Flight Simulator weather explained: How to change weather, time of day, and enable live weather conditions

Flight Simulator weather is one of the many impressive aspects of the 2020 simulation game.

Not only can you adjust the time and weather of any location of your choice, from sunny to cloudy skies, snow and storms, but you can also set it based on the actual conditions taking place in that part of the world.

All of this can be done before flying or in the middle of a flight; This page explains how to do it.

How to change the weather and time of day in Flight Simulator

Changing the weather in Flight Simulator can be done at virtually any time, whether during flight or when setting up your flight plan from the world map. Here’s how you can do it from any point in the game:

Weather change mid-flight in Flight Simulator

If you want to change the weather settings during a flight, go to the toolbar at the top of the screen and select Weather.

It is recommended that you do this on the runway or, if you are mid-flight, by activating Active Pause first; Otherwise, you could risk losing control of your plane.

(If you can’t see the toolbar or weather options, you may be in a specific mode, such as training or landing challenge, where the weather is set for the activity in question.)

Doing so will open a dedicated window with various settings.

The drop-down box provides a variety of preset options, including:

  • Clear skies
  • Few clouds
  • Scattered clouds
  • broken clouds
  • High level clouds
  • Cloudy
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Storm

Some official screenshots of how cloud presets can change a location.

In addition to this, you can also modify the specifics of snow depth, aerosol density, precipitation, and more.

You can also change the time of day, if you prefer to fly at night or at dawn.

Being able to change the weather and see what it looks like instantly is perfect if you want specific conditions for your Flight Simulator photos.

Weather change before your flight in Flight Simulator

In addition to mid-flight, you can set the weather before departure, which might be a preferred option if you want to have all your settings lined up so you can focus on the flight itself.

To do this, from the World Map screen, select the Flight Conditions button in the upper right corner.

From here there are a variety of settings, with the weather and time at the bottom, offering a number of presets and custom settings.

As mentioned above, once you take your flight, you can always change them along the way if you’re not happy with your choices.

For those researching their Flight Simulator options, we have a list of aircraft and a list of airports for each release edition, a list of Flight Simulator achievements. Then, when you start playing, we’ve got explanations about weather and layouts, multiplayer, using autopilot and simulation speed, and how to use the game’s equivalent of Hot Pause photo mode.

How to activate live weather in Flight Simulator

Live weather is one of the options seen in the previous two methods for setting the weather in Flight Simulator.

As part of the weather toolbar, you’ll find it at the top, under the Live Weather option.

Meanwhile, from the World Map Flight Conditions screen, you can configure it and select it from the Weather & Time option at the bottom.

The latter might be preferred if you want the entire flight, along with other settings such as live traffic, to emulate real-world conditions as closely as possible.

Live weather is also a requirement to play Flight Simulator’s Live Players multiplayer mode.

If you were wondering what live weather entails, this official video goes into detail, including how 60 layers of cloud data (including fronts and density data) and 20 layers of other data (including pressure, humidity, temperature, speed) are taken. of the wind) and inserts it into the game engine:

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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