Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Lunagaron strategy, weakness, and how to get Lunagaron materials

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Lunagaron strategy, weakness, and how to get Lunagaron materials

Lunagaron is the second of the Three Lords in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

This icy werewolf is fast, agile, and has a reputation for defeating many hunters in the game.

Whether you’re about to take it on for the first time in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, or you’re looking for materials for weapons and armor, there are several Lunagaron strategies and weaknesses you should know, including how to obtain the many ways to get a Lunagaron Bluecore, a frost jewel and a Lash Shell.

Check out our Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak walkthrough and monster list if you want to see when you’ll encounter this titan.

In this page:

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Launch Trailer

How to prepare for Lunagaron for the first time

This frozen client is not easy to defeat, as far as the second of the Three Lords in the main story of Sunbreak is concerned.

This fanged wyvern has different attacks depending on its stance: it will be on all fours, covered in ice, or on its hind legs, swinging towards you with its muscular arms and sharp claws.

This, of course, means that ice and water are of no use to you, but fire and thunder are the way to go. And if you have a decent dragon weapon but no ice or thunder, the dragon is better than nothing.

Lunagaron Weakness

Lunagaron Weaknesses:

  • Fire – High
  • Water – Null
  • Thunder – High
  • Ice – Null
  • Dragon – Bass
  • Poison – Low
  • Stun – Low
  • Paralysis – Low
  • Sleep – Low
  • Explosion – Medium
  • Exhaust – Bass
  • Fire blight – Medium
  • water pest – low
  • Thunder – Bass
  • Ice Plague – Low

How to beat Lunagaron in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Lunagaron is the second of the Three Lords of Sunrise. This one, a werewolf, is reminiscent of Tobi Kadachi or Odogaron in many ways, but with a cool new twist: he uses ice to his advantage.

Given what it’s based on, it’s no surprise that Lunagaron has two forms: four legs and two legs.

Generally speaking, Lunagaron will walk around the map on all fours but will fight you on two legs. However, he does not limit himself exclusively to either in a fight, granting him enormous speed and agility.

Additionally, it has a habit of covering itself in ice, not only to protect itself, but also to give it something to attack you with.

This, of course, means ice plague, which in turn means adding Nulberries to your pack.

While you can roll to unfreeze your Silkbugs, as you would at High Rank, these attacks hit harder at Master Rank and this negative attack lasts longer. Instead of spending your entire stamina bar running around like a Volvidon, simply eat a berry.

While you’re covered in ice, your plan should be to howl at it with your weapon of choice, hitting the frozen parts until they break. Doing so will knock the wyvern down, giving you the opportunity to hit it where it hurts the most (practically the abdomen).

The downside, of course, is that when he gets back up, he’ll get really angry and start punching you.

While your notebook will inform you that when you lose the cold (literally), your muscles warm up and expand (making it harder to hit), you generally hit harder when you’re angry and covered in ice.

While Lunagaron doesn’t have too many ice attacks aside from using his claws, the one to watch out for is that he jumps on your head and shoots ice balls at you from above.

This isn’t really telegraphed, however, so be sure to keep your health at maximum if you get up close.

As with all monsters in the franchise, once you learn their attack pattern, you’ll quickly find when and where your openings are.

Lunagaron is a delicate but fair boss, and you can beat him easily if you stay focused. Just make sure you always have him in sight, as he is surprisingly fast on all fours!

Learn how to start Sunbreak, the first expansion, and from there, how to unlock Master Rank, use Switch skill sharing, and advance with our Monster Hunter Sunbreak walkthrough. There’s also a list of monsters, as well as individual pages on how to beat Garangolm, Lunagaron, and Shogun Ceanataur. For the base game, we have several Monster Hunter Rise tips and lists of mineral locations, bone locations, weapon types, how to use Insect Glaives and Kinsects, details on how to join friends in multiplayer, how to capture monsters and learn about Wirebugs and great Wirebugs.

How to get Lunagaron Bluecore, Frost Jewel and Lash Shell materials and more

The following materials are available in Lunagaron, depending on what you break, carve, or receive as a reward:

Lunagaron Master Rank Material List

  • Lunagaron Bark: Most commonly dropped, but also carved, broken, captured, and used as a target reward.
  • Lunagaron Shard: Most commonly dropped, but can also be carved, captured, rewarded as a target, and broken.
  • Vermillion Moon Hard Claw: Often broken, but also as a capture and targeting reward.
  • Frostborn Hard Fang: Usually broken, but also carved, as a target and dropped reward.
  • Lunagaron Bluecore: Most commonly dropped, but also carved and rarely (less than 10% chance) as a capture reward and target reward.
  • Lunagaron’s Frost Jewel: Very rarely (less than 5% chance) from capture or broken pieces or as a target reward, and even more rarely as a carving or drop.
  • Lunagaron Lash Shell – Usually broken, but also as a capture reward

If you want to increase your material earnings, consider learning how to capture monsters to get even more for your efforts.

Looking for more challenges? Check out our Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak walkthrough and monster list.

Categories: Guides

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