Ralts 100% perfect IV stats, shiny Ralts in Pokémon Go

Finding a shiny Ralts, the Sentiment Pokémon, is a giveaway for the next Featured Hour in Pokémon Go.

If you’re a fan of Battle League or fighting in raids, this will be an exciting Highlight as its final two evolutions, Gardevoir and Gallade, are quite useful in Pokémon Go. So if you’re still missing a perfect shiny or 4* Pokémon, here’s your chance to try to find one, while also grinding out the Candy and Candy XL you’ll need to max out your Pokémon.

This week’s Spotlight also comes with a double catch XP bonus that runs alongside the event, so be sure to catch as many Pokémon as you can!

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Ralts IV stats 100% perfect in Pokémon Go

This week’s Featured Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Ralts with perfect IV stats.


“Perfect” means two things in Pokémon Go, depending on how you plan to use a given Pokémon. First, there’s the max build, 100% IV, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for for your 4* Pokédex, Raids, and Master League. However, because of how CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect Pokémon IV is usually just the best version of itself in the Master League.

Of course, you can’t see a Pokémon’s IV without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Ralts based on CP alone.

If you’re at level 30 (or higher), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs to get a perfect 15/15/15 Ralts:

  • Level 30 (Max Wild CP) – 462 CP
  • Level 35 (maximum weather-boosted wild CP – 500 CP
  • The wild CP value aligns with your trainer level until you reach level 30, and since the majority of the player base is now above this level, we’ve kept these values ​​for the sake of simplicity. However, these values ​​will be different if you are currently below level 30.

    The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! The Psychic Spectular event is back! You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

    Is there a shiny Ralts in Pokémon Go?

    Yes, there is a shiny Ralts in Pokémon Go and it looks better than the original!

    The shiny form of Ralts was released on the game’s 20th Community Day, in August 2019. If you catch one, you can turn it into a shiny Kirlia and a shiny Gardevoir or a shiny Gallade.

    If luck is on your side, you might find a shiny Ralts in the wild, but keep in mind that this is not a Community Day and shiny rates don’t increase, so the chances of catching one, and much less a perfect one, they are very low. . That said, every Ralts you see has the potential to be brilliant, so it’s purely a numbers game: touch each and every one of them and see what you get. Good luck finding the Ralts you need!

    What does the shiny Ralts look like?

    As you can see, the shiny Ralts and their evolutions take on a beautiful blue instead of the grass green of the originals. His ‘fins’, for lack of a better word, turn orange instead of red, and Gallade’s fin turns a much darker gray.

    Thanks to Reddit user VpWaLL for the handy comparison!

    Other tips for this hour of attention

    Besides trying to catch a shiny Ralts in Pokémon Go, there are a couple of other good reasons to participate in this week’s Spotlight:

    • The best reason is, of course, the double catch XP bonus that runs throughout the hour. This applies to all captured Pokémon, so try your best to get good at excellent Curve Ball throws on a Ralts to rack up XP quickly.
    • If you’re a newcomer, this Featured Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Ralt candy to fully evolve this Pokémon and enter all of its evolutions into the Pokédex. This is quite important since you will need 250 candies to get the four Pokémon in your Pokédex.
    • Thanks to Ralts being a Fairy and Psychic type, catching a bunch during this Focus Hour will add progress to your Fairy and Psychic type capture bonus medals.

    Spotlight Hour events only last one hour: 6pm to 7pm (local time), and next week’s is Aron and Double Catch Candy.

    Are Gardevoir and Gallade good in PvP?

    How are Ralts’ evolutions, Gardevoir and Gallade, faring in PvP, aka competing against other players in Battle League?

    Ralts is one of those Pokémon that can evolve into two different final Pokémon. For 25 candy, you can turn your Ralts into a Kirlia. From here you have a choice: any Kirlia can evolve into Gardevoir using 100 candies, but a male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade using 100 candies and a Sinnoh Stone. Gardevoir is a psychic/fairy type, like Ralts, while Gallade is a psychic/fighter type.

