World Turtle Day 2023: Check ‘Life of A Turtle’ Through the Lens of AI

All You Need To See About turtles

World Turtle Day 2023: World Turtle Day is celebrated annually on May 23 around the world. Started in 2000 by American Tortoise Rescue to help people celebrate and protect disappearing turtles and their habitats. Likewise, this day aims to promote human action to help in their survival and well-being.

The fact that turtles are a “keystone species” indicates that they play an important role in shaping the ecosystem around them. And the natural order of a habitat could be disrupted if a key species goes extinct. So we thought about approaching ‘The Life of Turtles’ through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI has reached every corner: technology, education, science and art too. It has given artists a wide window to experiment with thought and creativity. Here, this collection called ‘The Life of Turtles’ reinvented turtles in different spheres of life.

‘The life of turtles’ through AI

Turtles and different professions

The first section of ‘The Life of Turtles’ shows turtles in a different profession. A profession here refers to the different fields of work that help in earning money.

Turtle teacher and students.

Professor Noble is teaching some important lessons to the next generation of the kingdom of Hydra.

Turtle as superhero

The AI ​​tool here has captured a capeless superhero who fights against evil humans to protect humans and humanity. Ohh…the courage and determination in his eyes are simply exemplary.

Turtle as chef

The third image in the ‘Life of Turtles’ series shows selfless traffic policemen serving humanity under scorching heat. You can miss his red helmet, you can’t.

Chef Turtle AI Image

I really wasn’t a pizza fan before watching Masterchef Turtle. He sure is an experienced chef, just look at that color of the pepperoni and the perfectly glazed crust.

Astronaut Turtle Image via AI

It not only looks cute but completely amazing. A giant turtle with the mission of finding life to save his kind from human intervention. Without a doubt, a great plot for the next Disney movie.

turtles as a street vendor

The super adorable AI-generated turtle has everything one needs for the kitchen.

Turtle through AI

There is nothing a Turtle can’t do. Professor, sheriff, chef, doctor, traveling salesman and now an attractive heartthrob who moves on a red carpet.

The turtle as a common man

The second section of ‘The Life of Turtles’ shows the ordinary, yet more identifiable, phases of a common man’s life. This collection of AI-generated images shows everyday affairs, emotions, celebrations, and more.

Turtles on Delhi Road

Ohh, I know the one on the left, it’s Mr. Samson. He’s getting married next week. But why is he fighting in the middle of a busy street?

Turtle in the wedding aisle

Ohh, it’s D-Day. Mr. and Mrs. Samson together look so dreamy, a match made in heaven. Her necklace looks majestic with her wedding dress.

turtle going shopping

It is their first outing after marriage. Mrs. Samson sure seems happy with all of her purchases, maybe she got some good deals. Although Mr. Samson doesn’t seem happy with all the expenses. Hey! All men are the same.

Turtle and children at the bus stop

Ohhhhh my God! The baby turtles are already older. The AI ​​image shows a turtle father dropping off his children at the school bus stop. He looks like his first day of school.

Turtles enjoying vacation on the beach

The final image of the collection is a perfect conclusion of human emotions. A family enjoying their time and celebrating their bond in the lap of mother nature.

I’m sure this collection of images would have made you laugh. Yes, then don’t forget to help save his kingdom. Due to continued human efforts to protect nesting beaches, reduce fisheries bycatch, and prohibit the killing of sea turtles and the collection of their eggs, more green turtles are nesting in the United States as a result of the efforts.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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