What is World Rainforest Day? Why is it celebrated on June 22?

World Rainforest Day 2023: World Rainforest Day is a global celebration celebrated annually on June 22. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of tropical forests and promoting efforts to protect and conserve them. Tropical forests are incredibly biodiverse ecosystems that provide numerous ecological benefits, including regulating the climate, supporting a wide variety of plant and animal species, and providing essential resources.

What is the theme of World Rainforest Day 2023?

The theme of World Tropical Forest Day 2023 is “Conserve. Restore. Regenerate.” The theme highlights the importance of participation in the conservation and restoration of tropical forests to ensure their viability for future generations. It emphasizes the teamwork necessary to protect the continued and prosperous existence of tropical forests.

What is the history of World Rainforest Day?

Tropical forests are Earth’s oldest living ecosystems, or green canopies, with some surviving for at least 70 million years. It was founded in 2017 by the Rainforest Partnership, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving tropical forests and empowering local communities.

Later in 2021, the World Rainforest Day Summit was launched with the aim of bringing together people and organizations from all sectors, around the world, for dialogue and building communities with a shared purpose: promote actions and promote resilient forest protection.

World Rainforest Day celebrates the importance of healthy, standing tropical forests for climate, biodiversity, culture and livelihoods and calls for a global movement to protect and restore them.

Why is World Tropical Forest Day celebrated?

Celebrating World Rainforest Day provides an opportunity for people to learn about the threats facing tropical forests, such as deforestation, illegal logging, habitat destruction and climate change. It emphasizes the importance of collective efforts to preserve and restore these valuable ecosystems for the well-being of both local communities and the planet as a whole.

By raising awareness and promoting action, World Rainforest Day aims to ensure the long-term survival and health of tropical forests as they play a crucial role in maintaining global biodiversity, mitigating climate change and providing livelihoods for millions of people around the world.

How is World Tropical Forest Day celebrated?

On World Rainforest Day, individuals, organizations and communities come together to educate others about the value of rainforests and the urgent need to protect them. The day aims to inspire action and encourage sustainable practices that help conserve these vital habitats.

World Rainforest Day activities and initiatives often include tree planting campaigns, educational programs, community events, fundraising campaigns for rainforest conservation projects, and advocacy for policies that promote sustainable forestry practices and protect forested areas.

World Tropical Forest Day serves as a timely reminder of the critical need to safeguard and maintain tropical forests around the world. We can help protect these invaluable ecosystems and ensure a healthy planet for future generations by raising awareness, encouraging conservation initiatives and making sustainable decisions.

Important days and dates in June 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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