfect IV stats.

The TCG Hat Pikachu Featured Hour falls within the Pokémon Go TCG event. Celebrate the release of the Pokémon Go Themed Card Expansion Pack and feature a ton of collection challenges for players to complete.

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TCG Hat Pikachu IV Stats 100% Perfect in Pokémon Go

This week’s Spotlight is a great opportunity to catch a TCG Hat Pikachu with perfect IV stats.

TCG Hat Pikachu currently has no evolution in Pokémon Go. While they don’t have much influence in Go Battle League, they can be useful when fighting Team Go Rocket Grunts or in raids. Or you simply want to have a Pikachu costume with high stats for your collection.

The CP values ​​that correspond to perfect values ​​of 15/15/15 are as follows:

  • Level 30 (Max Wild CP) – 804 CP
  • Level 35 (maximum CP boosted by weather) – 871 CP

The wild CP value aligns with your trainer level until you reach level 30, and since the majority of the player base is now above this level, we’ve kept these values ​​for the sake of simplicity. However, these values ​​will be different if you are currently below level 30.

Is there a Pikachu with a shiny TCG hat in Pokémon Go?

Good news: There’s a shiny TCG hat-wearing Pikachu in Pokémon Go.

As with other events, since the base Pikachu is shiny, all Pikachu costumes that are deployed can also be shiny.

Remember: Care Hours only increase the number of TCG Hat Pikachus that appear in the wild, not their shine rate. This means that unlike Community Day, the TCG Hat Pikachu shiny rate will not increase during this event.

The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

What does the shiny TCG Hat Pikachu look like?

This event is probably your best chance to catch a shiny TCG Hat-wearing Pikachu. Although the glow rate is the same, the greater the number of Pikachu that appear, you have more odds to find one.

Here’s a preview of what it looks like, via kingdeoxys_tl50 on Twitter:

Other reasons to catch as many TCG Hat Pikachu as possible

Aside from the chance to catch a shiny TCG hat-wearing Pikachu in Pokémon Go, there are other reasons to participate in this week’s Spotlight:

  • The bonus for this Spotlight Hour is double Catch Stardust, meaning you’ll receive an additional reward for each Pokémon you catch.
  • If you’re a newcomer, this Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Pikachu candy to fully evolve into Pichu, or evolve into another Pikachu that can evolve into Raichu.
  • Thanks to Pikachu being an Electric type, catching many during this Featured Hour will add progress to your Electric medal.

Spotlight Hour events only last one hour, from 6pm to 7pm (local time), but don’t worry if you can’t participate in this week’s event. Next week, a new Pokémon will take center stage on July 5, with a handy bonus to enjoy.

Categories: Guides

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