World Television Day 2022: Date, History, Significance and Celebration

World Television Day

World Television Day 2022: Television is a mass medium that provides entertainment, education, news, politics, gossip, etc. It is a means of transmitting moving images in two or three dimensions and sound. Without a doubt, it is a healthy source of education and entertainment. It plays a crucial role in society by delivering information.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, television viewership increased. Social distancing and working from home have changed lives, people are now spending time with their families, eating together and watching their favorite movies or shows together. Nowadays, television has gained prominence in homes as an element of family unity and entertainment.

World Television Day: History

On November 21 and 22, 1996, the UN held the first World Television Forum. It provides a platform and allowed the media to discuss the importance of television in transmitting information and also how it participates in the changing world. It is the largest source of video consumption.

For this reason, the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1996, through resolution 51/205, established November 21 as World Television Day to commemorate the date on which the World Television Forum was held. It was done by seeing the impact of television on the decision-making process. Television is an important tool and therefore recognized to inform, channel and influence public opinion. We cannot deny its impact on world politics, that is, the way it influences world politics.

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The United Nations General Assembly declared November 21 as World Television Day (through resolution 51/205 of December 17, 1996) in recognition of the growing influence that television has on decision-making by calling attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security. as well as its possible role in focusing attention on other important issues, including economic and social problems.

World Television Day is more a celebration of the philosophy it represents than the medium itself. In the modern world, television represents communication and globalization.

This was achieved in recognition of the growing influence that television has on the decision-making process. Thus, it was recognized that television was a key medium to influence, channel and inform public opinion. Its influence on global politics cannot be denied, nor its impact or presence.

World Television Day: Celebrations

Various people gather and promote World Television Day, including journalists, writers and bloggers who spread and share their views on the role of television through print media, broadcast media and social media. In schools, various guest speakers are invited to speak on media and communication topics. They discuss topics such as what is the role of television in our lives, how television promotes cultural diversity and a common understanding, how it provides a link between democracy and television, and also the role of television in social, political development and economic. To highlight the importance of television for democracy, peace and global stability, various conferences and talks are held around the world. This day also renews the role of governments, organizations and individuals in supporting the development of television media by providing impartial information on important issues and events affecting society.

Wishes, Quotes, Messages and Facts for World Television Day 2022

To support international media and reach the public, the United Nations offers a suite of multimedia products and services that cover work both at Headquarters and around the world. United Nations videos are also produced for news and social platforms, as well as broadcast partners in six official languages, including French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and Russian, as well as Hindi, Kiswahili and Portuguese. UNifeed also shares breaking news, events, etc. with partners in unedited packages, enabling news providers to cover critical global issues by delivering timely video feeds from across the United Nations system. New stories are published on the UNifeed website as soon as they are available across the global network of specialized agencies, UN funds and programmes, peacekeeping operations and UN Headquarters.

Therefore, on November 20, World Television Day is celebrated to raise people’s awareness about its role in communication and globalization, inform people, etc.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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