Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – Flyting tips and how to win flyting encounters with no risk explained

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Flyting tips and how to win flyting encounters with no risk explained

Flying in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is a side activity where you fight with words instead of an axe.

Like Monkey Island’s infamous insult sword fight, these Viking rap battles have you face off against an opponent by choosing a series of dialogue options.

Get the rhythm, rhyme and enthusiasm just right and victory will soon be yours.

In Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, flying is a way to gain Charisma, a stat that can open up more dialogue options in conversation, as well as a useful source of money when betting on a successful outcome.

Although flying can be complicated, there is an easy way to win every battle without risk.

In this page:

For more help with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, we have pages on how to change Eivor’s appearance, return to Norway with the Atlas, and a full list of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla abilities.

A look at what’s coming after the release of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.

How flying works in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla and our answer tips for flying

Flying is a secondary activity spread throughout all cities and towns in the world. Alvis first introduces you to flying, along with a host of other side activities, in your hometown in Norway, in the second half of the Family Matters mission, about an hour or two into the game.

Like other side quests, its icon (a smiling face mask) will be revealed when you approach it. Before you start, you must also place a bet.

The way flying works is simple on the surface – to every line uttered by your sparring partner, you must respond with an insult of your own – but in practice it can be a bit stressful and easy to screw up.

There are two golden rules: make sure it rhymes and that it matches the length and rhythm of the phrase you just heard. You can quickly ignore at least one answer based solely on the rhyme rule and then quickly look at the length and structure of the rest to match what you just heard.

As shown here, the clod can be discarded because it doesn’t rhyme, and only the top option (a quick list of insults) matches what you just heard.

Here are some general things to keep in mind:

  • Only one of the three answers is correct, and you must get the majority correct to win the battle (so if the battle lasts three stages, you must win two of them).
  • You can repeat your opponent’s line if you heard wrong or need a refresher.
  • If you fail, you lose your bet, but you can always try again.
  • Every encounter will be the same every time.

Look for this smiley face icon on the map to find flying encounters.

With these last two points in mind, it means that you will never be in a position where you miss out on the Charisma bonus on offer. It also makes winning flying encounters pretty easy…

The new DLC is here and we explain how to start The Siege of Paris, as well as new romance options and Treasure Hoard locations. If you’re looking for endgame activities in the full game, we can explain how to get the Nodens Bow, Excalibur, Thor’s Gear, and other Valhalla armor sets, power level and how to get XP quickly, Order of the Ancients locations, and all the Assassins. Creed Valhalla story options. If you’re looking for things to collect and upgrade, we’ve got lists of the best Book of Knowledge skills and locations.

How to Win Flying Encounters Safely in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

Since flying encounters (in our experience) play out the same every time and can be repeated if you fail, this means you can try again and again until you get it right.

Although you can continue betting money until you win, the best way is to manually save your game just before the match.

You can do this by going to the menu screen, pressing Left on the D-Pad, which will take you to the various system options, including the ability to save.

Once you have done this, try the match and bet the maximum amount. If you lose, remember the answers that didn’t work, then load your saved file (you can do this in the same menu you just saved in) and try again.

This means that you won’t lose a ton of money on each try and will actually make a decent profit at the end of the successful encounter.

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