How to unlock Wicked Implement in Destiny 2

Something is moving beneath the methane seas in Destiny 2, as strange hive statues appear in the depths to attract Broken Blades during the Season of the Depths.

Guardians with the fortitude to face this challenge will earn the Wicked Implement exotic scout rifle in Destiny 2.

This is a long and deep search. Collecting all the Broken Blades can take quite a while and the final mission is one of the toughest challenges in Destiny 2. Gather your fellow Guardians and get ready to dive, there’s a lot to do.

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What are broken swords in Destiny 2?

Broken Blades in Destiny 2 are rare hive artifacts that are obtained by fishing and depositing exotic fish in the aquarium. Each exotic fish is tied to a different blade, and each blade has a corresponding statue hidden in the Deep Dive event where they will be deposited.

At first you could only catch one exotic fish, but now a second has been added to the mix. Up to two more exotic fish are likely to be added, one in each of the next few weeks.

You will have to visit each of the fishing ponds and keep fishing until you catch one of the exotics. Which fish you hook depends purely on luck, but, as we detail in our complete fishing guide, increasing your Fishing Focus meter will increase the chances of the rarest Exotic and Legendary fish appearing.

Once you have captured your fish you will have to visit the Aquarium and deposit them. Once you have done so, the corresponding broken blade will be added to the Fishing Tackle box in your inventory.

How to get the location of Broken Blade of Strife and Hive Statue in Destiny 2

The first sword is the Broken Blade of Strife. This is obtained by depositing the exotic fish Whispering Mothcarp in the HELM.

The whispering moth is found in the Throne World of Savathun. Open the regional map to find the pond and set up shop there.

How long it takes will mostly depend on luck, so it’s best to set aside some time and bring plenty of bait. At the end you will see the shiny gold fish emerge. Pick it up and head to the HELM. Leave it in the aquarium and the Broken Blade of Strife will be added to your fishing tackle.

Now open the HELM menu and start a deep dive. The corresponding statue is located in the first deep dive area. Continue through the hatch into the depths and keep right once you reach the first area with plants at 750 meters. Hug the wall to your right and look for a small opening and path. It’s the same area as the Twilight Plant in our Aquarium Decorating guide.

Shortly before reaching the plant there will be a hole. Look down and to your right to find the statue.

Approach and offer him the Broken Blade of Grudge.

How to get the Hive Statue and Broken Blade of Ambition location in Destiny 2

The quest for the Broken Blade of Ambition begins on Nessus. Locate the fishing pond and cast your line. This time you are on the hunt for an exotic Vexing Placoderm fish. Fishing is all about patience, so sit back and fish until you get what you need.

Once you’ve caught the Placoderm, take it to the HELM and add it to your collection. The Broken Blade of Ambition will be yours, safely stowed away in your fishing tackle.

The deep dive from HELM begins. This time you will go to the first enemy encounter area, after the initial dive. When you enter the room, look towards the doors that roughly divide the area in half. On the other side of that door, above and to the left is a balcony and a locked door.

Once you defeat the enemies and clear the objectives in this space, that door will open. Visit the statue before moving forward (or before your teammates carry you forward) and deposit the Broken Blade of Ambition.

How to get the location of the Hive Statue and the Broken Blade of Cunning in Destiny 2

The last piece you need to find is the Broken Blade of Cunning. Open the Director, navigate to the EDZ, and note (or mark) the location of the fishing pond. Head over there, cast your line, and sit back while fishing for the exotic Aeonion Alpha-Beta.

Once you get the prized catch, deposit it in the Aquarium on the HELM and the Broken Blade of Cunning will be yours.

Now start a deep dive. Work your pay past the first encounter and go into the depths thereafter. Go down to the flat area below the large turbine, then go down again to some caverns in the sea. Look for the thorny pink plant, turn left and then left again towards the large vegetation that looks like a translucent blue anemone. Follow the wall to your left to reach the statue and offer the Broken Blade of Cunning.

Once the Torn Blade is deposited, you can advance to the next encounter.

How to unlock Wicked Implement in Destiny 2

Once you’ve obtained all of the Broken Blades, you can try to unlock the exotic Wicked Implement scout rifle. To do so, you need to undertake a very challenging timed mission in a hidden area called The Drowning.

To open the entrance, you will need to start a deep dive and deposit the swords into the three statues. Once you’ve done that, make your way through and complete the second encounter, but don’t go any further. Instead, look to the right of the exit, towards a large set of doors. If you successfully deposited all of the Broken Blades, they will open.

