Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

The Most Haunted Doll in the World

As children, many of us had a favorite doll that we cherished and carried around with us everywhere we went. These dolls were often seen as adorable and innocent playmates that brought joy to our lives. However, not all dolls bring happiness to their owners. Some dolls are believed to bring bad luck and even be haunted by supernatural forces. It may seem hard to believe, but haunted dolls do exist and we have compiled a list of 10 of the most infamous ones. These dolls have gained a reputation for being the source of unexplained events, strange occurrences, and even physical harm to those who own them.

Haunted dolls are a topic of interest for many people, as they fascinate us with their mysterious and sometimes terrifying stories. Some people even collect these dolls, despite their reputations for being cursed or possessed. While the existence of haunted dolls cannot be proven, many believe that they have experienced paranormal activity or bad luck after coming into contact with them.

The stories behind haunted dolls vary, from tales of vengeful spirits inhabiting the doll’s body to stories of cursed objects that bring misfortune to anyone who possesses them. Some dolls are said to move on their own, cry, or even speak in eerie voices. Others are believed to cause strange occurrences, such as objects moving or unexplained noises. Despite the popularity of haunted dolls in popular culture, such as in horror movies and ghost stories, skeptics argue that these dolls are simply the result of imagination and superstition. However, those who believe in the paranormal maintain that haunted dolls are real and should be treated with caution.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023

We have provided you with the top 10 scariest dolls in the world 2023:





Joliet  – The Haunted & Cursed Doll

Joliet’s family


Mercy – The Haunted Dolls

The spirit of a 7-year-old girl


Mandy – Most Haunted Doll

British Columbia, Canada


Amanda – The Scariest Haunted Doll

Gained notoriety online


Peggy The Haunted Doll

Jayne Harris


The Blindfolded Doll

The side of a road in Singapore


Caroline – Most Haunted Dolls

An antique shop in Massachusetts


Annabelle – The Most Haunted Doll

Occult museum, Monroe, Connecticut


Amelia – The most haunted doll

The king of Italy


Elmo The Creepiest Doll

Bowman family 

1. Joliet  – The Haunted & Cursed Doll

The story of Joliet’s family curse is a haunting tale that has been passed down from generation to generation. According to the legend, the curse affected every woman in the family, with each one giving birth to a girl and a boy. Unfortunately, on the third day after the birth of the boys, they would suddenly die.

Family members claim to have heard the doll crying, leading them to believe that the spirits of the departed boys reside within it. The idea of a doll holding the spirits of the dead is a common theme in many horror stories and movies, and it certainly adds to the eerie nature of this tale.

While it’s difficult to say whether or not these stories are true, it’s best for individuals to keep their distance from any haunted dolls or objects. Belief in the paranormal is a personal matter, but it’s always wise to err on the side of caution when it comes to the unknown. The story of Joliet’s family curse serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of cursed or haunted objects, and reminds us to be careful about the things we bring into our homes and lives.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

2. Mercy – The Haunted Dolls

According to legend, Mercy is a haunted doll that is said to be possessed by the spirit of a 7-year-old girl. Many people who have owned Mercy claim to have witnessed strange occurrences, such as the doll standing upright on its own, or being found in a different location from where it was placed.

In addition to the doll’s seemingly supernatural movements, some owners have reported strange occurrences with their electronics while Mercy was present. For example, television or radio stations would suddenly change without explanation.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of haunted dolls, stories like that of Mercy continue to intrigue and terrify people around the world. Many believe that objects can become imbued with spiritual energy or that spirits can attach themselves to inanimate objects. Whether or not you believe in the paranormal, it’s clear that Mercy has captured the imagination of those who hear her story.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

3. Mandy – Most Haunted Doll

Mandy is a porcelain doll that has gained a reputation as one of the most haunted dolls in history. She was created in 1910 and eventually ended up in a museum in British Columbia, Canada after being donated by her previous owner.

According to the previous owner, Mandy had a habit of crying at night in her home, leading to an unsettling and eerie experience for those present. However, after the doll was donated to the museum, the crying ceased in the owner’s home.

Despite now being housed in a museum, Mandy has continued to attract attention for her alleged supernatural activity. Museum staff and visitors have reported hearing footsteps in the hallways when no one is around, leading some to believe that the spirit of the doll may still be present.

