Persona 5 Fusions – how to create the best possible Personas in the Velvet Room

Learning how to create Persona 5 Fusions is one of the most fundamental skills needed to survive the game’s numerous palaces and memories.

By creating a variety of Personas for your main character to use, you can effectively exploit your opponents’ elemental weaknesses (such as a variety of tough bosses) as well as survive your own attacks.

Instead of writing down every Persona and their possible Fusions, which would be huge and overwhelming, we’re providing some tips on how to get the best Personas when you need them.

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How Persona 5’s Fusion in the Velvet Room works

The quickest and most obvious way to acquire new Personas is by claiming them from defeated enemies, but you can also create new ones or strengthen existing ones by sacrificing them in the Velvet Room.

The number of combinations is a little overwhelming, but the process is simple and it is now possible to work backwards from the result you want instead of manually trying each combination of two or three Personas and hoping for the best.

In Fusion Personas, your Confidant social rank also comes into play: the higher the rank you have in a given Arcana, the greater the bonuses you will receive during the Fusion, meaning that it is possible to create Personas that are much more powerful than the ones you will find in the wild.

They can also inherit some skills from their “parents”, so a few tweaks can produce full results.

If you are having trouble finding any of the required Source Personas, you may be able to merge them with others you have in your possession; See the “Fusion by Result” section in the Velvet Room.

You may also find this easier to achieve on higher difficulty levels, as you are more likely to stun enemies rather than kill them, making it easier to acquire their Persona.

How to create the best Personas through Fusing

Although Satanael is the most “naturally” strong Persona in the game, with the highest raw stats and resistances across the board, he can only be unlocked during New Game+. Plus, why settle for what nature provides when, with a little patience, imagination, and luck, you can create your own variants of ones that are extremely difficult to harm?

There are more items in Persona 5 than in previous installments, so complete immunity is no longer an option, but it is possible to get close.

It requires some work and some headache, and getting the raw Persona ingredients will require a bit of good luck, and you may have to wait until NG+ to have the resources and levels to actually create a monster, but the results may worth.

Do you need more help? Our Persona 5 guide and walkthrough features a complete month-by-month overview with important dates and Palace strategies, plus how to get the True Ending. Elsewhere, learn how to make the most of your free time with all the Confidant, Social Link and romance options, the best ways to increase social stats like Knowledge, Guts, Competence, Kindness and Charm, Create the best people through fusions, how to cheat on exams with our test answers, how to get Memento requests, unlock the entire trophy list, and learn about the upcoming DLC ​​schedule.

Some general tips to get a Persona dominated:

  • As a target, choose a target Persona that has many natural immunities and can be formed by fusing three or more Personas; Yoshitsune, Kohyru or Black Frost are good examples.
  • Next, look for other Personas that have passive skill-based immunities that are inheritable and cover any gaps: for example, Black Frost has no resistance against electrical damage, but Barong’s Null Electric or Mot’s Repel Electric can patch the hole.
  • Merge the People that you are going to use as ingredients. You will have to take many intermediate steps along the way; For example, to pass Absorb Electric from Barong to Black Frost, you will have to fuse Barong with Asterius to create Yatagarasu with the inherited ability and then fuse Yatagarasu with Seth to create King Frost with the inherited ability and then use King Frost on the final fusion.
  • Once you have the raw ingredients, use an Advanced Fusion to create your masterpiece.
  • Depending on various factors, such as the level of your base Personas, the Arcana range for the final fusion, and the exact route you took, your creation may now be excellent in defense but poor in attack, so spend some time on the lower reaches. of memories on a rainy day and you should pick up a handful of skill cards that you can apply to complete things.

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