Battlefield 2042 best Specialist class recommendations

Battlefield 2042 best Specialist class recommendations

Battlefield 2042 Specialists and Classes Explained

Battlefield 2042 does away with the “class” systems of previous games and instead gives you more defined characters to play as. Now you’ll be able to play as characters like “Irish,” an American combat veteran, or Boris, a Russian specialist soldier, each equipped with unique skills and equipment that make them better characters instead of the faceless soldiers we’ve played as. . in previous Battlefield games.

Assault specialists in Battlefield 2042:

Battlefield 2042 specialist engineers:

Sniper specialists in Battlefield 2042:

Specialist doctors in Battlefield 2042:

In total, there are 10 specialists featured in Battlefield 2042 at launch. Only two of them, Mackay and Paik, are not unlocked immediately when you first start the game, as you will have to advance to player level 15 and 25, respectively, in order to unlock these two additional specialists for use.

You can freely switch between specialists on the fly in Battlefield 2042. Instead of being forced to play as a full specialist for an entire match, you can switch specialists every time you die in a Battlefield 2042 match and return to the deployment overview . screen.

Not only that, but specialists are not required to use any particular weapon or equipment. Although some specialists are equipped with certain equipment, such as Sundance with his grenade belt or Boris with his special turret, you are free to mix and match main weapons, secondary weapons, equipment and grenades as you see fit each time you enter. the shoes of any Specialist.

It goes without saying, but you really need to play to the strengths of each specialist in Battlefield 2042 if you want to give your team the best chance of winning a match. If you play Falck as a sniper, for example, hanging hundreds of meters away from firefights, you’re effectively wasting his skills as a combat medic, and similarly, Boris’s sentry system isn’t useful if you’re sticking around. well away from the center of the shootings.

Irish specialist in Battlefield 2042.

In a sense, it’s fair to say that classes are not completely absent in Battlefield 2042, but have been transformed into something new with Specialists. Whereas before we would have had assault, reconnaissance, support, and engineering classes in games like Battlefield 3, we now have specialists that fit each of these roles in Battlefield 2042. Irish and Sundance fill the assault roles, for example. For example, while Casper and Paik play the reconnaissance roles. It’s not entirely clear and sometimes a little confusing, but that’s what this guide is here to help solve.

Who are the best specialists in Battlefield 2042?

With all that said, how do you know which Battlefield 2042 specialists are the best? Well, simply put, there are no “best” specialists in the new EA DICE game in the traditional sense, but rather characters who are much better suited to specific playstyles than others.

The Falck specialist requires unlocking first, but is worth it for those who want to go for the sniper specialist type.

For example, if you’re going to dive right into a firefight, running and gunning to avoid targets, then Dozer, Irish, Sundance, or even Boris could be your best specialists. Alternatively, if you prefer to take a step back from the fight and pick off enemies from a distance, then you may want to opt for Paik, Casper, or Rao to better detect enemy movements.

That’s really what Battlefield 2042 specialists do: choose the right character for the right task and situation.

At a glance, we’d say these are the best Specialists by class type, but it’s better to read our reasoning on the rest of the page:

  • Best assault/engineering specialists in Battlefield 2042: Sundance and Boris
  • The best sniper specialists in Battlefield 2042: Casper and Paik
  • The best specialist doctors in Battlefield 2042: Falck and Angel

You’ll notice that we’ve included Boris and Irish as the ‘Engineer’ class above, where we previously talked about them in terms of Assault Specialists. This is because, unfortunately, there is very little difference in playstyle between the Engineer and Assault classes.

Realistically, people playing Irishman and Boris will take on a fight with their ballistic shields and turrets in exactly the same way as Dozer and Sundance will, with their shields and grenade belts. Engineers are a good example of how little classes matter when it comes to specialists.

Who is the best Assault Specialist/Engineer in Battlefield 2042?

