Differences between Majority and Minority division

Minority Rights Day is celebrated on December 18 every year. The purpose of the day is to promote better understanding among India’s religious minorities and protect the rights of marginalized groups.

Differences between majority and minority division

A subdivision in which one or more racial, ethnic, and/or religious minorities constitute the majority of the local population (relative to the population of the entire country) is called a majority-minority or minority-majority area.

Generally, a social minority is a group of people who are marginalized by society, have less influence there, and can be identified by their physical or cultural differences. A social majority can be quantified or constituted by the group with the greatest influence in a given area.

In addition to the majority and minority communities, the subdivision also plays important roles in forming the government. And the difference between them is:

A majority government is one in which the primary political party has more than half of the seats in the House of Commons (155 seats or more). They do not need the support of other parties to pass laws because they already have the majority of the necessary votes.

Most seats, but only 50% or less of the total seats, are held by a minority government (154 or less). They must make “deals” with other parties to pass laws and turn them into law. Additionally, minority governments can be overthrown if opposing political parties decide to form a coalition government or join forces to defeat it and call elections.

Everything you need to know about Majority Rights Day in India.

Parameters of Distinction between groups

The attribution of majority-minority status to a particular area or within a social setting can be influenced by a variety of central points of difference and distinction between groups of people. Whether directly or indirectly related to such distinctions, ethnic differences often correspond to differences in culture, language, or religion.

Cultural and linguistic

The language, communication, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or other groups are included in integrated patterns of human behavior referred to as culture. When a system, organization, or group of professionals come together to form cultural and linguistic competence, the conditions are created for productive work in intercultural environments.


An ethnic group, also known as ethnicity, is a group of individuals who identify with each other based on characteristics that differentiate them from other groups. These characteristics may include shared traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, or ways of treatment in your local community. Asia is home to a large number of ethnic groups that have adapted to the region’s various climate zones, including arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical and tropical. Ethnic groups can live in forests, grasslands, deserts and mountains.


Racism is the idea that certain human populations have distinct behavioral traits related to inherited characteristics and can be classified according to the superiority of one race over another. It can also refer to hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against other people who are of a different race or ethnicity. Today’s racism often has its roots in social perceptions of biological variations between populations. As a result of presumed shared heritable traits, abilities, or qualities, different races may be classified as inherently superior or inferior to each other in social actions, practices, beliefs, or political systems.


Religious persecution, which has taken the most extreme forms, including the execution of people for beliefs considered heretical, is related to religious discrimination. Mild forms of religious discrimination or persecution are defined as laws that carry only minor penalties. Religiosism has also been used in recent years, but “religious discrimination” remains the most frequently used term.

Followers of minority religions occasionally express concern about the religious discrimination they experience, even in societies where freedom of religion is a constitutional right. In terms of legal policies, situations perceived as cases of religious discrimination may be the result of intrusions into the religious sphere by other non-religious public spheres.

What are the rights of minorities under the Indian Constitution?

Regions and presence of majority groups in India

  • In some other districts of India, as well as in the Indian states/territories of Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims predominate. But in general, Muslims are a minority in India.
  • Although Christians do not even make up more than 3% of India’s total population, they currently constitute the majority in the northeastern states of Nagaland (90%), Mizoram (88%) and Meghalaya (83.3%).
  • Although they are not a majority in India as a whole, Sikhs constitute the majority in the state of Punjab.
  • Due to the state’s wide cultural diversity, no religious or ethnic group in the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh represents more than 30% of the population.

For your information, the National Commission for Minorities of India celebrates Minority Rights Day to encourage religious harmony, respect and deeper understanding of all minority communities.

Differences between modern and ancient slavery.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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