Civilization 6 Gold – the best ways to make money and how to earn Gold fast in Civ 6

Civilization 6 Gold - the best ways to make money and how to earn Gold fast in Civ 6

Money makes the world go round, we know that. However, it also makes life in Civilization 6 much easier and much more interesting.

So whether you’re looking to get rich quick or dig yourself out of a financial hole, check out our top tips for getting Civilization 6 gold and making it work for you.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for more resource-focused Civ 6 guides, we also have pages on how to gain science, how to gain faith, and how to gain culture and tourism in Civ 6.

A quick note: We’ve updated the Civ 6 guides for the game’s release on Nintendo Switch, but keep in mind that they contain information about the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise… keep going!

Civilization 6 Interview: 18 minutes with lead designer Ed Beach (plus some new gameplay)

How to get gold in Civilization 6

Gold gives you a lot of options in Civilzation 6, so it stands to reason that there are tons of ways to earn it right from the start.

  • Honest work: The earth is full of gold. Something like. Many of the tiles in your territory will produce gold when worked, so to find out which ones are the most profitable, you can choose to Show Performance Icons, in the map options menu located above the minimap. As a general rule, coastal tiles award gold, and gold is additionally obtained from resources such as fish, crabs, and whales. On land, luxury resources like truffles, cotton, and of course diamonds can be prioritized to earn gold.
  • Make your citizens work for you: for each unit of population in your cities, one tile surrounding that city will be worked. Your population usually does a decent job of choosing which tiles they should work on, but if you find yourself short on money or want to prioritize wealth generation above all else, you can force your population to work on specific tiles. To do this, click on a city and then click the Manage Citizens icon in the city menu that appears at the bottom right of the screen. From here, you can reassign citizens to work on the tiles that offer the highest gold yield, if they haven’t already done so. Note that this will likely have a knock-on effect by reducing the performance of other resources, such as food, science, or production. Additionally, citizens you assign in this way will be locked in these spaces until you tell them otherwise.

  • Trade Routes: This one is pretty simple. Researching the civic principles of Foreign Trade will give your civilization a trade route, and then building a merchant in a city will allow that trade route to be worked. Send your merchant to a nearby city-state or rival civilization and reap the benefits. As an added bonus, any home town that your trade route passes through on the way to your destination will gain a trading post that will increase income and serve to increase the active reach of your future trade routes.
  • Loot barbarian outposts: In addition to being a nuisance, barbarians are a good source of gold farming. Clearing a barbarian camp will offer a handful of gold and may also gain the favor of a city-state or local leader, making them more likely to negotiate with you. It’s a win-win situation (except the barbarians, but it’s them or you, right?).
  • Immediate Selling of Your Assets: While additional resources such as fish and deer provide non-tradable goods that increase your gold reserves, big trading money is earned through luxury items such as whales, spices, and dyes. Luxury resources increase the happiness of your empire, but these bonuses do not stack across multiple goods of the same type. If you have so much incense that it’s coming out of your ears, keep one and exchange the rest for hard cash for rival leaders. You’ll be surprised how much some of them will be willing to pay to earn the happiness boost they provide, with additional income provided as a lump sum or in gold per turn.
  • Make smart research decisions: If you want to maximize your gold earnings, take a moment to look for the civic principles and technologies that increase your performance and be aware of the side benefits of some of the less obvious research choices. In addition to prominent options such as foreign trade and guild civic principles, and monetary and banking technologies, there are many research options that offer less publicized bonuses to your gold income. This is particularly true of early game technologies such as animal husbandry and irrigation, which allow you to work with a large number of luxury and bonus resources, as well as civic aspects such as medieval fairs and the Enlightenment. The latter provides a tremendous economic policy that can be included in the type of government you choose to provide a 100 percent boost to the gold performance of buildings in the Mall district.

The best way to spend gold in Civilization 6

Easier than earning gold is spending it. Permanent costs, such as unit and building maintenance, are a constant drain on your finances, so be wary of too many idle units depleting your gold resources. Aside from that, gold can be spent proactively in many ways in Civilization 6 to achieve any number of favorable outcomes for your empire. Most of them include getting what you want faster. Others can dig you out of a hole. The most effective of these strategies include:

  • Buying Tokens: Maybe you have a builder waiting for that resource to drop within your city limits so you can run out and grab it. Maybe you’re just a completionist who really wants to unite the territory of one city with that of another to form an unbroken border line. Whatever the case, purchasing tile will achieve these goals. If you’re likely to do this often, consider the Early Empire Civic option to reduce your tile purchasing costs by 20 percent.
  • Purchasing Units: Whether for rapid expansion or to fill gaps in your army by focusing on scientific endeavors and building world wonders, purchasing units is a quick and easy (but expensive) way to gain a fighting force. This is particularly useful when you need to get a unit quickly to defend an unprotected city from an invading barbarian threat. You can also consider the Mercenaries civic service to offer a deep discount on the cost of upgrading your units using cash. Alternatively, if you have majority influence over a city-state, you can mobilize its military units by paying gold to take control of them for 30 turns; useful in a pinch. Or a war.
  • Building Purchases: By now, you’re starting to sense a theme. The construction of most buildings can be accelerated with gold. It’s a very expensive option, but it works if you’re feeling good and want to finish a building to solve a problem, like an impending housing crisis.
  • Please purchase: this one is a little different. Unlike Civilization V, city-states no longer require gifts of gold to obtain, instead preferring that you complete quests to impress them or send merchants and envoys to sweeten them. However, it is still possible to make rival leaders a little more receptive to you by proposing business deals that are blatantly in your favor, paying more than expected for something you want from them. Alternatively, you can pay small amounts of gold to send a delegation to visit a rival leader or pay to establish a full-fledged embassy in their capital, thereby gaining the favor and useful information of your officials there.

If your desire for Civilization 6 knowledge is still strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub, which takes you through the basics of everything new, while we have pages dedicated to Governors and Loyalty, plus how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments, and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks cover the essentials before you master early, mid- and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a list of Leaders with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science and Faith, how to win through Religious Victory and how to get the elusive Scientific Victory and Military Domination. victory. Finally, Cultural Victory, Foreign Tourism and National Tourism are explained in depth here.

How much is too much gold in Civilization 6?

If you ask this question, you clearly feel very rich!

Of course, there is no amount of money that should be considered excessive. However, you don’t need to keep it and should instead consider spending it in any of the ways described above.

Keep in mind that hoarding your gold may make some leaders envious or demand a much larger amount when trading than if you had a more modest bank balance. However, as the always helpful Civilopedia points out, “Money can’t buy love, but it can buy a submarine armed with nuclear missiles, and that’s not bad.”

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