Brain Teaser IQ Test: Only People With Very Sharp Eyes Can Find The Glove At The Dinner Party In 7 Seconds.

Intelligence Test: Intelligence tests are often given to determine whether someone has a high or low intelligence quotient (IQ). The test measures a person’s cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to solve problems and reason logically.

There are several types of IQ tests, such as verbal, non-verbal, and full scale. These tests are usually exhaustive and tedious. Fortunately, there is also an exciting and fun way to test your IQ: brain teasers.

Brain teasers are probably the most fun and exciting way to measure a person’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills. And we have one ready for you.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and have fun along the way?

Let us begin.

Intelligence Test: Only people with very sharp eyesight can find the glove in dinner within 7 seconds.

Let’s take a look at today’s puzzle.


Source: Cool Side

In this picture puzzle you can see an elaborately decorated table with delicious dishes. You can also see a group of people sitting around the table, chatting and enjoying dinner. Dinner is going very well, however, one of the ladies at the party is in a bad mood. Because?

Well, the worthy lady has lost one of her gloves.

Can you find it for her?

But first, let us give you a hint.

Puzzle Clue: The missing glove is white.

As always, we have a time limit for this brain teaser. You only have 7 seconds to find the lost glove.

Can you find the lost glove in 7 seconds?

Let’s hope you can!

Prepare your tools (and eyes).

Your time starts now!

All the best.

Remember, 7 seconds and no more.

We have given the answer to this riddle at the end. But if you cheat, you won’t be able to tell whether you have sharp eyesight or not.

Can you spot what’s wrong with this playground image in 8 seconds?

Have you found the hidden glove yet?

The clock is ticking!

Your 7 seconds are up!

Were you able to spot the glove hidden in the dinner in 7 seconds?

If you were able to solve this puzzle, then congratulations. You, my friend, have very sharp eyes.

We’re revealing the answer now! Scroll down to see it.

Riddle intelligence test answer

In this picture puzzle, you had to find the missing glove at dinner in 7 seconds or less!

In case you couldn’t find the glove, don’t worry, we now reveal the answer to you.

Take a look at the image below. You will see the solution highlighted.


Source: Cool Side

We hope you liked this brain teaser.

Riddles improve mood and are scientifically proven to improve cognitive abilities and logical reasoning. In short, puzzles make you smarter and smarter. So make sure you solve them daily. We hope you liked this brain puzzle. If you did, then you must try this puzzle that we recommend. We are sure you will love it.

New Year’s Puzzle Challenge: Find 4 bugs in 6 seconds or lose!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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