Batman: Arkham Knight – Cloudburst, relay drone, Drone Hacker, radio towers

Batman: Arkham Knight - Cloudburst, relay drone, Drone Hacker, radio towers

With Alfred’s diagnosis completed, it’s time to discover more about the Arkham Knight’s defenses. He gets into the Batmobile, follow the waypoint back to the movie studio, and park when you reach the marker on the ground. Leave your vehicle, then grab the rocks and climb to the roof of the building. Once you locate the VIP elevator, head inside and go down to the quarantine zone. Finally, activate the Batcomputer to continue.

Glide over to the relay drone and examine it.

You’ll need to deploy the Batwing over Founders Island if you plan to locate Arkham Knight’s Cloudburst. Unfortunately, that’s too dangerous while your radio towers and missile launcher are still active in the area. Looks like you’re going to need to take them out!

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When you’re ready to continue, ride the elevator to the roof and exit. Jump down to ground level and then get on the Batmobile. Next, follow the waypoint marker towards Founders Island. You can expect an increased militia presence as you make your way through the streets, so be prepared to take out any drones that cross your path.

You’ll soon discover that the bridge to Founders Island has been raised, forcing you to make the rest of the trip on foot. Cross the river and continue towards the waypoint marker.

As you approach the waypoint marker, you’ll notice that it’s actually tracking a flying drone. You’ll have to find a way to reach the drone to boot its relay chip and continue. Climb any of the tallest towers in the area and then carefully glide to the drone. When you’re close enough, drop onto its shell and steal the device inside.

You now have access to the Drone Hacker skill of the remote hacking device. allowing you to temporarily “blind” drones in your vicinity. You’ll find it very useful once your mission to disable Arkham Knight’s radio towers is underway.

Destroy Arkham Knight’s radio network (1/2)

Your first objective is immediately to the west. Follow the on-screen instructions and use your updated remote hacking device to disable the drone scanning the area. You have 60 seconds before the radar comes back online, so fight to get to the main tower as quickly as possible.

Approach the radio control panel in the center of the area and suffocate it with explosive gel. Detonate the gel and then quickly escape before the drone’s cover is restored. That leaves one radio tower to function.

Destroy Arkham Knight’s radio network (2/2)

Then locate the waypoint marker on the second tower and hook it, stopping at the top of the large yellow crane. Unfortunately, Arkham Knight’s goons know you’re on your way now, so you can expect more resistance this time.

Look down (turn on detective mode if that helps) and examine the area below. You’ll see nine hostiles on the nearby rooftop: four soldiers, four combat experts, and one brute. Jump up and take them out quickly. When the area is safe, look west and locate the fuse box on the wall. Interact with it to open the doors below.

Then, return to the center of the roof and look through the grate below your feet. There are two sentry guns in the hallway below, so use your upgraded remote hacking device to disable the gun facing north. You only have 15 seconds to reach the radar control panel below before the sentry gun becomes active again, so quickly jump over the railing to the north, turn around when you land, and then run down the corridor to a safe place.

Destroy both sentry guns from behind, then smear explosive gel on the control panel. Detonate it to disable the radar.

Take out the long-range missile launcher.

That only leaves the island’s long-range missile launcher to deal with, so jump off the building and sail to the next waypoint marker. Try to land on the highest point of the building, facing the missile launcher to the east if you can; That way, you can evaluate the route ahead without fear of being disturbed.

Once you are in position, activate detective mode. There are eight enemies in the area below your feet, and they are all armed. More problematic, one enemy carries a signal scanner, meaning you’ll have to keep your Detective Mode sessions short if you don’t want to be found.

Grab onto the highest of the three beams to the east and carefully drop down to the lowest one. This puts you directly on top of the missile launcher. Go down to the ground and hide behind the east side of the launcher. That way, the guards patrolling the area won’t see you.

Look west, activate detective mode, and quickly locate the three guards on your level. One patrols counterclockwise around the area, passing through the door on the right and exiting through the front door. The second guard moves between the left corner of the level and the tunnel to the left of the missile launcher. Meanwhile, a third soldier (the one with the signal scanner, no less) remains stationary in the back right corner of the area.

Wait for the first guard to come out of the center door and take him out quietly before he disappears through the door on the right. Then, go through the middle door and immediately go into the vent on the floor. Look south and when the next patrolling thug moves east, sneak up behind him and take him out from below.

When it’s down, dive back under the grate and coil under the floor until you reach the signal-detecting guard. Eliminate him silently and Arkham Knight will order his troops to report.

As usual, this puts the remaining enemies on high alert, causing them to actively move around the area searching for your location. So from here on, you’ll be on your own. The good news, of course, is that you can now use Detective Mode without fear, which should make hunting your prey a little easier.

Once your opponents have seen their fallen comrades, they will probably all congregate on the lower level. Wait for them to spread out and then start running through the ventilation system, taking them out one by one. However, if Arkham Knight orders his goons to drag you out of the ground, be prepared to jump from the grate and hide until the explosion has dissipated. Once he has done so, you can go back down and continue unleashing terror from below.

With all the guards eliminated, return to the missile launcher. As Batman points out, you’ll have to lower his shields before he can be destroyed.

Lower the barriers protecting the missile launcher.

Next, you need to reach the control room near the top of the building, two floors up. Locate the waypoint marker and head toward your destination. Once inside the control room, activate the militia uplink terminal to lower the missile launcher’s shields.

– Read on for our guide on how to deal with Cobra tanks.

– Stuck somewhere else? Return to the first page to see the rest of our Batman: Arkham Knight walkthrough.

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