Optical Illusion: Finding the spider in this shoe market is super tough. We challenge you to find the hidden spider.

From time to time, we feature an interesting discussion about any animal and offer an engaging challenge related to that animal as a bonus. However, today’s content is a little different. Today we are in a bad mood because one of our acquaintances, Robert, is not having a good time. We may not entertain you with some interesting facts about an animal today, but we will ask for his help for Robert.

To begin with, let’s ask ourselves why humanity is so fascinated and at the same time so scared by spiders. The fact that we are super fascinated as a species by spiders is similar in our movies. One of our favorite superheroes has undoubtedly been Spiderman. Spiders are interesting looking creatures with delicate bodies and super delicate webs. The human body is a complex system of bones, muscles, limbs, blood, flesh, organs, organ systems and more, while the body of a spider is perhaps much simpler in comparison. Furthermore, the body sizes of a spider and a human are incomparable. If all this is true, why are we still afraid of spiders? While different people may have different reasons for being afraid of spiders, our fear is primarily rooted in us due to evolution. Yes, evolution also transmits fear, and since our ancestors were afraid of spiders, so are we.

You must have already got an idea of ​​today’s topic. Yes, it’s spiders! Now that you know the topic, it’s time for us to talk about Robert and present you with today’s challenge.

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If there is someone who is not afraid of anything in the town, it is Robert. He is a young 24-year-old police officer who doesn’t really fear anything. The young blood that runs through his veins is so brave that he is able to help not only himself but also others in times of crisis. He is very fit for the uniform. His profession requires roaring like a lion and the man we are talking about is no less. Be it bullies, bad weather, natural calamities or life’s problems; our man faces everything head on with a wide smile on his face.

Our friend Robert is actually an optimistic person with a brave personality. However, it would be a mistake to believe that there is nothing in this world that can cause you fear. Well, some things aren’t really scary-worthy, but they are actually capable of making the mind very scared.

Let’s get straight to the point. Robert suffers from arachnophobia. Arachnophobia is actually the intense fear of spiders. When you suffer from a phobia, fear is not something that can be easily managed. As soon as Robert sees a spider, he feels intense panic and anxiety, making it difficult for him and the others to calm his nerves. This is the only fear that poor Robert hides from the world.

Did we tell you Robert is a shopaholic? Robert likes to shop and shoes are his biggest weakness. One fine day, Robert decided to buy a few pairs of shoes and so he went to the largest shoe market in the city. He liked to select from different varieties of shoes and chose seven high-quality pairs. Everything was going well until he came to experience his greatest fears! While he was looking at the wonderful shoe options in one of the stores, he heard an almost 5-year-old boy in the store whisper in his mother’s ear: “Mom, look, there’s a huge spider in the store!”

While this may seem like a run-of-the-mill statement to all of us, the words resonated in Robert’s ears differently. For anyone who has a phobia, it is not easy to stay next to the element that causes the phobia. Robert dropped everything he had bought and panicked. He began to run from one store to another, but no environment seemed safe to him anymore. Robert is in a situation of great distress.

In such a situation, we aim to find the hidden spider and remove it from the place, so that the brave policeman Robert can calm his nerves and return to normal. We tried to find the boy who spoke the words that Robert found devastating, but nothing helped. Now, the only option left is to look for the hidden spider.

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Will you be able to spot the spider hidden in the image as soon as possible?

JagranjoshImage source: MisterTeach (YouTube)

Could you find the hidden spider? Let’s ask our team if they could find it!

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Live! We have found the hidden spider!

Jagranjosh Image source: MisterTeach (YouTube)

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What havoc did the hidden spider create in Robert’s life? Now that we have found the hidden spider, our team has safely removed it out of Robert’s reach. We have made Robert believe that he is now in a safe state. Robert is safe and in a normal state. We urged the policeman to go home and get some rest. While fears can be easily controlled, phobias can be serious and more difficult to manage. Sometimes even the bravest hearts can be scared of even the tamest things. Phobias can sometimes seem unreasonable, but only the sufferer can understand the intensity of the phobias. Obviously, therapy is the best option to go for in such a case. However, developing a non-judgmental attitude towards oneself and others in such a case is what makes managing phobias easier than ever. In case you ever find someone with a phobia of anything around them, try to be kinder and more sensitive towards their needs. Additionally, it is never a good idea to encourage people to face their fears and be brave in times of panic. Remember, in such critical moments, sensitivity is what turns out to be the best medicine.

Oh readers, today you successfully helped someone calm down. We are very proud of you, dear readers!

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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