How to heal in Scorn

Even Scorn’s controls can be a little tricky at times, especially when trying to figure out how to heal himself.

Even if you know the right button to do it on PC and Xbox, you still need to find a specific item in order to heal in Scorn.

We’ve detailed exactly what act you get the item to heal, along with how to heal it once you get it. If you need help with the main Scorn puzzles, we have pages on the Act 1 egg puzzle, the Act 2 spinning circle puzzle, the Act 3 yellow lights puzzle, and a boss guide for Act 5.

Scorn: Game Walkthrough (with Doug Bradley).

In this page:

How to get more health in Scorn

You won’t be able to heal until you solve the spinning circle puzzles in Act 2 of Scorn and then enter the next part of the building using your new one-light key.

You need this key to advance in Act 2.

After entering this building, you’ll travel through the same area in Act 1, only the place appears to be falling apart. Follow the path until you find another closed door with a light and use your key.

Keep exploring and when you go down an elevator, look right in front of you at a station with a light and three red tubes above it – this is a healing station.

When you interact with the healing station, you will insert a crab-like device and the station will inject what looks like blood into its orifices. Each red orb that forms in this crab-like device represents a bar of health that you can recover by using it.

By holding the correct button, you can now heal on Scorn.

Do you need help surviving the terrifying alien world of Scorn? We have pages on how to heal, along with solutions for the egg puzzle in Act 1, spinning circle puzzles in Act 2, yellow light puzzles in Act 3, maze puzzles in Act 4, and the best strategy to defeat to the grenade launcher. boss in act 5.

How to heal in contempt

Once you’ve found your first healing station and have at least one red orb in your crab-shaped healing device, all you have to do is hold RB on Xbox controllers or ‘E’ on PC to heal you in Scorn. Tapping won’t work, so make sure you hold down the button.

Your character will then transfer blood from the crab-like device to your own arm, regaining a maximum of two bars of health at a time.

You can see how much health you and your crab have left at the top left of the screen while you heal. Your health are the bars, and the red circles are the number of red healing orbs in your healing crab.

If you ever forget any of Scorn’s controls, you can always pause the game for a quick reminder.

Additionally, if you run out of red healing orbs, you will need to find more healing stations to recharge your crab. These tend to be hidden in optional rooms, so be sure to try to fully explore an area if you’re low on health.

Good luck with the rest of Scorn!

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