Kingdom Come: Deliverance lockpicking explained – lockpicking skill perks, how to pick locks and where to get lockpicks

Kingdom Come: Deliverance lockpicking explained - lockpicking skill perks, how to pick locks and where to get lockpicks

Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s lockpicking isn’t fully explained the first time you try it, and even later, when you learn a few lessons, it can seem complicated.

It has a special ability, like all awkward mechanics, and at least the difficulty is pretty realistic, so here on this page we’ll do our best to explain how to pick locks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and how to get them. lockpicks too.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Explains How to Pick Locks – How to Pick Locks

Picking locks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is both an in-game skill and a skill in itself. You’ll need to learn how to do it and exercise some muscle memory if you want to do it right, but fortunately it’s one of those things that, once you know how to do it, should be pretty easy to repeat.

When you’ve found a lock you want to open, whether it’s a door or a closed chest, press and hold the interact button to start and you’ll be greeted with this screen:

Your task is to make the cursor (the little circle in the middle) hover over the correct spot and then, when you’ve found the right spot, rotate the lock, moving the cursor to keep it in place relative to the rest. of the mechanism.

So the first thing is to find the right place. This is done by moving the cursor (with its right analog, or just the mouse if you’re on a PC), until the center ball turns gold.

It will get bigger the closer you get to the sweet spot. When the ball is at its largest size, hold it there.

Now, you need to turn the lock using the left analog stick or simply holding D on the keyboard; It’s a lot easier on the keyboard, in all honesty.

At the same time, you must move the cursor at the same speed as you move the lock, so that they rotate together and the position of the cursor on the lock is always the same relative to the rest. So if the sweet spot was directly down from the center, at 6 o’clock, and then you turned the lock halfway up to now, the cursor would now be at the top, at 12 o’clock, and still on the sweet spot. sweet.

Just as I turned the lock clockwise here with the left analog stick, or D on the keyboard, I also moved the gold cursor in the same direction and at the same speed with the right stick, or my mouse.

Once you’ve done it completely, the lock will open and you’ll be inside. Just try not to get detected while you clear the contents and get out!

How to get lockpicks and other things you should know about picking locks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Fortunately, getting lockpicks is a equitably simple task in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

At the beginning of the game, when you try to pick the lock on a troublesome guy’s chest so you can get payment to your father, you can get some lockpicks from your friend Fritz.

After that, however, the most conventional way to get lockpicks is to simply buy them from a merchant. The first time we came across these they cost us about 18 groschen each. If you lack that, the easiest thing to do is sell what you have or loot and attack as you progress through the game.

However, it seems like dealers rarely have them in stock, so your best bet is to just make a rule of thumb and buy them whenever you see them, even if it takes a little work to gather the coin. You’ll find it’s worth the effort when you search for the final pick in a crucial chest.

In addition to how to get lockpicks, here are some general tips, tricks, and things you should know about picking locks:

  • Lock Picks Can Break: It is quite easy to break a lock and will happen any time you cannot pick a lock. To avoid this, try not to force the lock to turn if you feel there is some resistance. This is really difficult on the controller as it needs a patch, but on PC it’s simply a case of not pressing D unless you know the cursor is in the right place.
  • Be aware of noise: This is a more general point about poaching crime, but with lockpicking the thing to keep in mind is that breaking a lockpick is by far the loudest part (hence the noise reduction benefits). noise found below). When you know you are in a high-risk situation, avoiding breaking a lockpick is the surest way to go unnoticed.
  • On PC, modify the mouse sensitivity: One of the problems with lock picking is that the cursor sensitivity suddenly increases when you enter the lock picking minigame, making it difficult to control as you turn the mechanism. On PC, a great way to solve this is to use whatever extra functionality you have with the mouse and reduce the DPI to a minimum, or use the “sniper mode” button that often comes with gaming mice. Shout out to our friends at Eurogamer Germany for that tip!

For more tips and knight guides like this, we have a main page with several useful Kingdom Come Deliverance tips, as well as an explanation on how to save in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a complete guide to all 25 treasure maps and locations of treasures. a full page on Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s tricky lockpicking, how to pick locks, and how to find lockpicks, as well as information on where to get Kingdom Come: Delviverance horse armor and how to find or buy a horse too..

Kingdom Come: Lockpicking Perks and Deliverance Skill Tree

Finally, here’s a quick summary of lock picking skill and its relative advantages, so you have an idea of ​​what to improve as your lock picking skill continues to increase.

Advantages of lock picking skill:

Benefits Required level Effect
Durable Lock Picks 3 Your lockpicks will be more durable and will last twice as long.
Repairman 3 After successfully picking a lock, you have a 20 percent chance of broken lockpicks returning to your inventory.
Skillful grip 6 The starting position when picking locks will be closer to the end of the lock, making it easier to open.
drunk’s luck 6 You’ll find it 30 percent easier to pick locks when you’re drunk, but it will also be 30 percent noisier.
silent violinist 9 You can work almost silently with a lockpick, even if the lockpick doesn’t work well. Opening lockpicks is 90 percent quieter.
Sixth Sense 9 You are warned if someone is about to catch you in the act of lock picking.
lucky thief 12 If the lockpick breaks, you will have a 10 percent chance of picking the lock instantly.
master thief 12 You can unlock locks easier automatically.

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