Math riddles with answers: Smart math riddles for smart people! Try these super challenging math riddles

Mathematics is a super challenging subject. Whether you are or not, but when we were in school, we all had a strange fear of the subject. Even students who never scored less than 95% marks in all subjects worked day and night and harder in mathematics compared to other subjects. This is the nature of mathematics. It can be the most challenging topic but also the most interesting. With this thought, let’s start today with our exciting set of math puzzles.

Math Riddles with Answers:

Mathematical riddle 1:

Henry, the magician, has a unique die that he uses for his magic tricks. Six faces of the die are marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 respectively. Note that the magician’s die does not have any 6s on either face. If Henry calls one of the volunteers from the audience and the volunteer rolls 3 of those dice in a row, what do you think is the probability of getting a total sum of 14 on the top face?


    1. The chances are between 20% and 25%.
    2. The chances are more than 25%.
  • The chances are between 5% and 10%.
  1. The chances are between 10% and 20%.

Mathematical riddle 2:

Are you smart enough to understand the unique series? What number do you think is in K?

0.. 6.. 24.. 60.. 120.. K


    1. 120
  1. 150
  2. 180

Math Riddle 3: A flight is made up of people from a wide variety of professions. There are 25 actors, 20 nurses, 18 designers and 12 lawyers on the flight. In total, all of these people spent $1,330 on tickets. Five actors spent as much money on the ticket as 4 nurses. Additionally, 6 designers spent as much money on the ticket as 8 lawyers and 12 nurses spent as much money on the ticket as 9 designers. If this is the scenario, how much do you think the nurses spent?


  1. $420
  2. $350
  3. $195
  4. $210

Wondering where the answers are? Well, have we ever left your hand halfway?

Here are the answers you may be looking for:


Mathematical riddle 1:

Henry, the magician, has a unique die that he uses for his magic tricks. Six faces of the die are marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 respectively. Note that the magician’s die does not have any 6s on either face. If Henry calls one of the volunteers from the audience and the volunteer rolls 3 of those dice in a row, what do you think is the probability of getting a total sum of 14 on the top face?


  1. The chances are between 20% and 25%.
  2. The chances are more than 25%.
  3. The chances are between 5% and 10%.
  4. The chances are between 10% and 20%.


The chances are between 5% and 10%.

Mathematical riddle 2:

Are you smart enough to understand the unique series? What number do you think is in K?

0.. 6.. 24.. 60.. 120.. K


    1. 120
  1. 150
  2. 180



Math Riddle 3: A flight is made up of people from a wide variety of professions. There are 25 actors, 20 nurses, 18 designers and 12 lawyers on the flight. In total, all of these people spent $1,330 on tickets. Five actors spent as much money on the ticket as 4 nurses. Additionally, 6 designers spent as much money on the ticket as 8 lawyers and 12 nurses spent as much money on the ticket as 9 designers. If this is the scenario, how much do you think the nurses spent?


  1. $420
  2. $350
  3. $195
  4. $210



Weren’t these math puzzles super interesting? Well, we agree they were difficult, but that’s the beauty of it.

READ ALSO: Word Puzzles: We’ve raised the difficulty bar. We give you a word, you find its opposite and synonym in the word puzzle. (TIME LIMIT: ONLY 40 SECONDS!)

Categories: Optical Illusion

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