World Happiness Index 2023: List Of The 8 Most Happy Countries

After a year full of pandemics, variants and wars, the World Happiness Report sheds light on the happiest countries in the world, as it celebrates its tenth anniversary.

This year’s Globe Happiness Reflect launch analyzes global survey data to inform how people think about their lives in more than 150 countries.

Although the epidemic caused distress and suffering for many, it also increased the number of people seeking social assistance and charitable donations.

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What is the World Happiness Index 2023?

Each year, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes a report known as the World Happiness Index 2023.

which evaluates the comprehensive level of happiness in more than 150 countries worldwide.

According to statistics from the Gallup World Poll, many other characteristics, such as GDP and life expectancy, serve as the basis for the classification that statisticians have developed.

The studio will have three main areas of concentration in 2023.

1. Looking back

2. Looking at how people and nations are faring against Covid-19,

3. Looking forward to how wellness science is expected to develop in the future.

How is the 2023 World Happiness Index measured?

The methodology behind measuring the World Happiness Index is collected statistics that reflect survey data from thousands of respondents in each nation who are asked to evaluate their subjective well-being (happiness score). Your answers are used to develop statistics.

Items that are affected:

  • Life expectancy
  • GDP per capita
  • Social support
  • Generosity
  • The freedom to decide the course of life.
  • The public’s view of corrupt practices
  • Both positive and negative effects could be observed.

World Happiness Index 2023: ranking by country



















1. Finland

  • The number one spot goes to Finland with the distinction of being the happiest nation in the world.
  • The country scored 7,842 out of 10 for its strong sense of civic solidarity and mutual trust among people.
  • Finland also managed to successfully navigate the COVID-19 epidemic, as its people strongly believed that they were free to make their own decisions and had a low level of skepticism about the integrity of their government.
  • Both aspects contributed significantly to the level of overall happiness.

2. Denmark

  • Denmark has a cultural and historical emphasis on the need for trust and community values.
  • Which promotes a sense of mutual well-being between people who form a strong social fabric.

3. Iceland

  • Iceland has above average healthcare compared to other nations and health is an important factor in determining happiness.
  • The vast majority of its inhabitants have access to high-level medical facilities.
  • Home to some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world, Iceland and its people are very outgoing. These factors are responsible for


  • Israel ranked 7th last year, and this year it has made a huge jump of 3 places and has become the 4th happiest country in the world in the 2023 World Happiness Index.
  • It has a strong social and family structure, a healthy life expectancy, excellent healthcare, and a stable economy.

5. Netherlands

  • Often known as Holland by many tulip enthusiasts, the Netherlands has a score of 7,464 out of 10.
  • The Netherlands came in fourth place due to its generosity and impressively low level of perceived corruption.

6. Sweden

In sixth place is Sweden, known for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and, according to studies, one of the best countries in the world for women because the country places a strong emphasis on social equality starting in kindergarten. and offers 16 months of paid parental leave (maternity and paternity leave) that can be divided between a couple and offers free childcare.

7. Norway

In seventh place is Norway, whose Nordic culture is characterized by a strong sense of autonomy and freedom, as well as a high level of social trust.

8. Switzerland

Switzerland, which was once in the top three in the early 2010s and even took the top position in 2015, has witnessed a significant decline in its score in recent years. Despite achieving a respectable fourth place in 2023, the Alpine nation has suffered a setback, losing four positions and settling for eighth place in 2023.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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