Elden Ring Tibia Mariner tips and strategy

Tibia Mariner is a boss found in the open world of Elden Ring.

As you explore the open world of Limgrave, you can encounter Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village at a time of your choosing.

It’s worth mentioning that, like a multitude of other bosses found throughout the world of Limgrave, Tibia Mariner is completely optional. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t put up a great fight, especially with the help of spectral minions.

In this page:

Elden Ring boss Tibia Mariner defeated the game

How to prepare for Tibia Mariner

Preparing for the Tibia Mariner boss fight is pretty simple. Firstly, as always when facing any boss character in a FromSoftware game, make sure your healing items (in this case your Flask) are stocked to maximum, because this fight will probably go on for potentially dozens. of minutes.

There is a Site of Grace just south of town where you can do this.

Secondly, make sure you are not overwhelmed by any heavy armor. The battle against the Tibia Mariner involves a lot of running, especially when you need to quickly retreat from a wide-area attack from the boss, so make sure you’re not wearing any armor that will deliberately slow you down and negatively impair you. impacts your movement speed.

Tibia Mariner Tips: How to beat Tibia Mariner

The Tibia Mariner can be a particularly difficult boss to deal with. On the one hand, this enemy continually summons skeletal warriors to protect itself from you, which may be equipped with spears or crossbows.

The battle of Tibia Mariner is truly a war of attrition, and one that will test your patience as you take on the skeletal warriors.

In truth, we recommend against making a deliberate effort to kill all the skeletons. For one thing, there are a few bugs to deal with, and once they’re actually dead, you’ll have to hit them one more time when they start glowing white to prevent them from resurrecting.

Secondly, Tibia Mariner can easily summon three skeletons at once, so you could very well take down two of them, only to turn around and find that three more have appeared in their place.

The Tibia Mariner itself actually has some deadly attacks. For one thing, the boss will lift the front of the boat slightly, and this is his message to move away from the front of the boat, because in a few seconds it will crash as the Tibia Mariner moves forward. Water.

There is also an attack where Tibia Mariner will make the water around her glow a light purple. Again, stay away from this attack, because it can cause a lot of damage if you get caught in the explosion.

However, the Tibia Mariner’s skeleton soldiers can also be damaged by this attack, so it’s actually really good for clearing the path of some of them.

You’ll also want to stay away from the Tibia Mariner when she raises her strange oar above her head. Again, this is another area of ​​effect attack, one that will cause the water surrounding the Mariner to turn bright green.

If you’re starting to notice a pattern of area-based attacks from the Tibia Mariner, then you’re absolutely on the right track, because that’s what most of this boss fight is, while dodging skeletons.

The general strategy, then, is to ignore the skeletons as best you can, attack the ship while avoiding their attacks, and repeat. It will take some patience and luck to know where the skeletons appear and move, but stay mobile and aware of your surroundings to survive the fight.

Once you’ve decided on a starting class and a starting keepsake item, you first need to figure out how to level up, how to respec, and how to use Ashes of War. Do you need any directions from there? Our Elden Ring walkthrough and Elden Ring boss order can help you know where to go next, but we also recommend looking for Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears, Crystal Tears, Talismans, and some of our top weapon and armor picks. If you are nearing the end of the game, we can help you with the Volcano Manor and Rykard quest, the Haligtree Secret Medallion locations, solving Ordina, the Liturgical Town puzzle, Millicent’s quest, Commander Niall, Morgott, Godskin Duo , Maliketh and Malenia.

Tibia Mariner Reward

For defeating the Tibia Mariner, you’ll get three things: 2,400 runes, Skeletal Militiaman Ashes, and a Deathroot.

Skeletal Militiaman Ashes are a summoning item in Elden Ring, one that can be used at any time while you are not in a co-op session to summon two warriors who will temporarily fight for you.

As for Deathroot, they can be found in the ‘Key Items’ set in your inventory, because they are an essential item that you will be able to trade with Beast Clergymen in the future. You’ll learn more about this when you first arrive at the Round Table…

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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