Pokémon Sword and Shield TR List and how to get TRs explained

Pokémon Sword and Shield TR List and how to get TRs explained
TR00 sword dance Normal Increases attack by 2 stages. N/A TR01 body blow Normal Has a 30% chance to paralyze the opponent. If the target has used Minimize, the damage of this move will be doubled. 85 TR02 Flamethrower Fire 10% chance to burn the opponent. 90 TR03 Water Pump Water N/A 110 TR04 Browse Water If the opponent is using the move Dive, the damage of this attack is doubled. 90 TR05 make ice Ice 10% chance to freeze the opponent. 90 TR06 Snow storm Ice 10% chance to freeze the opponent. 100% accuracy if weather conditions are hail. 110 TR07 Low kick Struggle The damage becomes greater the heavier the opponent is. The move does not affect Dynmax Pokémon. N/A TR08 Ray Electric 10% chance to paralyze the opponent. 90 TR09 Thunder Electric 30% chance to paralyze the opponent. 50% accuracy in intense sunlight weather conditions. 100% accuracy in rainy conditions. The move hits opponents using attacks such as Flying or Bounce. 110 TR10 Earthquake Floor Hit targets using attacks such as Dig, dealing double damage. 100 TR11 Psychic Psychic 10% chance to reduce opponent’s Special Defense by 1 level. 90 TR12 Agility Psychic Increases speed in 2 stages. N/A TR13 Energy focus Normal Increases the chance of future moves being critical hits. 120 TR14 Metronome Normal It uses a move chosen at random from all the moves a Pokémon could learn. N/A TR15 Fire explosion Fire 10% chance to burn the opponent. 110 TR16 Waterfall Water 20% chance to make the opponent flinch. 80 TR17 Amnesia Psychic Increases special defense by 2 stages. N/A TR18 leech life Bug Restores the user’s HP by an amount equal to half the damage dealt to the opponent. 80 TR19 triple attack Normal 20% chance to paralyze, burn, or freeze the opponent. 80 TR20 substitute Normal Deplete a quarter of the user’s maximum HP to create a substitute to protect them from lesser statuses or status inflicting attacks. The substitute takes damage to the user, until they run out of HP. If the user is dynamaxed, the substitute disappears. N/A TR21 Investment Struggle The move deals more damage the lower the user’s HP is. N/A TR22 Mud bomb Poison 30% chance to poison the opponent. 90 TR23 Spikes Floor Damages Pokémon when they are sent to the opposite side. Can be used twice to increase damage. Deals 1/8 of maximum HP on first use, 1/6 on second use, and 1/4 on third use. N/A TR24 Indignation Continue He attacks two or three times, refusing to tell the player to change moves. The user gets confused afterwards. 120 TR25 Psychoshock Psychic Damage dealt is calculated by the opponent’s defense. 80 TR26 Endure Normal Leaves the user with 1 HP when hit by a move that would normally knock them out. Moves are more likely to fail the more they are used. N/A TR27 sleep talking Normal It only works when the user is asleep. Randomly uses another of the user’s moves. N/A TR28 megahorn Bug N/A 120 TR29 passing of the baton Normal Attack once for each Pokémon in your party, except those with status conditions or fainted. N/A TR30 Bis Normal The opponent is forced to continually reuse the last move they used for 3 turns. Dynamax Pokémon are not affected by this. N/A TR31 Iron tail Iron 30% chance to reduce opponent’s defense by 1 level. 100 TR32 Crunch Dark 20% chance to reduce opponent’s defense by 1 level. 80 TR33 ball of darkness Ghost 20% chance to reduce opponent’s Special Defense by 1 level. 80 TR34 Future vision Psychic Damage is dealt to the opponent two turns after using this move. 120 TR35 Scandal Normal The user goes on a rampage for 3 turns. No Pokémon can sleep during this time. 90 TR36 Heat wave Fire 10% chance to burn the opponent. 95 TR37 Taunt Dark Prevents opponents from using status moves for 3 turns. N/A TR38 Trick Psychic Exchange items held by the user and the opponent. N/A TR39 Superpower Struggle Reduces the user’s attack and defense by 1 level. 120 TR40 Skill Exchange Psychic Swap the user’s and opponent’s skills. Does not work on all Dynamax Pokémon. N/A TR41 fire kick Fire 20% chance to burn the opponent. More chance to land a critical hit. 85 TR42 Hypervoice Normal N/A 90 TR43 Overheat Fire Reduces the opponent’s special attack by 2 stages. 130 TR44 Cosmic Power Psychic Increases the user’s Defense and Special Defense by 1 level each. N/A TR45 cloudy water Water 30% chance to reduce opponent’s accuracy by 1 level. 