How to beat Mimosa in Hi-Fi RUSH

Beating Mimosa in Hi-Fi RUSH makes you the star of the stage, but there are quite a few stages to defeat this boss. Not only does Mimosa want to be the star of the show, but she also wants to show Chai who’s really in charge.

Mimosa has quite a few tricks up her sleeve in Hi-Fi RUSH, including an extraordinary dress. It may seem like Mimosa won’t be defeated, but if you learn her attack patterns and continue countering them, she will be defeated in no time.

Without further ado, we’ll show you how to beat Mimosa in Hi-Fi RUSH and dominate the stage.

Hi-Fi RUSH launch trailer.

How to beat Mimosa in Hi-Fi RUSH

Mimosa’s dress protects her throughout the battle, so you will have to continually attack her to break the dress. Eventually the shield on her dress will fail and this will stun Mimosa so you can land some good attacks. However, this is easier said than done.

Mimosa will spend a lot of time in the air, so you’ll rely heavily on your grip to get close to her and then attack her in the air. In the rare moments when Mimosa is grounded, you’ll have to be quick.

stage one

One of the first attacks Mimosa uses is that she will start singing and musical notes will start floating around her. You have two options here: you can stop the notes once they start launching towards you or you can dodge them.

If you choose to dodge, make sure you are not close to them when they embed themselves in the ground. The notes explode after falling to the ground.

Be careful. If Mimosa looks at you while she spreads her wings and approaches you, then you should dodge it. If you don’t, she will grab you and slap you.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa slapping Chai.
This is what happens if she catches you.

Additionally, when in the air, Mimosa will begin to form balls of blue light around both of her hands. She will shoot you successively in rhythm with the beat. The easiest thing to do for now is to avoid them.

In between air attacks, call Peppermint as you use your grappling hook to crawl towards Mimosa. This way, you can both attack her at the same time and deal a good amount of damage together.

When Mimosa falls to the ground, you can call on your three friends to attack her. While they attack her, use a combo attack or repeatedly use strong attacks to significantly wear her down.

Rinse and repeat your attacks until you break the shields on the dress and Mimosa is left vulnerable on the ground. When she’s down, throw everything you have at her quickly. You will then have to repeat this until you have lost a third of his health.

Stage two

When she has lost a third of her health, Mimosa will turn off the lights. But don’t worry, you’re not completely in the dark, as the enemies are illuminated with spotlights.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Chai is in front of Mimosa, who is standing in a call center.
Lights, camera, mimosa?

You can do one of two things here: you can attack the gang robots that have appeared, or you can search for Mimosa and focus your attacks on her. We recommend the latter, as it will allow you to get through the fight faster.

Mimosa will be mostly grounded in this section, but will disappear when the spotlights change and will reappear elsewhere on the stage. When you find her, use your hook to get close to her and, while attacking her with quick attacks, call out your three friends at the same time.

Once you’ve dealt enough damage, the lights will come back on and you can focus all your efforts on Mimosa. Attack it as you did in the previous stage.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa moves her hair.
Be careful, Mimosa isn’t done yet!

When you’ve done a little more damage, Mimosa will announce something called ‘Vandelay Side-Story’. The stage will change color, Mimosa will be placed in the center near the back, and two rows of robots will appear on either side of the stage.

Focus your efforts on damaging Mimosa, but be careful of the robots. When they are close enough, lines will appear on the ground. This indicates where the flames from your flame weapons will go. Do not stand in or near any of these lines.

If Mimosa is floating above or near the danger zone, then you can wait until the robots stop firing their flamethrowers or you can use your grappling hook to get close to Mimosa and attack her.

As before, continue attacking Mimosa to remove her clothing shield, but always keep in mind where the robots are.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa is stretching the wings of her shield.
That’s really a useful dress.

Plus, if you need a little health boost, you can always attack the robots to collect health packs.

After doing a little more damage, the lights will go out again. You can continue attacking Mimosa and repeat the previous steps at this stage until you deplete her health down to her last section.

Stage three

Once Mimosa’s health reaches the last third, you will have to pass a small mini-game to continue the boss battle. You will have to face Mimosa and try to get the crowd on your side.

A small bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. Press the indicated controls at the right time when they enter the circle on the left to keep up.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Chai playing guitar in Mimosa boss fight
Chai takes the stage!

The bar at the top of the screen will show you whether the crowd is cheering more for Chai or Mimosa. If you keep pressing the controls at the right time, in time with the beat, Chai will win. If not, Mimosa will win.

Once you have enough of a crowd on your side, the final section of the boss battle will continue. This time, Mimosa is faster and has a new set of attacks to follow.

Mimosa will soon announce the ‘Equalizer Attack’ which places you in a protected box from where blocking bars are thrown at you. Jump to avoid these bars, but they will continue to appear until you break the shield.

To break the shield, head towards Mimosa and towards the protected circle to her left inside the box. Call Peppermint and use her to break the shield around this circle. Once it’s broken, attack the inner circle to break it.

Then, while avoiding the bars, head to the other protected circle on the right. Call Macaron to break the shield. Once it breaks, attack the inner circle again to destroy it.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa boss battle, Chai is tied in an armored box.
If you don’t lower your shields, you won’t be able to attack Mimosa.

Once both inner circles have been destroyed, the shield will fall and Mimosa will briefly fall. Launch all attacks at him, but heavy and combo attacks work best. You can also call on your three friends to help you deal more damage.

Once he returns, Mimosa will have another new attack. This is similar to the musical notes from before. She will sing and ‘Do, Re, Mi’ will appear around her. As you did with the musical notes, you can parry or dodge them.

Then, there is another new attack that you must face. Mimosa will fly low to the ground and lunge towards you. You have to dodge it, but don’t stop after the first one. He’ll do about five or six attacks in a row, so keep dodging until he stops.

After this, Mimosa will launch a new variation of a previous attack. Remember the bright blue circles around her hands? Well, she now has four (circles, not hands) and each one will fire a continuous stream of thick lasers.

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa using disco ball style attacks
If you parry or dodge, the main goal is not to get hit.

Don’t get caught in these lasers, make sure you stay between them to avoid them or you can stop them if you time it right.

If you choose to dodge the lasers, you can use your hook to get close to Mimosa and attack her, and you can also call Peppermint.

Continue attacking Mimosa and parrying her attacks to break her dress shields and reduce her health to nothing.

Surprise! Hi-Fi Rush is here and we have Graffiti locations for each track and boss guides for Rekka, Mimosa, Roquefort and Kale to help you on your musical journey.

Final stage

When Mimosa has no health left, you have one more thing to do. You have to stop her attacks at the pace.

This part is similar to how you would parry larger enemy attacks in the other stages. Just before Mimosa attacks, you will be shown the timing and rhythm of her attacks. All you need to do is match this rhythm and stop his attacks at the rhythm.

After you successfully parry enough attacks, Mimosa will be defeated!

Hi-Fi RUSH, Mimosa fireworks
Evil plans aside, Mimosa planned quite the fireworks show… Once you beat Mimosa, you’re almost there! Enjoy the rest of your ride in Hi-Fi RUSH to stop Vandelay. To view this content, please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings

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