It’s unclear what, if any, truth lies behind these reports, but they have certainly contributed to the widespread fascination with haunted dolls. The idea of an inanimate object being imbued with supernatural energy or housing a ghostly presence has captivated people’s imaginations for centuries, and stories like Mandy’s only serve to add to the intrigue.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

4. Amanda – The Scariest Haunted Doll

The origin of Amanda, a haunted doll that has gained notoriety online, is unknown. However, her legend began when she was sold on eBay many years ago. Since then, she has reportedly been sold over 10 times and has not stayed in one place for long periods.

According to her current owner, Amanda is known to scratch at her glass case, seemingly trying to free herself from confinement. Many of her previous owners have claimed that she brings bad luck, with some even attributing unfortunate events in their lives to her presence.

In addition to these claims, there have been reports of Amanda moving from one place to another on her own. While it’s unclear what may be causing these movements, they have added to the doll’s already eerie reputation. The idea of haunted dolls is a common theme in horror stories and movies, and dolls like Amanda have captured the imaginations of people around the world. Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, there is no denying the fascination and intrigue that surrounds these allegedly possessed objects.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

5. Peggy The Haunted Doll

Peggy is a well-known haunted doll that is said to have a peculiar influence on people, even those who have never been in close proximity to her. After videos and pictures of the doll were shared on the internet, about 80 people claimed to have experienced physical and emotional distress. They reported headaches, anxiety, and even seeing disturbing images of mental asylums. Perhaps even more disturbingly, there are reports of a woman suffering a heart attack after viewing some of the online videos featuring Peggy. The incident has been attributed to the doll’s supposed supernatural power, although it’s unclear what exactly caused the woman’s medical emergency.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support the idea of haunted dolls, stories like that of Peggy continue to captivate and terrify people around the world. Some believe that objects can become infused with spiritual energy or that spirits can attach themselves to inanimate objects, leading to strange and unexplainable phenomena. Whether or not these claims are true, it’s clear that the idea of haunted dolls has become a popular and enduring part of our collective imagination.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

6. The Blindfolded Doll

There is a mysterious doll found on the side of a road in Singapore that remains nameless, but its reputation as a haunted object is well-known. According to legend, the doll has a blindfold over its eyes, which was apparently placed there by its owner in an attempt to keep it from finding them again.

Despite being an inanimate object, the doll is said to move on its own, swaying its head from side to side and even speaking in a woman’s voice. Its strange behavior has sparked a great deal of curiosity and fear among those who have encountered it.

There are also reports that removing the blindfold would have severe consequences, with some claiming that the doll would begin to follow whoever removed it. It’s unclear what might happen to someone who becomes the object of the doll’s attention, but it’s clear that the legend of this haunted doll has captured the imagination of many people.

The idea of haunted dolls is a popular theme in horror stories, and the legend of the unnamed doll in Singapore adds to the already long list of terrifying tales. Whether or not these stories are true, there is no denying the fascination and intrigue that surrounds these supposedly possessed objects.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want


7. Caroline – Most Haunted Dolls

Caroline is a unique porcelain doll that is rumored to be haunted by not one, but three ghosts. The doll can be found in an antique shop in Massachusetts, where it has gained a reputation as a paranormal object of great interest to ghost hunters and enthusiasts alike.

According to legend, Caroline’s three ghosts are said to be vying for control of the doll, each attempting to assert their influence over its movements and behavior. Despite the apparent conflict between these spirits, however, Caroline is not believed to be evil or malevolent in any way.

In fact, some people claim that holding Caroline close can result in a whispered message from the spirits inside, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding this haunted doll. Visitors to the antique shop where the doll is located often report a strong sense of energy emanating from the object, with some even claiming to have seen it move or change position on its own.

As with many haunted dolls, it’s difficult to say how much of Caroline’s legend is based in reality and how much is simply the product of a vivid imagination. Nevertheless, the story of this porcelain doll with three ghosts vying for control is a fascinating one that continues to captivate and intrigue people from all over the world.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

8. Annabelle – The Most Haunted Doll

The Annabelle doll is one of the most well-known haunted dolls in popular culture, having appeared in movies like The Conjuring and Annabelle. While many people are familiar with this creepy doll, there are some facts about it that might surprise you.

For starters, the doll that was used in the movies is actually a much scarier-looking version of the real Annabelle doll. In reality, the original doll is a simple raggedy Ann doll that looks innocent enough. However, despite its unassuming appearance, paranormal experts have warned people to stay away from the doll and not even to look into its eyes.

According to legend, the Annabelle doll is possessed by a malevolent spirit, which can cause all sorts of eerie and terrifying phenomena to occur. Some people claim that the doll has the ability to move on its own, while others report strange sounds or ghostly apparitions when the doll is around.

