Pokémon Go Power up PokéStops: How to power up PokéStops or Gyms explained

Pokémon Go Power up PokéStops: How to power up PokéStops or Gyms explained

Turning on PokéStops and Gyms will allow you to obtain a variety of rewards and bonuses in Pokémon Go.

These rewards are unlocked by performing AR scans to help level up certain PokéStops or Gyms. Keep an eye on the clock: this empowerment has a deadline.

This feature was originally tested in New Zealand during October 2021, but is now available worldwide.

Below you will learn how to turn on a PokéStop or Gym and what requirements you must meet to do so.

In this page:

Scanning a PokéStop

Requirements to turn on PokéStops or Gyms in Pokémon Go

There are two requirements you must meet before you can start turning on PokéStops or Gym in Pokémon Go.

The first is that you must be level 20 or higher to contribute to the feeding process. Fortunately, if you’re below level 20, you’ll still be able to enjoy the rewards that come with a boosted PokéStop or Gym.

Secondly, the device you are using must be capable of performing AR scans. If so, but you are unable to perform these scans, head to the Game Settings, available in the top right corner of the main menu, and scroll down to the PokéStop Contribution section to ensure that “Enable PokéStop Scanning” is enabled . .

How to turn on a PokéStop or Gym in Pokémon Go

To power up a PokéStop or Gym in Pokémon Go, you must first be within range of a PokéStop or Gym that has this feature. You will be able to identify these particular areas using the power button in the lower right corner of the screen and the ring around the Photo Disc.

PokéStops and Gyms are leveled up by contributing scans of the surrounding area; The inner ring around the Photo Disc represents how many scans have been collected, while the smaller outer ring represents the levels.

Here is the number of scans any player must complete to level up a PokéStop or Gym:

  • Level 1 – 5 scans
  • Level 2: 10 total scans (5 additional scans)
  • Level 3: 25 total scans (15 additional scans)

You can see the current number of Location Points contributed to a PokéStop or Gym by viewing the photo disc.

To scan a PokéStop or gym, you must tap the power button and, depending on the type of stop you are visiting, select “Scan PokéStop” or “Scan Gym.” If this is your first time scanning, you will need to review the security information first.

Then you will have to scan the PokéStop or Gym in question.

To do this, you need to select the record button and, keeping the location reference point in the frame, scan for about 20 to 30 seconds. Ideally, you should walk around the object keeping both the top and bottom in the frame, but you will be safe doing so.

Once the scan is complete, select “Upload Now” to help the power-on process, but you can select “Upload Later” if you prefer. It’s important to remember that your points will only contribute to power-up once charging is complete, meaning selecting “Charge Later” will delay this process.

With the scan loaded, your location points will be added to the PokéStop or Gym in question, allowing you to see how many points you need to collect until it levels up.

Remember: It’s not just PokéStops or Gyms that have the ability to light up, so don’t be surprised if your favorite place doesn’t have this feature.

Thanks to BoltexGaming from reddit for this video of a gym leveling up.

Video of a gym reaching level 1-It seems to last 2 days. Additionally, the blue ring indicator becomes larger in an aerial view. from r/The Silph Road To view this content, please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings

The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! The Out to Play event is currently taking place. You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

Rewards for turning on Pokéstops or gyms in Pokémon Go

Each PokéStop or Gym that can be turned on in Pokémon Go can reach one of three levels: one, two, or three. As PokéStops or Gyms level up, their appearance on the map will change, making them easier to find, and the benefits of spinning the Photo Disc will increase.

The appearance of the PokéStop or Gym will change as it levels up.

The PokéStop or Gym will also remain on only for a specific period of time, and once this time is reached, it will be depowered to level 0. This means that in order to reach that level again or higher, you and the other members of the Your local Pokémon Go community will have to start uploading scans from scratch.

Below you can find out how long each level will last and what rewards you will receive when it is activated:

Thanks to Amiibofan101 from reddit for the help with this information!

Level Available time Rewards
1 48 hours 1 extra rotating photo disk item
2 12 hours 2 extra items from the rotating photo disk. Extra hearts for Pokémon Buddy.
3 12 hours 2 Spinning Photo Disc Bonus Items. Bonus hearts only for Pokémon BuddyGyms: 3 extra Premier Balls. Only PokéStops: greatest generation of Pokémon.

Remember: Even if you are not currently level 20 and cannot contribute scans to the power-up process, you will still be able to enjoy all the rewards that a powered-up PokéStop or Gym will bring.

Good luck activating PokéStops or gyms!

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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