Monster Hunter Rise tips for beginners to help you in the hunt

Monster Hunter Rise tips for beginners to help you in the hunt

Monster Hunter Rise takes even bigger steps to welcome new players than the world of 2017.

Veterans of the series will also find a number of quality of life improvements in Monster Hunter Rise, from the way you explore biomes with wirebugs to using the camera in the heat of battle with gyroscopic controls.

However, while onboarding is better than ever, there’s still a learning curve for newcomers, so our list of Monster Hunter Rise tips for beginners will help you get to the good stuff as quickly as possible.

New to Monster Hunter? Check out Capcom’s Hunting 101 overview for Monster Hunter Rise

For more help in Monster Hunter Rise, check out our list of weapon types and explanations on how to capture monsters, access High Rank, and find cool wirebugs.

Don’t be intimidated by the depths on offer

Monster Hunter has been around for over 15 years, and in that time an already dense game has taken on a lot of systems and clutter.

Monster Hunter Rise does well to chart a course through all of that for new players, but if you stray from that path, it’s easy to get lost in all the things Monster Hunter: Meowcenaries has to offer! The Argosy! Friends training! – but don’t be intimidated by all this.

It’s easy enough to ignore all of that and come back to it later, once you understand the basics, and you won’t be penalized for doing so.

Don’t worry too much about the Hub missions at first.

Monster Hunter Rise returns to the series’ tradition of splitting single-player and multiplayer progression, which can initially be confusing for beginning players. There’s no need to worry though, as Rise is smart enough that progress in one area carries over to another.

These are divided into village quests and hub quests, and are obtained from two different vendors. The simplest distinction is that Village missions are single-player only, while Hub missions can be played both solo and multiplayer.

The village quests are best considered an introduction to Monster Hunter Rise. Not only do they introduce game concepts more gradually, but the monsters within are easier to defeat. Whether you’re new to the series or not, it’s best to start there.

The Hub is where Monster Hunter Rise’s endgame thrives, especially since the addition of multiplayer allows you to execute more elaborate strategies.

The good news is that as you progress towards the later stages of the Village quest line, you can complete licenses that will take you to the Center quest structure.

These are quite challenging – they task you with hunting multiple creatures in one go – but they mean you won’t have to start from scratch and can get to high-ranking hunts faster.

Spend some time getting acclimated to the wirebug

The wirebug is Monster Hunter Rise’s big new trick, although it’s entirely possible to play the entire game without having to use the new traversal method. Do not do this!

The Wirebug opens up the maps to an incredible level and introduces a whole new layer of combat. It’s worth spending some time just wandering around new areas and seeing where your Wirebug can take you, as a couple of well-timed bursts can get you there. virtually anywhere, or make any shortcut possible.

Likewise, don’t forget to lean on your new wirebug attacks, which can be a devastating addition to your combos and can seriously affect a monster’s health.

Be sure to try gyroscope on Switch

If you’ve ever played Splatoon, you’ll know how much gyroscopic aiming can add to a game, and that’s just as true in Monster Hunter Rise, only this time you’ll have to enable it yourself.

There are a handful of options to suit various tastes: you can simply enable the gyroscope for aiming, which makes moving around with wirebugs much faster and makes ranged weapons much more appealing.

Or you can also activate it for camera control (our preference), which means movement and location are much more precise, which in a game like Monster Hunter Rise makes all the difference.

Learn to love the Monster Hunter camera

Yes, there’s no hard lockdown when it comes to taking on big beasts in Monster Hunter, which can initially be off-putting, although it’s the Monster Hunter way.

However, the camera performs much better than in the past and there are some useful tools to make things much easier.

Firstly, check if gyro control is to your liking, as it gives you more fidelity, and even if it isn’t, it’s worth remembering that you can always point in the direction of the monster you’re hunting with just a touch of the side button. . something that is easy to forget in the heat of combat, but something that more often than not can prove to be a lifesaver.

Take time to make special requests

Villager requests are a Monster Hunter staple, and in keeping with Rise’s creed, they’re now much easier to track.

Talk to anyone who has a snack in the village (hold the minus button to open the map and access each of them) and they will usually make a request.

These are usually simple tasks worth completing, such as finding a rock lizard, as the rewards are more than worth it, whether they be new varieties of dango that give you stat boosts, or that give you cool wire bugs that act as shortcuts to higher locations or to unlock. All-new camps that make getting to your quarry much faster.

They are also often a good way to disconnect from the action and drama of the main monster hunt and allow you to harvest resources for minerals and bones.

The Palamute is the hunter’s best friend.

In Monster Hunter Rise, your trusty feline palico joins a second canine palico, a Palamute, on hunts.

Aside from getting caught up in battle, it’s also a great help when exploring. Hold the A button when it’s nearby and you’ll begin riding, allowing you to traverse any biome much faster than you would on your own legs. Even better is the ability to use potions, sharpen your weapons, and gather resources as you go, so you won’t have to get off every time.

While mastering the Wirebug is still highly recommended, the canine palico is also useful if you need a quick getaway during battle or to stay mobile while a monster calms down during a frantic phase; we recommend relying on one during your first encounter with Magnamalo. which can really punish you if you are in its way.

Learn how to start Sunbreak, the first expansion, and from there, how to unlock Master Rank, use Switch skill sharing, and advance with our Monster Hunter Sunbreak walkthrough. There’s also a list of monsters, as well as individual pages on how to beat Garangolm, Lunagaron, and Shogun Ceanataur. For the base game, we have several Monster Hunter Rise tips and lists of mineral locations, bone locations, weapon types, how to use Insect Glaives and Kinsects, details on how to join friends in multiplayer, how to capture monsters and learn about Wirebugs and great Wirebugs.

Pick up everything you see, even if you’re in a hurry

As you explore each area, you’ll find plenty to collect, from endemic life to plants and fungi.

You’ll want to investigate everything you see; Honey is particularly useful as it will automatically turn into Mega Potions if you have regular potions, while Ore and Bone Piles have their own weapon trees, allowing you to use your monster parts on other things.

There is a lot out there and, fortunately, you can collect it all at full speed or on the back of a palico.

Don’t worry about grinding too much (to begin with)

As you progress through the Village quests, don’t worry about replaying a hunt to get a full set of a monster so early in the game. The monster parts will increase in power so quickly that it is best to keep pressing.

If you get stuck on an Urgent mission, then it’s worth checking out the list of armor you can craft and collecting random pieces of what you’ve collected so far (a helmet here, some gloves there) to raise your overall defense level. Remember, ores and bones also allow you to scavenge for materials instead of carving them for certain upgrades, plus individual armor pieces for smaller creatures are quick and easy to make.

That said, if you really enjoyed a particular hunt or love the look of a particular monster (we were big fans of the Bishaten fight, for example), then it’s incredibly rewarding to take the time to farm a full set. But don’t feel like you have to: we recommend continuing to the center and upper range before that, where you’ll make the most of your time and effort.

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