While it’s difficult to say how much of the Annabelle story is true and how much is simply the result of overactive imaginations, there’s no denying that the doll has captured the public’s fascination with the paranormal. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, the story of the haunted Annabelle doll is sure to send a chill down your spine.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

9. Amelia – The most haunted doll

Amelia is an ancient doll that was created in the 1800s, making it one of the oldest dolls in existence. It has a rich history, and it is believed that the king of Italy once owned this doll, which adds to its appeal and popularity. However, despite its antique origins, the doll has a dark side. It is believed that over the years, the doll may have attracted something evil, as it is often heard crying for its mother. The strange thing is that the doll’s voice box has been broken for a long time, yet people still claim to hear the doll’s cries. It is said that the spirit of a young girl may be trapped inside the doll, and she is trying to communicate with the living. Despite its age and history, Amelia is not a doll to be taken lightly.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want

10. Elmo The Creepiest Doll

The Elmo doll has been a popular toy among children for a long time, but one particular incident involving the Bowman family’s Elmo doll caused them to be terrified of it. Initially, the family was happy to find the Elmo doll for their 2-year-old son, as it was programmed to recite the name of its owner along with other fun additions. However, things took a dark turn when the mother heard the doll say “kill James” while the child was playing with it. At first, she dismissed it as her imagination, but the same thing happened again a few days later. Then, to their horror, the Elmo doll suddenly started singing “kill James” all on its own.

The family immediately contacted the manufacturer, Fisher Price, for an explanation. After no solution was found, the family returned the doll and received a refund. The incident left the family shaken and unsure of what to make of the Elmo doll’s eerie behavior. While it’s uncertain what caused the doll to say those chilling words, it certainly made the Bowman family wary of similar toys in the future.

Top 10 Scariest Dolls in the World 2023 You Really Dont Want


Scariest Doll in the World

The world is full of scary stories about haunted dolls, and there are many dolls out there that have become famous for their terrifying reputation. Some of the scariest dolls in the world include Annabelle, Robert the Doll, Peggy, and Mandy. These dolls are not just toys; they are said to be possessed by evil spirits or haunted by ghosts. Annabelle is perhaps one of the most well-known and terrifying dolls. The real Annabelle doll is a raggedy Ann doll that is believed to be possessed by a demonic entity. It is said that the doll is responsible for a number of strange and terrifying occurrences, including physical attacks on people who come into contact with it.

Peggy is another haunted doll that has gained notoriety in recent years. It is said that Peggy can cause physical harm to those who come into contact with her, and many people have reported feeling ill or experiencing strange phenomena after being near her. Mandy is a porcelain doll that has been the subject of many paranormal investigations. The doll is said to have been found in an abandoned house and is believed to be possessed by the spirit of a young girl who died in the house. Many people have reported feeling a strange presence around the doll, and some have even reported seeing the doll move on its own. These are just a few examples of the many haunted dolls that are said to exist in the world. While many people dismiss these stories as superstition, others believe that these dolls are truly possessed by malevolent spirits, and should be avoided at all costs.

What is the Most Haunted Doll in the World?

There are several haunted dolls that are claimed to be the most haunted in the world, and it ultimately depends on personal beliefs and experiences. However, one of the most well-known and controversial haunted dolls is Annabelle.

Annabelle is a Raggedy Ann doll that was first introduced in the 1970s. It was initially owned by two roommates who claimed that the doll moved on its own and even left them handwritten notes. They eventually sought the help of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who believed that the doll was possessed by a demon. The Warrens took the doll with them and kept it in their Occult Museum, where it is still on display today.

The story of Annabelle gained even more notoriety when it was featured in the movie “The Conjuring” and later in its own spinoff movie “Annabelle.” However, it’s important to note that the doll depicted in the movies is a fictionalized version and looks very different from the actual Raggedy Ann doll that the Warrens possessed. Regardless of its appearance, many people believe that Annabelle is still a very haunted doll and that it should be approached with caution.

Most Haunted Doll in the World

The “Most Haunted Doll in the World” is a 112-year-old antique doll named “Robert,” which is said to be possessed by a malevolent spirit. The doll is about 40 inches tall and is dressed in a sailor suit. It was originally owned by a boy named Robert Eugene Otto in the early 1900s, who reportedly claimed that the doll was alive and had supernatural powers. According to legend, the doll was gifted to Otto by a disgruntled servant who practiced voodoo, and since then it has been associated with a series of strange and terrifying events. Today, Robert is housed in the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida, and is said to still possess its supernatural powers, with many visitors and staff reporting eerie experiences in its presence.

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