Control trophy list and Platinum difficulty explained: How to earn all main and hidden trophies explained

Control trophy list and Platinum difficulty explained: How to earn all main and hidden trophies explained

Between its main campaign and two DLC adventures, Control has a total of 67 trophies that you can earn during your time in FBC.

There are 46 trophies in the main Control campaign, 10 from The Foundation DLC and 11 from the AWE DLC. Several trophies are also hidden, meaning that even if you know they exist, you may not know how to obtain them.

To make sure you can actually complete Control, we’ve listed all the trophies below, including how to earn the hidden trophies, so you can discover which ones you’re missing.

In this page:

Control main campaign trophies:

The Foundation DLC Trophies:

AWE DLC Trophies:

Control vs DLSS 2.0: Can 540p match the image quality of 1080p? Full ray tracing on RTX 2060?

Control the main campaign trophy list

Aside from the secret trophies, there are 32 trophies you can unlock in Control’s main campaign.

These achievements are earned by completing a series of activities throughout the game, from completing side quests to gaining new abilities for Jessie, and unlocking each of them will get you closer to that special Platinum trophy.

Below you can find all the non-secret trophies that you can collect in the main Control campaign:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
FBC Director Unlock all other trophies. Platinum
Astral Construction Build a weapon form or mod Bronze
Non-standard emission Upgrade any form of weapon to level 3 Silver
Career development Unlock all 3 Personal Mod slots Silver
The importance of synergy Complete 5 side quests Bronze
Interdepartmental cooperation Complete 10 side quests Bronze
FBC Crisis Resolution Task Force Complete 15 side missions Silver
paranatural collection Collect more than 100,000 Source Silver
Interdimensional Defender Killed 1000 whistles. Silver
parautilitarian Unlock 1 skill tree upgrade Bronze
Expert Parautilitarian Unlock 50% of skill upgrades. Bronze
Parautilitarian Master Unlock 100% of skill upgrades. Gold
Choose to be chosen Get the service weapon. Bronze
Paranatural power Get the throwing skill Bronze
island telekinesis Get the shield ability Bronze
Change of positions Gain the ability to evade Bronze
psychic occupation Gain the ability to force Bronze
Upward thinking Gain the ability to levitate Bronze
Ritualistic thinking Clear 5 checkpoints Bronze
ritual intuition Clear 10 checkpoints Bronze
Discerning the pattern Clear 25 checkpoints Silver
strange collection Collect 40 collectibles Bronze
Registry Manager Collect 80 collectibles Bronze
office filing cabinet Collect 120 collectibles. Gold
Cognitive intruder Force 10 enemies with the Takeover skill Bronze
unstable matter Kill 50 enemies with the throwing skill. Bronze
Volatile debris Kill 10 enemies with the Shield Blast ability. Bronze
Proper handling procedures Use Throw to throw a grenade or a rock. Bronze
War games Complete 5 countermeasures on the board. Bronze
Astral tactician Complete 25 board countermeasures. Silver
First on scene Complete 1 office alert Bronze
Crisis management Complete 5 Office Alerts Silver

Hidden trophies for the main Control campaign.

There are 15 hidden trophies that you can earn during Control’s main campaign.

This list contains trophies that are unlocked by completing certain parts of the game’s story and optional battles that you can find by completing the various side quests in FBC.

Here are the hidden trophies from the main Control campaign:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
Welcome to the oldest house Complete mission 1 Bronze
Unknown call Complete mission 2 Bronze
Director cancellation Complete mission 3 Bronze
old boys club Complete mission 4 Bronze
Limit Complete mission 5 Bronze
My brother’s keeper Complete mission 6 Bronze
The face of the enemy Complete mission 7 Bronze
finnish tango Complete mission 8 Bronze
polar Star Complete mission 9 Bronze
Take the control Complete mission 10 Gold
Altered manifestations may occur Defeat esseJ Bronze
Aggressive growth Defeat Molde-1 Bronze
Head of Communications Defeat Mr. Tomassi Bronze
living archetypes Defeat the anchor Bronze
astral phenomena Defeat the ex Silver

Control The Foundation DLC Trophy List

The Foundation is Control’s first DLC adventure and has a total of 10 trophies to collect, seven of which are not hidden.

You’ll earn these seven trophies by completing a series of feats during The Foundation DLC and fully exploring the mysterious underground kingdom of Oldest House.

Here are the trophies named and explained for The Foundation DLC of Control:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
do/undo Use Shape and Break a combined total of 100 times Silver
A solid foundation Complete all missions in the Foundation. Silver
Hostile work environment Kill 50 Sharp Whistle Bronze
Niche position Find all the hidden locations in the Foundation. Bronze
Rushed work Kill 100 enemies with Shield Rush Silver
Underground investigation Collect all the Foundation collectibles. Bronze
Support staff Have a deployed Ranger kill 5 enemies Bronze

Hidden trophies for The Foundation of Control DLC

Within The Foundation in Control DLC, you will have the opportunity to earn three hidden trophies.

