Pokémon Go Catch Cup recommendations and rules

Building a strong Catch Cup team in Pokémon Go is one of the trickiest things to do in Go Battle League.

Towards the end of each Pokémon Go Go Battle League season comes the Catch Cup. This one is harder to work with, since not only do you have the usual CP limit, but you also have a restriction on the Pokémon’s age.

More than ever, it’s not all about CP. Our Catch Cup recommendations are based on what you have recently available, meaning the Catch Cup meta is based on what everyone else caught during the Season of Light. There’s no hard and fast rule here, or even a list of recommendations: it’s more of a test of your team-building skills while also relying on a large dose of luck!

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Catch Cup Restrictions Team in Pokémon Go

There are two restrictions to note in the Season of Light edition of Catch Cup:

  • Pokémon must be 1500 CP or less to participate.
  • Only Pokémon caught during the Season of Light (after September 1, 2022 at 10:00 am) are eligible.

This means you should expect things that have appeared in recent Community Day events, along with any new Pokémon that have debuted and been plentiful throughout the season. This means that Pokémon like Ursaluna, Chandelure, and Malamar will likely be present in force.

However, all of this comes with the caveat that the Pokémon you’ve caught and evolved since September are below the 1500 CP limit. This means that if you think that it is an extremely limited Great League, you will be on the right track.

As always, no matter which League you’re in, you’re looking for Pokémon with a decent amount of bulk (the ability to survive charged moves (depending on the type of weakness) so you can fire off some of your own) and those that counter better. or expose weaknesses in the current meta (which is a term for what the community is currently using).

While there are specific Pokémon and types that dominate the meta, remember that with Go Battle League (and player vs. player battles in general) you’ll be going in blind; So even if you cover yourself with a wide range of offensive and defensive options, no team is invincible.

Still, even with some of the following Pokémon on your team, you should be able to get better results than if you selected those that came as close to the 1500 CP limit as possible.

Our Pokémon Go Catch Cup recommendations

There is no “best” team you can choose, since, as mentioned above, you don’t know what you’re up against, and not everyone has access to all Pokémon types thanks to the extremely short time window for eligible Pokémon caught. . .

Only Pokémon caught during the current season of the game are allowed. (Image via: pokemongolive.com) | Image credit: https://pokemongolive.com/

So there’s not much point in writing a list of Pokémon here, as there’s a good chance that even if you have them, they won’t reflect the meta, since there’s a reasonable chance your opponents won’t have caught them unless you be it a Community Day, a Spotlight Hour, or some other featured Pokémon.

Instead, here’s a quick rundown of some team-building tips that will help you succeed in all Go Battle League cups and leagues:

  • Reach the CP limit: Get your Pokémon as close to the maximum CP allowed as possible, without going over.
  • Second Charged Move: Restrictions may spark creativity, but choices unlock victories. Can your Pokémon execute three moves with three different types? If so, that opens up a new list of Pokémon that you can potentially be super effective against.
  • Cover your weaknesses: Go Battle League is a Rockruff-Kartana-Scizor game, and each Pokémon has a list of strengths and weaknesses. If you lead a team of all Fire types, a single Swampert will spray you with a hose. It’s not worth the risk; Make sure your team has a good variety of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Party Time: Think of a classic RPG: you have your tank, your healer, and your rogue. The same goes for Go Battle League: some Pokémon are bulky while others are glass cannons. Don’t run a team of three fragile Pokémon, and try not to run three tanks that don’t do much damage. Instead, choose a team with three Pokémon that offer different roles and therefore different strengths.
  • Stats and IVs: IVs aren’t everything, but they are definitely a consideration. If you’ve decided on your species (say, Bulbasaur) and you have two options, which do you choose? The short answer is the one with the lowest attack and highest defense. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is related to how CP is calculated. This will allow you to choose the one with a higher CP cap, meaning it can potentially hit harder and take more damage.

Good luck in the Catch Cup!

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Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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