Only the smartest people can spot 5 differences in 17 seconds!

Find the differences: Find the differences game is one of the most popular online games today. In addition to the fun of playing, this game also helps improve attention span and concentration.

The basic premise of a spot the difference game revolves around two identical images and the reader must spot the differences between the images.

It is a great way to improve brain health as it engages the brain and eyes, resulting in better attention and concentration.

Adding a time limit makes the game even more challenging and attractive to internet users.

So if you are looking for a game that gives you fun and an opportunity to increase your concentration, this is the best game for you.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

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Find 5 differences in 17 seconds


Source: Youtube

The image shared above shows two images where you can see two children playing two musical instruments.

The two images appear identical at first glance. But there are 5 differences and you need to find those differences in 17 seconds.

Some differences are so obvious that you will notice them immediately. The difficult ones will be difficult to detect.

How many differences have you detected so far?

Examine the image carefully and take note of any differences you find.

The best part about this activity is that it stimulates the areas of the brain responsible for concentration and visual memory, thus improving concentration and memory retention.

Hurry up; time is running out.

Look closely and you will see the difference between the two images become clear.


Time is over.

How many of you were able to spot all the differences within the time limit?

Congratulations to those readers who were able to spot all the differences.

Some readers may still be looking for the differences.

You can stop searching now and check out the solutions provided below.

Also read: Only the sharpest eyes can spot a cactus in a toy store in 8 seconds!

Find 5 differences in 17 seconds – Solution

The challenge was to detect 5 differences between the two images in 17 seconds and here are the differences:


Must try: Find 11 squares in 19 seconds. 91% will fail

Categories: Optical Illusion

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