You can earn these trophies by truly exploring The Foundation and discovering some of its strangest secrets. You can even unlock some new clothes for Jessie along with the trophy…

Below you can find the hidden trophies for The Foundation of Control DLC:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
Astral Plumbing Discover the bathroom of the Astral Plane Bronze
One of us Collect all the Maneki-nekos Bronze
star performance Complete the side quest ‘Jesse Faden starring Swift Platform’ Bronze

Control AWE DLC Trophy List

The AWE DLC for Control has a total of 11 trophies, six of which are not hidden.

You’ll find these trophies by discovering the various collectibles found in the Research Sector, enjoying the new Arcade Mode, and other activities.

Here are the unhidden trophies for the AWE DLC of Control:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
Chief researcher Find 80% of hidden locations in the research sector. Bronze
elevated mind Kill 25 Airborne Rangers Bronze
In-depth investigations Find 80% of the collectibles in the research sector. Bronze
Multiple applications Use multi-throw to hit 3 targets Bronze
surge protector Kill 50 enemies with Surge. Bronze
Recreation in the workplace Play a single game in Arcade mode Silver

Hidden trophies for AWE Control DLC

There are five hidden trophies you can earn throughout the AWE DLC for Control.

These trophies are earned by completing a series of activities, including story events in the AWE DLC.

Here are the hidden trophies for the Control AWE DLC:

Trophy how to unlock it Qualification
Family methodologies Fight Hartman Bronze
surge of power Upgrade Surge at maximum level Bronze
The third thing Defeat Hartman Silver
Sales spree Destroy 80% of tampered vending machine instances. Bronze
Work smart and not hard Attach a Surge Grenade to an object and throw it at an enemy. Bronze

It’s time to travel to the mysterious Federal Control Office. Our Control walkthrough can help you through story missions, including Welcome to the Oldest House, Unknown Call, Principal’s Override, Old Boys’ Club, Threshold, My Brother’s Keeper, Face of the Enemy, Finnish Tango, Polaris and Take Control. You can also learn new supernatural powers by completing A Merry Chase, A Good Defense, and A Captive Audience. We also have guides on how to upgrade your service weapon, your skills, how to use weapons and personal mods, how to unlock each outfit, and the solution to the roulette wheel puzzle.

How easy is it to get the platinum trophy in Control?

When it comes to earning the Control platinum trophy, it’s important to remember that you only need to get all the trophies from the main campaign. This means that you don’t need to fully complete The Foundation and AWE DLC to get the ultimate Control achievement, so if you’re not interested in those adventures, feel free to ignore them.

Still, we estimate that it will take you approximately 10 to 15 hours to collect all the trophies from Control’s main campaign if you are a good expert at the game. Fortunately, none of the trophies can be lost, so you can sit back and enjoy the story.

A good number of hidden and named trophies for Control’s main campaign will unlock naturally as you play through Jessie’s adventure. However, it’s worth regularly redeeming your skill points and exploring each area carefully for collectibles to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Having to find 120 collectibles may seem like a challenge, but once you delve into the FBC, you’ll realize that it’s actually not that difficult. If you get stuck, remember to backtrack to previous locations once you’ve obtained the Levitate skill and use our Control step-by-step guide, which lists the locations of most collectibles at the end of each section.

You even have to find the spooky children’s show…

Don’t forget to do the side quests either: not only will you get more trophies, but the skill points you get will make it easier for you to destroy the Hiss. We recommend maxing out your throwing, health, and stamina skills first because, aside from your service weapon, these will be the skills you’ll rely on the most.

Make sure you spend all your skill points.

By far the most difficult trophies to obtain are those associated with Bureau Alerts and the optional bosses found in side quests, such as esseJ.

Before attempting one of these challenges, remember to have your strongest weapons and personal modifications equipped, as well as spend any spare skill points you may have. Once unlocked, Office Alerts will generate throughout your playtime, including the post-game period, so you don’t feel like you have to rush to complete them.

It’s also important to remember that Control has an assist mode, which can be accessed from the game options. This mode contains an energy recovery multiplier, the ability to activate immortality and one-hit kills, among other settings.

If you are having trouble defeating a sub-boss, such as Mr. Tommasi, or Office Alerts, we suggest using the settings found in Assist Mode. Doing so will give you an advantage over Hiss and get you closer to that platinum trophy.

Getting the platinum trophy for Control may seem like a time investment, but if you really love the game, it’s definitely worth it.

If you’d like to learn more about Control, check out our Control walkthrough, which contains links to all of our Control guides, including several side quests.

Good luck in the Oldest House!

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