How to get XP fast in Dying Light 2

Knowing the best ways to get XP in Dying Light 2 is useful if you want to unlock useful new abilities.

There are generally two ways to earn XP: completing story missions and engaging in combat and parkour, the latter of which will reward you with skill points to help you develop them further with new abilities.

While it’s generally a case of doing more of both, there are some recommended things you should prioritize if you want to get XP faster.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human Skill Trees Revealed

How to get XP quickly in Dying Light 2

One of the most useful things to know is that if you played the original Dying Light, you’ll be interested to know that extra nightly XP returns in Dying Light 2.

While you earn XP by fighting or climbing in broad daylight, you’ll earn additional XP for each of these actions at night.

The only disadvantage, as the game explains to you in the first hours, is that you will have to deal with very strong infected during the night, who will chase you relentlessly through the city if they detect you. Talk about risk reward!

If you’re not into that, then one way to quickly rack up XP is by attacking military supply drops. Whenever you find yourself on a high point in Dying Light 2, take out your binoculars and scan your surroundings.

Your binoculars are an essential tool for identifying points of interest, and one of them could very well be untouched military supply drops on top of tall buildings, for which you’ll earn a ton of XP if you can successfully reach them and then simply open them. the box waiting for you there.

If you want parkour XP in particular, we recommend focusing on the Parkour challenges. These are scattered throughout the city of Villedor and, once again, you can use your binoculars to locate them on your map.

Parkour challenges will often require you to reach a designated location within a set time, and if you can overcome the feat, they will award you a decent amount of extra Parkour XP points.

As for Combat XP points, you have far fewer options. You can progress through Dying Light 2’s story missions, most of which reward you with a large amount of XP points for both Combat and Parkour, or you can take on specific combat challenges.

You can see an example of a Combat Challenge map marker just below, which will task you with killing infected within a certain period of time.

Looking for more help? We’ve got system explanations for cross-play and how to play co-op, as well as how long it takes to beat Dying Light 2. For upgrades, there are factions to consider, our recommendations for the best skills, and how to get XP quickly. As for things to find, there are inhibitor locations, windmill locations, and our explainer on how to unlock fast travel. Finally, we also explain how to complete the objective of meeting the people of the Bazaar and the different endings of Dying Light 2.

Like Parkour tasks, combat challenges are essential if you want to accumulate combat XP as quickly as possible. Outside of the main story missions, these should be your go-to tasks if you specifically want to level up your combat skills quickly.

Once you’ve started unlocking skill points, we’ve got a list of the best Dying Light 2 skills you should unlock first.

Categories: Guides

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