90 TR46 iron defense Steel Increases the user’s defense by 2 levels. N/A TR47 Dragon claw Continue N/A 80 TR48 Increase the volume Struggle Increases the user’s attack and defense by 1 level each. N/A TR49 Calm mind Psychic Increases the user’s special attack and special defense by 1 level each. N/A TR50 Leaf blade Grass Most likely it will be a critical hit. 90 TR51 dragon dance Continue Increases the user’s attack and speed by 1 level each. N/A TR52 Gyroscopic ball Steel The move becomes more powerful the slower the user is compared to their opponent. N/A TR53 Close combat Struggle Reduces the user’s Defense and Special Defense by 1 level each. 120 TR54 toxic spikes Poison Inflicts poison status on opponents that appear on the opposite side. Using the move twice inflicts the Severe Poisoned status condition. The effect ends if the opponent sends a poison-type Pokémon. N/A TR55 Bengal Bombardment Fire The user takes 1/3 of the damage dealt. 10% chance to burn the opponent. If the user is frozen, this will unfreeze them, allowing them to continue fighting. 120 TR56 Aura Sphere Struggle N/A 80 TR57 poisonous blow Poison 30% chance to poison the opponent. 80 TR58 dark pulse Dark 20% chance to make the opponent flinch. 80 TR59 seed pump Grass N/A 80 TR60 scissors x Bug N/A 80 TR61 Insect Buzz Bug 10% chance to reduce the target’s Special Defense by 1 level. Hits the target even if they are using Substitute. 90 TR62 dragon pulse Continue N/A 85 TR63 power gem Rock N/A 80 TR64 focus explosion Struggle 10% chance to reduce the target’s Special Defense by 1 level. 120 TR65 Energy ball Grass 10% chance to reduce the target’s Special Defense by 1 level. 90 TR66 brave bird Flying The user takes 1/3 of the damage dealt. 120 TR67 The power of the earth Floor 10% chance to reduce the target’s Special Defense by 1 level. 90 TR68 Nasty plot Dark Increases the user’s special attack by 2 levels. N/A TR69 zen headbutt Psychic 20% chance to make the opponent flinch. 80 TR70 flash cannon Steel 10% chance to reduce the target’s Special Defense by 1 level. 80 TR71 leaf storm Grass Reduces the user’s special attack by 2 stages. 130 TR72 power whip Grass N/A 120 TR73 gunk shot Poison 30% chance to poison the opponent. 120 TR74 Iron Head Steel 30% chance to make the opponent flinch. 80 TR75 stone border Rock Most likely it will be a critical hit. 100 TR76 Stealth Rock Rock Damage Pokémon sent by the opponent. Damage is Rock type and therefore subjective to type matchups. N/A TR77 Grass knot Grass Damage increases the heavier the opponent is. No effect against Dynamax Pokémon. N/A TR78 mud wave Poison 10% chance to poison the opponent. 95 TR79 heavy blow Steel Damage increases the heavier the opponent is. If the opponent has used Minimize, then the damage is doubled and the attack is a sure hit. No effect against Dynamax Pokémon. N/A TR80 electric ball Electric Damage increases the faster the user is compared to their opponent. N/A TR81 Dirty game Dark The user turns the opponent’s strength against them. Damage is calculated using the opponent’s attack instead of the user’s. 95 TR82 Stored energy Psychic Damage increases by 20 (maximum of 860) for each stage the user’s stats are improved. twenty TR83 Ally change Psychic A high priority move. Users switch places with an ally during a double battle. This will fail if used during a solo battle or max raid. N/A TR84 Scald Water 30% chance to burn the opponent. If the user is frozen when this move is used, they will be unfrozen and the status condition will be removed. 80 TR85 Elaborate Normal Increases the user’s attack and special attack by 1 level. N/A TR86 wild charge Electric The user takes 1/4 of the damage dealt. 90 TR87 Drilling execution Floor Most likely it will be a critical hit. 80 TR88 heat shock Fire Damage increases the heavier the opponent is. If the opponent has used Minimize, then the damage is doubled and the attack is a sure hit. No effect against Dynamax Pokémon. N/A TR89 Hurricane Flying 30% chance to confuse the opponent. 100% accuracy in rainy conditions and 50% accuracy in bright sunlight. It will hit opponents in the sky due to the use of moves such as Flying or Bounce. 110 TR90 Play rough Fairy 10% chance to reduce opponent’s attack by 1 level. 90 TR91 Drenched in poison Poison Reduces the opponent’s attack, special attack, and speed if affected by poison or severely poisoned status conditions by 1 stage each. N/A TR92 dazzling shine Fairy N/A 80 TR93 Darker Lariat Dark Ignores opponent’s stat changes when dealing damage. 85 TR94 High power Floor N/A 95 TR95 throat hit Dark The opponent cannot use sound-based moves for two turns. Does not affect Dynamax Pokémon. 80 TR96 pollen puff Bug Restores half of the alley’s maximum HP. The move becomes more damaging when used as a max move. 90 TR97 psychic fangs Psychic Unaffected by Aurora Veil or Reflect. Removes the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen and Reflect. 85 TR98 Settlement Water 20% chance to reduce the target’s defense by 1 level. 85 TR99 Body press Struggle Damage dealt per move is calculated using the user’s Defense instead of the user’s Attack. 80

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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