    Ralt evolution line.  (Image credit: pokemon.com)
    Ralt evolution line. (Image credit: pokemon.com)

    Clearly, the two Pokémon have very different use cases, given their type differences. Gardevoir is generally best in Great League and Master League, running Charm, Shadow Ball, and Synchonoise. Gallade, on the other hand, is a little better at Ultra League, running Confusion, Close Combat, and Leaf Blade. Interestingly, the Shadow version is almost always recommended, no matter what Pokémon or League, with the exception of Ultra League Gallade, where the normal version outperforms its Shadow counterpart.

    But let’s look at each of them in a little more detail.



    In Great League, Shadow Gardevoir is one of the top 10 fairy types, and just falls out of the top 5 psychic types. While he’s a perfectly decent pick, with wins against Scrafty, Medicham, Sableye, and Trevenant, he loses quite a bit against Galarian Stunfisk and Skarmory, with closer losses (but losses nonetheless) against Lanturn, Azumarill, and Swampert.

    The reason for this is simply that while Charm applies a lot of fast movement pressure, it is still a slow glass cannon that applies low shield pressure. If you want to increase your defense by running the normal variant instead of the Shadow, you will have wins against Obstagoon, but you will start losing against Trevenant. This really isn’t worth it in the long run.

    As for the Ultra League, Gardevoir really takes a hit, missing the top 15 for fairies and barely breaking into the top 15 for psychic types. He still beats the dark types (Scraft and friends), but still loses to Glarian Stunfisk and Swampert, both of which are demons in this meta. In general, you probably don’t want to run Gardevoir in Ultra League.

    However, Gardevoir returns to the Master League, with rankings similar to those of the Great League. The reason for this is that dragons are overrepresented in the Master League, and Gardevoir scores victories against Dragonite, Garchomp, Zekrm, and Dialga, with the sneaky victory against Gyarados (who is somehow not a dragon) as a bonus.

    Fortunately, Gardevoir doesn’t lose as hard (or as fast) as it does in the lower leagues, with losses to Excadrill, Lugia, Mewtwo, Zacian, and Giratina Origin being relatively close matches (although, again, they’re still losses).

    No matter your league, the best thing about Gardevoir is that she’s a glass cannon that pulls off some excellent but slow attacks. You are looking for a 0/15/15 for Great League, or a perfect 15/15/15 for Master League.



    For all the excitement of Gardevoir, Gallade is a bit of a disappointment in the Great League, ranking in the top 15 in psychics, but missing the top 30 in fighting types. While he still has access to Charm, losing STAB means Confusion becomes the best option. Close Combat is quite technical, as it guarantees that your defense will drop by two stages, leaving you with the grass-type Leaf Blade for cover. Meanwhile, he maintains the same problems as Gardevoir in that he is a large, clumsy glass cannon.

    If you’re interested in running a Great League Gallage, get wins against Bastiodon, Medicham, Azumarill, Lanturn, and Nidoqueen, which is a good chunk of the top meta. However, it also loses quite a bit to Swampert, Glaraian Stundusk, Trevenant, and eveb Scrafty, a Dark-type Pokémon that it really should be able to beat.

    It’s really only Ultra League where you’ll want to consider Gallade, where he’s one of the top 10 psychic types (and only one of the top 30 fighting types). Here, switch the matchup between Swampert Scrafty and at the same time defeat Walrien and Galaran Stunfisk. However, he loses badly against Giratina, Talonflame, Cresselia, and even the dark type Umbreon. This is mostly for the same reason as before: it’s a technical Pokémon that simply lacks the bulk you want, no matter how spammy its fast move is.

    Gallade isn’t terrible in the Master League, but it loses to the things that Gardevoir beats, namely Dialgo, Garchomp, and Gyarados, while also losing to the likes of Metagross and Zacian. He picks up wins against Galarian Zapdos, Melmetal, Kyogre, and Excadrill, but there are simply better options when you get to the likes of Master League.

    The TL;DR here is that Gallade is also a glass cannon, but it’s a bit more spammable when dropping Charm and has a self-debuffing STAB move. You’re looking for a 12/0/15 for Ultra League, or a perfect 15/15/15 for Master League.

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    Categories: Guides
    Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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