This might be the hardest category to figure out which is the “best” specialist in all of Battlefield 2042. In fact, we could break this category down even further into what type of attacking player you are. If you’re someone who likes to be on the move, for example running around the map and generally covering long distances, then Sundance is certainly your best option, with its excellent wingsuit and grenade belt payload that Fires several explosives at the same time.

Alternatively, Dozer, Irish, and Boris are solid options if you’re the type of offensive player who prefers to stay at one point on the map and defend it. Both Dozer and Irish have defensive shields that they can place anywhere, while Boris specializes in dropping a turret and letting it run.

You’ll notice that we’re grouping Engineering Specialists together with Assault Specialists once again. Ultimately, this is because there is very little difference in play style between Boris, Irish, Sundance, Dozer and Mackay in online matches. You won’t find engineer players hanging back to repair helicopters and tanks, but rather they will jump headlong into the fray, right alongside their assault cousins. Mechanically, there is very little difference between Engineers and Assault Specialists, which is why we grouped them together in one section of this guide.

Sundance specialist on Battlefield 2042.

Honestly, there isn’t much in this race to be the best specialist when it comes to defending or attacking a particular point in Battlefield 2042. It’s tempting to give the advantage to Boris, since while Irish/Dozer’s explosive shields are great, they are They counter with a precise grenade, but Boris’s sentry turret is also easily destroyed by a wave of hostile enemy gunfire.

In the end, the best assault specialist in Battlefield 2042 is probably a head-to-head competition between Sundance and Boris. If you are smart about placing your turret with Boris and if you keep your grenade belts until you corner the enemy troops, any of these specialists will be a winner.

If you’re running and gunning at close range, which you certainly will be if you plan on playing an assault-type specialist, you need an SMG or assault rifle to fit. If it’s the SMG you’re after, we recommend the rapid-fire PP-29, or if you prefer something with a little more range and stability, then you’ll want to go for the AK-24 assault rifle. .

Who is the best sniper specialist in Battlefield 2042?

Competition with this Specialist category in Battlefield 2042 is limited to Casper and Paik. The former can use a hand-held drone to pinpoint enemy positions and mark their movements, while the latter can scan enemies behind terrain and also track an enemy’s movements as soon as they are shot.

So, both specialists do a pretty good job of tracking enemy players from a distance. However, Casper seems to fit this role better, considering that his drone can not only track players and mark their locations and movements, but also detonate an EMP blast that will disorient anyone in the vicinity and even mark targets so other troops can lock on to them. on weapons such as missile launchers.

Specialist Casper in Battlefield 2042.

Perhaps what ultimately gives Casper the edge is the simple fact that you’ll need to reach player level 25 to unlock Paik, which is no easy feat considering how Battlefield 2042 hands out XP through challenges and other various feats.

As for the best sniper rifle to pair with this specialist, there really isn’t much competition. The DXR-1 is the best sniper rifle in Battlefield 2042, as while it doesn’t have the stopping power of the NWT-50, which can literally pierce a tank’s armor, it has superior accuracy, range, and accuracy. management attributes.

What is the best specialist doctor in Battlefield 2042?

This is another two-horse race between specialists for the best medic role in Battlefield 2042. It all comes down to Falck and Angel, two specialists designed to help those around them by reviving and healing others.

While Falck has a special weapon that grants health to allies he shoots, what wins the competition for Angel is his ability to not only revive players to full health with additional armor, but also call in a special care package for close allies to dig deeper into. come in and take advantage.

Specialist angel in Battlefield 2042.

This cargo box can be used to recover ammo, grenades, equipment, and even swap weapons for anyone on your side of the fight. This is an extremely underrated ability in Battlefield 2042 and is especially vital for anyone defending or attacking an objective point in Conquest or Breakthrough, as you can immediately go and resupply with ample grenades and other gadgets.

As for the best medic weapon in Battlefield 2042, you’ll probably want to choose something that works well in both close quarters and at medium ranges, to better protect you from the hail of bullets when you run in. revive something.

For this purpose, we recommend the PP-29 SMG or the AK-24 assault rifle, the latter of which is better suited to mid-range firefights, if that’s what you think you’ll need.

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