Inside are three beehive statues. Each person on your fire team must interact with a separate statue. Once you do, Xivu Arath will offer a few words of “encouragement” and the way forward will be opened.

Preparing for the Wicked Implement quest in Destiny 2

The quest to unlock Wicked Implement is exceptionally difficult, similar to a high level raid or dungeon. What makes it especially difficult is a 10-minute time limit to complete the mission that starts halfway.

There will be both clear and boss bonus damage to focus on. Bosses have obvious hotspots, so high damage weapons that deal precision damage like the Taipan 4FR are a good choice. Having at least one person using Divinity to buff group damage is extremely helpful.

All of the weaker enemies are taken, so a Ruskrunner or Osteo Striga quickly taking out large groups of weak enemies can save some time. There will be some strong Minotaurs to kill at regular intervals, it’s worth equipping some armor mods that decrease the void damage they deal.

Lastly, note that the Extinction modifier is active. If all team members die simultaneously, the mission ends in failure and everyone is sent back to orbit. Hunter invisibility abilities or a Well of Radiance Warlock can be really useful for survival.

How to defeat Khull Executioner Knight in Destiny 2

Once you cross the bulkhead into the depths, after the statues press forward. There are many air bubbles and the path is very linear. You will quickly emerge from the depths into a long hallway that will be filled with possessed enemies. Clear them out and move through an airlock into the depths once more. Continue until you go down the floor and emerge from the depths into an open room. Here you will meet the first boss, Khull, the Knight Executioner.

This fight has some phases. The first phase takes place in this room. Khull is extremely resistant to damage, so don’t waste shots on him just yet. Other enemies will start to appear in the room; Take them out and look for the three perfected Minotaurs. Every time you kill one of these Minotaurs, they will grant you a buff called Deathly Sharp. Once all three are down, a message will appear saying “Sharp, Like Death”. This is your mission to damage the boss. Once you’ve removed about a quarter of his health bar, he will become invincible and teleport away, ending this phase.

Once Khull leaves, a door will open. Step inside and you will find yourself entering a Temple of Darkness. A timer will start counting down from 10 minutes and warn you that “the weak will be expelled during the countdown.” If you don’t finish the rest of this mission by then, everyone will return to orbit and the mission will be a failure.

The room will be filled with Taken ads. As you deal with them, locate two shards of darkness. One will be in the center of the room, the other will be under the ladder right in front of it. You will have to shoot each one once to activate them. Activating both opens the barrier that separates you from the room with Khull.

The rest of the fight with Khull is similar to the first phase. You will need to hunt down the perfected Minotaurs to get the damage buff to be able to kill Khull quickly. This time the Minotaurs hide behind more transparent barriers, one on each of the other three sides of this rectangular boss fight room. Shoot the shards of darkness near each barrier to open them. The damage buff has a timer; if it reaches zero, the improvement ends. If this happens, the Minotaurs will respawn and you will need to kill them again. Focus on defeating Khull as quickly as possible, as time is of the essence. Once it falls, another door will open.

Grab the rally flag. and proceed to the final boss.

How to defeat Omen Blade of the Black Terrace in Destiny 2

The final boss of this mission is Omen, Blade of the Black Terrace. This nasty guy is a Tormentor. You may remember from the Lightfall campaign that they have high mobility, attack suppression abilities, and a large critical hit point in the chest. Like Khrull, Omen is very resistant to damage early on.

The boss fight arena is roughly a large square, with dividing walls and stairs that turn the space into a maze. The central room is relatively open and tends to be the ideal place for the boss damage phase.

Once again you will need to kill three Perfected Minotaurs to get the buff that allows you to damage the boss. The Minotaurs are scattered throughout the arena and you will have to hunt them down quickly if you want to defeat Omen before time runs out. Ideally, your team should be divided. After a while, all the Minotaurs you haven’t located will have markers attached to them to help you locate them. Omen will attack your fire team while this is happening, do your best to stay ahead of him.

Once all three Minotaurs are down, converge on Omen and start dealing damage as quickly as possible. He will jump, slash, and throw at you and your fellow Guardians. Stay alive, but keep dealing damage, preferably with critical hits to the chest area. Divinity creates a sphere that acts as a larger and easier to hit weak point; having one on your team here makes things so much easier.

Over time, the damage buff will deplete. The Minotaurs will respawn, hunt them down again, and repeat the process until Omen is no more. He now proceeds to the center of the back wall of the arena, and it will open up to reveal a Statue of Darkness.

Interact with him to complete the quest and claim your Wicked Implement.

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