You have extraordinary vision if you can find 5 Ys hidden among the Xs in 7 seconds!

Brain teasers are a type of riddles that require thoughtful and analytical thinking to solve. They often require lateral thinking, meaning you have to think creatively and unconventionally to solve them. These riddles are difficult and entertaining to solve, and will help you develop your problem-solving skills and creativity.

On the Internet you can find a wide variety of riddles. While others demand your observation skills, some ask you to employ your analytical and critical thinking skills. While some are easy to solve, others can be quite difficult. We have an easy one prepared for you today. Are you ready for it? Let’s start quickly.

Find 5 Y in 7 seconds



The image above shows the letter X in several rows and columns. There is also an intruder in this picture puzzle. Among the Xs are hidden 5 Ys. Can you find 5 Ys in the given time? Let’s find out whether or not you have extraordinary vision. Or, better yet, let’s find out if you have x-ray vision or not. You have only 7 seconds to solve this puzzle with images. All the best.

Remember to set a timer on your phone or watch and do not exceed the time limit. You must observe the image very carefully and analyze every aspect of it if you want to solve this brain puzzle. We have provided the solution to this brain imaging puzzle at the end of this article. Please don’t cheat and try to solve it without looking at the solution.

Puzzle solution

The solution to this puzzle with images is here:



We hope you had fun solving this optical puzzle with us. You can also try:

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Check how good your eyes are by finding the wolf hidden in the snowy landscape in 8 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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